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标题: 8-22 pes2010消息汇总,大量高清demo屏射更新 [打印本页]

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-5 19:57     标题: 8-22 pes2010消息汇总,大量高清demo屏射更新

人物面部 09 VS. 10



PES 2010 众多新元素:

* Champions League will be playable online

* New tatics system called tatics slider focusing on player support | support range | compactnes | defensive line | pressing attacking style | defensive strategy. The slider works on a 0-100 scale.
全新战术系统 - 战术滑动条,变化范围在 0 - 100 之间,

关于新战术系统的具体图文介绍请看WEYX之前的报道Konami展台演示PES2010 预告片,分析新战术系统

* New card system replacing the old player ability stars

* Team mates will flood the box if Beckham for eg is about to cross the ball as opposed to a player with less skills in crossing.

* Defenders can be zoned individually or instructed to push on

* BAL created players can be added to master league

* Player comparisons (between 2009 and 2010) are very impressive players shown Torres | Gerrard | Alonso | Messi | Eto'o | Xavi | Iniesta
PES09和2010 球员之间的对比将更加令人印象深刻,如托雷斯,杰拉德,阿隆索,梅西,埃托奥,哈维,伊涅斯塔

* There shall be no Konami ID used for 2010
2010中将不再要求 Konami ID

* The online system used in Pro Evo 6 will be used and enhanced they have finally dropped 2008 | 2009's online system

* No visible loading times

* Loop headers are in

* Ability to auto-select team members by condition | ability and balance

* More balanced refs which also use the advantage rule

* AI no longer makes automatic tackling | shooting decisions

* More focused commentary

* Lots of extra player specific goal celebration

* Revised penalty system which offers more control

* Much better goalkeepers

* No more Konami ID. its now hosted on Sony's servers (on the PS3 version of course)
不再需要 Konami ID,PS3的主机服务器是Sony


* Al no longer makes automatic tackling/shooting decisions

* Players no longer freeze after freekicks

* No 'simple' settings menu in tactics. Your key changes are made with sliders


* Man Utd and Liverpool are the licensed teams from the Premiership again this year. Anfield is also in the game!

* Full Spanish, French, Italian and........ GERMAN leagues!
完整西甲,法甲,意甲 和 德甲5大联赛!

* The full team rosters are to be confirmed (ie the other leagues section: Rangers, Celtic, Spartak Moscow etc...)

* Another snippet people might like to know is that when EA's contract expires with the Premierleague, they might decide to share the licence with Konami. This is by no way confirmed, just a possibility.

[ 本帖最后由 syu 于 2009-8-22 15:08 编辑 ]
作者: LILIT    时间: 2009-7-5 20:00

作者: se7en    时间: 2009-7-5 20:19

[posted by wap, platform: Android (T-Mobile G1)]

作者: 阿鬼    时间: 2009-7-5 21:13

作者: rb    时间: 2009-7-5 21:39

作者: 读取中    时间: 2009-7-5 21:54

作者: fenny    时间: 2009-7-5 22:12

作者: Grosso    时间: 2009-7-5 22:41

作者: molehe    时间: 2009-7-5 22:49

作者: joowoo    时间: 2009-7-6 10:23

画面就那样了 ,关键是系统要做好~~
作者: mapledot    时间: 2009-7-6 10:32

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-6 11:15

作者: summercool    时间: 2009-7-6 12:10

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-6 12:49

* New tatics system called tatics slider focusing on player support | support range | compactnes | defensive line | pressing attacking style | defensive strategy. The slider works on a 0-100 scale.
全新战术系统 - 战术滑动条,变化范围在 0 - 100 之间,

关于新战术系统的具体图文介绍请看WEYX之前的报道Konami展台演示PES2010 预告片,分析新战术系统

* New card system replacing the old player ability stars

Team mates will flood the box if Beckham for eg is about to cross the ball as opposed to a player with less skills in crossing.


