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标题: 【cod4】老兵摩天轮那里过不去了,求无敌CHEAT CODE [打印本页]

作者: TG下限    时间: 2009-6-29 20:33     标题: 【cod4】老兵摩天轮那里过不去了,求无敌CHEAT CODE

作者: TG下限    时间: 2009-6-29 20:39

作者: 超越神的牛肉人    时间: 2009-6-29 20:40

Call of Duty 4 Demo & Full Game Cheats
Cheat Codes (DEMO VERSION)
Enable the console from the game's in-game options.
Hit the tilde key (~) to drop the dev-console.
Type seta thereisacow "1337" and then press ENTER.
Type spdevmap bog_a and then press ENTER.
This will start the demo with cheats enabled.
When playing, drop down the dev-console and enter
the following codes and hit ENTER to activate or toggle them.

Same as above but after you load up the spdevmap bog_a exit out and load the level you are currently at, or a new game.

You can not select "resume" and have the cheats function you can however select the map/act you want to start at with the cheats enabled.

Code Effect
give all Access All Weapons
cg_LaserForceOn 1 Add Laser Sights to ALL Weapons
jump_height # Adjust Gravity Default = 39
timescale # Adjust Time Default = 1.00
sf_use_ignoreammo 1 Allows you to shoot without reloading.
r_fullbright Easier to see things
notarget Enemies Ignore You
give ammo Full Ammo
god God Mode
demigod God mode but screen still shakes
kill Kill player
noclip No Clipping Mode
take all Removes all your guns and health
take ammo Removes your ammo
cg_drawGun Removes Your Gun
ufo Same as noclip?
player_sprintSpeedScale Set player's sprint speed
cg_laserlight 1 To draw the light emitted from the laser
cg_fov Zoom with any Gun
作者: TG下限    时间: 2009-6-29 20:43

作者: 量产QUBELEY    时间: 2009-6-29 20:49

作者: jzhl    时间: 2009-6-29 20:49

作者: 恶鬼夜行    时间: 2009-6-30 06:36

作者: sweetie    时间: 2009-6-30 10:42

作者: 姐姐们的小七    时间: 2009-7-3 10:42

作者: terrylet7    时间: 2009-7-6 21:54

我是困难但不是老兵难度这么过的,把开始直升机空降的兵搞定后,就往出兵口的另一边跑,躲在树的背后,这是出兵口出兵是往你的左边跑的,爬在树后用狙击打,等救援机到了往回跑,先把敌人快速狙掉,然后抱起米兰到救援机,速度要快点, 貌似等抱上米兰后就不容易死了,我是一直挨枪把他抱上去的~

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