Wired.com: Super Mario Galaxy was also the first time where we saw a story in a Mario game that was more than just window dressing, that was a really interesting narrative. Are we going to see more of that?
Miyamoto: I’ve talked to (Galaxy director Yoshiaki) Koizumi about that a lot, but this time I’d like to go with as little story as possible. I’ve always felt that the Mario games themselves aren’t particularly suited to having a very heavy story, whereas the Zelda series is something that lends itself more naturally to that idea. We’ve differentiated a little bit between those two, because the Zelda games have had an in-depth story whereas the Mario games have not. Mr. Koizumi is the type of person who, whenever we’re working on a new Mario game, he always wants to bring more story elements into it, as he did with Super Mario Galaxy. But in talking with him this time, he agrees and feels that with Galaxy 2, there won’t be a need for as deep of a story.
I think you did see a person carved out of a tree stump in the trailer. That person has a bit of a story.
Wired.com: When I talked to Mr. Koizumi, he said that he would try to sneak in story elements without you knowing.
Miyamoto: Well, I put a stop to that at the beginning, this time (laughs).
Wired: Why did you decide to show that image from Zelda at a Q&A session, instead of the press conference?
Miyamoto: There are a couple of reasons. One is that personally I think the videogame industry has adopted a bit of a bad habit in this idea of announcing games long before they’re ever going to release. I don’t necessarily think it’s the most healthy of habits. In terms of the media briefing itself, for us that’s a place where we’re going to talk about our business for the coming year and the products that we’re going to release over the next 12 months or so. To that end, looking at how many products we have here at the show, we felt that it was important to focus on those products, important to focus on the Metroid announcement, and that the announcement of a Zelda game was not as high of a priority. It’s a particular challenge for me, and the way that I develop games, because we tend to not release games before they’re done, and that makes it hard to announce things very far in advance.
The other reason, relating to Zelda in particular, is that the development of Zelda has been focused strictly on the gameplay structure at this point. We haven’t devoted much in the way of efforts to things like graphical representation, and story, and those types of production elements. Because of that, we thought it was just more valuable to continue have the team focus their energies on creating what will be a very entertaining gameplay system, rather than have them waste their energies creating a trailer to announce a game at E3 very far in advance.
Wired.com: You’ve mentioned that you’re not sure if the game’s going to be MotionPlus or not MotionPlus — why not make it exclusive? Doesn’t it handicap you if you have to make two different control schemes?
Miyamoto: Of course, we don’t yet know how things are going to go. We’re doing our best with what we’ve created with Wii Sports Resort. We feel confident that it’s a strong product and that it will help to really drive the install base of Wii Motion Plus. Hopefully with something like Wii Sports Resort, people will feel like they want to have two Wii MotionPlus units in the house to be able to play that game. But the goal at this point is that we would make Wii MotionPlus required in order to play Zelda.
原帖由 pxopam 于 2009-6-15 11:30 发表
想喷宫本茂 ...
原帖由 cafes 于 2009-6-15 20:45 发表
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