The online system used in Pro Evo 6 will be used and enhanced they have finally dropped 2008 | 2009's online system


[ 本帖最后由 狂风007 于 2009-7-6 12:50 编辑 ]
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-6 12:53

他们都说pes6联机效果很好。08 09反而差了。所以要用回pes6的联网方式
作者: callus    时间: 2009-7-6 12:58

作者: se7en    时间: 2009-7-6 13:02

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-6 13:11



作者: 德德97    时间: 2009-7-6 13:13

原帖由 syu 于 2009-7-6 12:53 发表
他们都说pes6联机效果很好。08 09反而差了。所以要用回pes6的联网方式
作者: 心御剑    时间: 2009-7-6 13:53

作者: ps2boy    时间: 2009-7-6 15:39

作者: 胜利11人    时间: 2009-7-7 10:36

作者: yoshiki628    时间: 2009-7-7 11:08

伊涅斯塔感觉好多了 09完全是个弱智样
作者: f91_82    时间: 2009-7-7 12:19

作者: zhujiajun    时间: 2009-7-7 12:49

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-7 17:43




★特殊能力卡牌系统:上一次我们介绍过的“球星具备独有的能力”,现在终于有了更明确的消息,在2010中,新的“卡牌系统”将会取代球队的“星星特技系统”,除了增加更多的球员特技之外,“能够开关特技”是其中最大的变化,根据我们目前看到的一些新的特技卡牌名称,我们能够得到的推论就是,玩家可以通过“开关特技”来实现对某一个球员的战术控制,比方说有“EXTRA ATTACKER”特技卡牌的后卫球员,会积极投入进攻,如果你把这个特技卡牌关掉,也就相当于教练在指挥席上大喊“你给我在后卫线上老老实实待着!”

EXTRA ATTACKER:让后卫球员积极投入进攻。
DEEP COVER:让后卫纵深掩护,位置更靠后。
OVERLAPPING RUN:俗称“套边”的边路战术,有这个能力的后卫线球员会积极与边锋球员配合,实现边路传中,就像巴萨的阿尔维斯那样。
ALL OUT ATTACK:有这个能力的球员只要开始带球,全队都往前压。
INCISIVE RUN:内切。有这个能力的球员会主动从边路内切,就像梅西那样。
MAZING RUN:差不多就是带球特技的意思,有这个能力的球员带球疾进的速度会非常厉害。
CUT BACK PASS:准确切入禁区的能力,比如亨利。
GOAL POACHER:带球突破对手的后卫线。
PINPOINT PASS:准确的传球能力,包括长传和短传。
BOX TO BOX:禁区到禁区,比赛不停,奔跑不息的工兵型球员,比如马斯切拉诺。
FREE ROAMING:类型于杰拉德那样的中前场自由人。
FOX IN THE BOX:能够抓住战机的禁区内射手型球员,比如范尼。
DUMMY RUNNER:利用自己的奔跑拉开防线为同伴创造机会,比如艾托奥。

PLAYER SUPPORT:核心球员拿球之后,其他球员会按照核心球员的特点来跑位。
SUPPORT RANGE:调整持球队员与接应队员之间的距离。
POSITION SWITCH FREQUENCY:球员之间换位的频率,频率过高的代价有可能是阵形被打乱。
ATTACKING STYLE:在中路进攻、攻守平衡、边路进攻中进行切换。
DEFENSIVE LINE:调整后卫线的站位,是老老实实待在后场还是放手一搏全部投入进攻?
DEFENSIVE STRATEGY:在平行站位和设清道夫之间进行切换。

★在线模式将采用《PES6》的内核,用PS2玩过《PES6》网战的玩家都会知道《PES6》有迄今为止这个系列最稳定的网战模式。另外,烦人的KONAMI ID在这作中也不需要了。
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-7 17:57

这个月最新一期的英国著名游戏杂志 PSM 3 对金秋10月即将到来的 Konami 旗下足球游戏《实况足球2010(PES2010)》进行了详细的独家报道。


  * 全新战术系统 - 战术滑动条,变化范围在 0 - 100 之间,


  关于新战术系统的具体图文介绍请看WEYX之前的报道Konami展台演示PES2010 预告片,分析新战术系统

  * 全新卡片系统取代现时旧有的球员星星特技系统

  * 球员的主要能力会根据你放置球员的不同位置发生变化,例如,贝纳永作为AMF的能力是78,作为 CMF 时就变为63,作为DMF时就只有 47

  * 队友AI跑位更加智能:如贝克汉姆欲要传穿越球时队友将会形成洪水般迅速的区域跑位,而不是以前的单个低能力球员在做穿越跑位

  * 防守方可以个别形成区域防守或者按照指示向前防守

  * 没有明显的游戏读取时间

  * 采用循环首标

  * 可以根据球队球员状态/能力/平衡三种情况来自动选取主力球员

  * 合理使用得益条例,裁判将更加合理平衡


  * 更加集中的评论解说

  * 改进后的新点球系统,将提供更加多的内容给玩家控制

  * 更好的守门员

  * 游戏节奏有所变慢,不像fifa09如此慢



  * 更多人性化的菜单设置,例如你选择了双人模式,游戏会自动设置选择好1p 2p,而不会像pes09一样需要玩家去手动选择2p手柄


  * 全新的光影效果系统,包括光晕、自阴影、环境光效等,使球员外表与夜间比赛效果更加逼真绚丽

  * 全3D观众,不再是伪3D纸片

  * 通过对比 PES09 和 2010 球员的样子,举例以下球员将令你印象深刻,如托雷斯,杰拉德,阿隆索,梅西,埃托奥,哈维,伊涅斯塔

  * 球员的进球庆祝动作更加多样化

  * 停球、胸部挡球、快速转身的方式更符合逻辑更接近现实

  * 编辑模式中球员的球衣可选择 摺起/松开 状态




  * online线上对战增加欧冠模式

  * PES6中的线上对战模式将重新被采用,并且在2008,2009模式的基础上得到增强,对战将更加流畅


  * 2010中将不再要求 Konami ID

  * 不再需要 Konami ID,PS3的主机服务器是Sony


  * 绿荫传奇模式创建的球员将可在ML大师联赛中作为自建球员注册


  * 绿荫传奇模式中加入欧冠与欧洲联赛(前联盟杯)模式,线上对战增加欧冠模式

  * 大师联赛模式中包括欧冠与欧洲联赛(前联盟杯)

  * 绿荫传奇模式赛季结束后将有更多奖项

  * 转会窗口在整个赛季自始至终都打开



  * 已取得曼联和利物浦俱乐部的英超全授权,安菲尔德球场也将在其中!

  * 完整西甲,法甲,意甲 和 德甲以及上一点提到的英超 5大联赛!

  * 已取得所有欧洲联赛(前联盟杯)球队的全授权

  * 全部俱乐部的名单已经确定,如流浪者,凯尔特人,莫斯科斯巴达等其他其他联赛的球队

  * 不少实况fans会关注EA的那份英超独占授权的合同将在什么时候到期呢?到时他们是否会愿意与konami一起共享英超授权呢?



  * AI将不再进行自动的铲球和射门

  * 任意球之后球员不再固定不动

  * 菜单中战术不再简单的设置,将由全新的战术滑动条控制
作者: liuyi19830404    时间: 2009-7-7 21:12

换了隐形的话 还可以期待
作者: Ophelia    时间: 2009-7-7 21:21

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-10 10:50

作者: edwang    时间: 2009-7-10 13:10

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-11 14:14

- The journalist can’t stop playing, always asking for “one last game, one last game.” Would play until his fingers bled!
- Defender can do bicycle kick in defense
- New move, in french “aile de pigeon” (click here for pic)
- New chest control with orientation
- Ball physics = simply perfection !
- Photo- realistic faces (the journalist thought the Messi and Torres pics were photoshoped… only to see its like that in-game)
- With all managerial settings you can be Mourinho, cards systems etc..
What will be done in the last 40% of development?
- New visual filter not added yet, for more realism of shadows, lights, colors etc.. but it’s already great
- New commentators (for French) official chants, better public reactions, balls impact
- A lot of new animations and better transitions and stars personal moves.
- New AI for goalkeeper, position, reflex for referee too.
- Tactics on freekick
- PK system not yet finish on the 60% version, better analogic control and effect on the ball

- A lot of Japanese professional footballer do motion-captures too, not only Messi
- Complete mo-caps sessions 1 time each week in Japan studio
- Some Japanese players try to same moves like big stars and when isn’t perfect the designer make it better.
- Animations is one of big priority for PES2010
- Satoshi Suzuki is project leader for animations

作者: 我家奂奂    时间: 2009-7-11 15:34

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-11 15:49

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-12 21:41

PSM3's PES 2010 Hands-On: Uncut
11-Jul-2009 Warning: for die-hard fans only. Hardcore details, data and impressions ahead + new screens
7 CommentsSlower. More painstaking. Less goals. That's how PES 2010 hopes to steal the critical high ground from EA's FIFA 10. Sounds unlikely? It'll make sense when you read our exclusive PES 2010 hands-on, plus exclusive development team interview, in PSM3#116 on-sale now for £4.99 at all good newsagents - but we've been holding some juicy information back. Until now...

There's ten pages of revealing Pro Evo 2010 hands-on insight in the mag, but we still had to cut out some interesting, if niche, new details; including player stats, menu options and data, that - as gently obsessive fans - make us oddly excited. Click to read more...

PSM3#116 with an exclusive PES 2010 hands-on is on-sale at all good newsagents for �4.99 now.
The following are offcuts from our notebook that didn't make the magazine, partly because they're a little too hardcore for less committed Pro Evo players, partly because we ran out of space. Here goes...

PES 2010 Menu Options
The code we played was a controlled, two-team, demo, with only Exhibition matches active, but the main menu currently contains the following blanked out options:

UEFA Champions League
Master League
Become A Legend
System Settings

The menu screens are - we must stress - placeholder, but the main menu options are currently arranged in a circle (a bit like the outline of a ball, as recall it). The overall visual style resembles a match ticket, or match day programme - relaying a real 'fan' feel.


Currently, there's no licensed music, but lots of generic menu tunes in classic PES style, from genres such as House, Techno, New Rave and Indie. One track was literally labelled New-Rave, Tech Funk.

When we asked Konami Japan how the music would change, they simply replied 'There will be more variety'.

Edit Player Position - bias arrows

When you edit a player's position, we couldn't find the traditional eight way arrows (where you can highlight two of eight directions as the player's preferred areas of movement). Perhaps this has been removed so the tactical sliders (see the magazine) are more powerful. They were pretty obscure/confusing for the mass market, so that might be another reason for their removal. This is only our speculation, mind you, so don't be shocked if the arrows return - we just couldn't find them in the current code.

Player stats are position-specific

PES 2010 features an accurately rendered version of Liverpool's home stadium Anfield. Note the new 3D crowds.
All players have a 'top line' stat, just like FIFA, so, say, Gerrard has an overall score of 96, Torres 80, Agger 74 etc. Don't worry - the traditional stats for individual attributes like short pass acc, dribbling, balance etc are still visible, but the 'top line' stat makes it easier for newcomers to judge their best players.

When you move a player into an unfamiliar position, their stats will be adjusted accordingly. e.g. Benayoun is 78 AMF, 63 CMF and 47 DMF - which makes sense, since this smaller, skillful player would be better deployed 'in the hole' up front, and not as a holding player in deep midfield. Utility players like Gerrard suffer much less when moved out of their prefered position, making squad utility players even more important to cover for key injuries.

Man Marking
When you set a player to man mark the opposition, you can compare their top line stats and - handily - height, so you don't put a tiny defender up against a huge forward by mistake. You can also toggle between Loose/Tight marking.

Match menus
As it stands, and this may change, the in-game Pause menu has the same options as PES 2009. It's the same at half-time, too, with familiar Match Details and Highlights options.

Player celebrations
There are more player-specific goal celebrations, the most memorable we saw being Torres' thumb sucking motion.

Streamlined VS matches
When you go into a game and choose VS. Player (i.e. two-player), you no longer need to move the pads either side of the screen like in PES 2009 - the game assumes you want a two-player match and goes straight to the 'Kick Off' menu. Don't worry - you can still manually adjust the pads for two-player co-op matches in the Pause menu. It's simply a more intuitive way to enter a quick two-player VS match.

There's a VS.Com option for going straight into Human vs CPU games.

PES 2010's new pack star, Fernando Torres, demonstrates the incredible new in-game likenesses.
There's a Custom option for multi-player matches, with two or more human players.

The Exhibition menu

Has six options:

Team Select
Kick Off!
Game Plan (i.e. where you adjust tactics, players etc)

Condition Arrows
Are the same as ever. Five arrows, from Excellent (Red), to Normal (Green) and Terrible (a dull purple/grey colour).

The Game Plan menu

It's the equivalent of the old formations/tactics menu, with the following options:

Match Start
Assist Setting
Change Player
Set Formation
Setplay Settings
Data Management

We'll go through the new menus, and changes, one by one:

Assist Setting

Contains simple sliders where you can adjust broad brush issues, such as

Change Player (0, 1, 2, 3) - which allows you to automatically choose your formation based on Ability/Balanced/Condition, or None (0). It's like the old auto-select feature, but easier to understand. The option to 'Balance' your team is new, and the computer will pick the best team allowing for player ability *and* condition e.g. it might still pick Gerrard, even if he's on a slightly downward sloping condition arrow, since he is still a key player, but would not pick a less important player, like Kuyt, if his condition was poor - as it says, it's all about balance.

Change Formation (0, 1, 2, 3) - Set your team to play broadly Centre Attack, Side Attack or None.

Auto-form change (On/Off)

Change Game Plan (0, 1, 2, 3) - None (0), Normal type (1), Balanced (2) or (3) Special type. This affects the way you change tactics 'on the fly' in-game, but we didn't experiment with it. You can still assign mid-match strategy changes to L2 and combinations of square, circle etc etc

Auto Tactics (0, 1, 2, 3)

Change Player

Players are colour coded...
Brown - GK
Blue - Defence
Green - Midfield
Red - Attack

You can see a player's preferred foot via an on-screen outline of their feet, plus there's a little visual representation of their height - a generic body outline next to a 'ruler' e.g. 188cm

Players have an overall 'top line' rating to reflect their ability, just like FIFA - which makes it easier when comparing players head-to-head. Don't worry - the normal individual stats still exist, but the 'top line' score is just a quick visual indicator.

Here are some example scores from the Liverpool team in early PES 2010 code:

Reina 73
Hypia 81
Agger 74
Skrtel 71
Carragher 71
Gerrard 96
Alonso 78
Kuyt 77
Riera 81
Benayoun 78
Torres 80
Mascherano 88
N'Gog 59

It's worth noting that this 'top line' score changes if you play someone out of position, for example Hypia's score of 81 plummets if you play him as CF.

How is the 'top line' score worked out?
There's no official word from Japan, but we'll perform an experiment by taking Gerrard's individual stats, and taking an average.

Steven Gerrard

Attack 87
Defence 70
Body Balance 88
Stamina 87
Top Speed 84
Acceleration 78
Response 82
Agility 77
Dribble Accuracy 80
Dribble Speed 83
Header 75
Short Pass Accuracy 88
Jump 72
Short Pass Speed 98
Technique 82
Long Pass Accuracy 95
Long Pass Speed 97
Shot Accuracy 81
Shot Power 96
Shot Technique 83
FK Accuracy 82
Swerve 75

If you add these up, and divide by the number of attributes 1840/22 = 83.6

So since Gerrard's actual score is 96, this number can't be a pure average, but must take into account other stats that aren't measured as 1-100. e.g. Aggression, Mentality, Team Work, Condition, Weak Foot Accuracy, Weak Foot Frequency etc

More importantly, the 'top line' score must take into account a player's unique abilities, previously know as ability stars, but now known as the 'Ability Card' system.

Gerrard's 'cards' are:

Quick Turn
Long Ranger
Free Roaming
1-touch play
Outside Curve

Which must push his 'top line' score from 84 to 96 - we're not sure how this is worked out (this is just an experiment), but it demonstrates that player ability cards play a key role.

Benayoun's Ability Cards:

Outside Curve
Long Throw
Scoop Kick


Goal Poacher
1-on-1 finisher
Outside Curve


Mazing Run
Incisive Run
Scoop Kick
Outside Curve

Henry (not a full list, but he has the interesting new cards below):

Cut Back Pass
Edge Turn

Eto'o: (ditto: not a complete list, but some of the interesting ones include)

Dummy Run
Chasing Back

Iniesta: (ditto)
Super Sub
All Out Attack

(For more details on ability cards, see PSM3#116)

Set Formation

This menu contains the options:
Edit Position
Change Formation
Mark Settings

There's a host of default formations, as usual, including 4312, 4213, 442, 4411, 451, 4123 etc

CARD - this option allows you to toggle card abilities on/off. Once again, see PSM3#116 for a detailed explanation.

The effect of each card is demonstrated by the player's movement (represented by moving dots) on the overhead tactics pitch view above the lower menu. For example, you can see the Torres' dot move to break the defensive line when you activate the Goal Poacher dot.


There's a lot more on this in PSM3#116, with detailed analysis of the tactics sliders, so we'll focus on what we had to leave out.


You can still manually assign 'on the fly' tactics changes to the shoulder/face buttons e.g. press L2 and circle to perform a counter attack/pressure/CB Overlap/Offside Trap etc, depending on what buttons you assign.

Setplay Settings

The options are the same as usual, but they're listed in a long vertical list to make it easier to see who's assigned to what duty.

Camera Types

From what we've seen, they're the same as ever, and we played in classic 'Wide' view.

Exhaustive. You bet. We're at least gently obsessed with Pro Evo 2010. To read our early hands-on verdict, don't miss PSM3#116, on-sale now.

To buy PSM3#116 online for the same price as the shops - but with delivery included to your front door, visit the Gamesradar online shop here

Have a great weekend


p.s We'll try to do a live Twitter Q&A about PES 2010 next week, so leave your questions below as a head start.
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-13 15:14

作者: ps2boy    时间: 2009-7-13 15:15

作者: ollizhang    时间: 2009-7-13 18:22

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-14 11:12

[[flash=500,400][/flash] ... nie-de-seabass.html


大家好,实况足球的球迷们,我是aki saito。
konami digital entertainement把几乎所有部门搬到roppongi tokyo midtown已经有两年时间了。






seabass:你好,nagai san。
















tanaka:我们在“formation”选项下增加了“plan de jeu”这个新选项,再往下一点,还有“style de l‘equipe”这一项。我们在内部还有另一个临时
个“soutien au joueur”,看这里,当我们降低这个“soutien au joueur”,整个球队将更趋于防守,全部球员将更趋于后场的防守。当滑动触头调高时



们将看到这些卡片,“P”指的是“plat style”,就是运动特性,这个卡片是“突破能力”,就是从边路内切的能力,像真的梅西一样,将这个卡片设置










[ 本帖最后由 syu 于 2009-7-15 13:30 编辑 ]
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-14 11:22


[ 本帖最后由 syu 于 2009-7-14 11:47 编辑 ]
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-14 15:21

PSM3在微型博客twitter上试玩问答活动的综合报道!You might of missed it, but PSM3 just completed their twitter Q&A on PES 2010. If you missed it don’t fret, as after the jump we have all their answers just for you! Enjoy.

1 - No loading screens? Unlike PES 2009, there’s no visible ‘stalling’ screen between the tactics menu and kick off.

2 - We’ve heard Konami reps rumour playing as one man, or similar, like FIFA as the game ‘loads’, but this wasn’t in code we played.

3 - Goal keepers? They definitely spill the ball less, so less jammy rebound goals. BUT they are capable of insane reaction stops.

4 - Demo date? No idea, sorry. Almost definitely post-Cologne (which is August 19th), but PES 2009 (demo) date was 2nd October.

5 - Bundesliga? Konami told us it would be in PES 2010, but we haven’t seen it, and it’s not been confirmed by Konami Japan. More soon.

6 - Are player names IN BLOCK CAPITALS? Er, we didn’t notice. And we DON’T CARE.

7 - Are volleys different? Not played enough to tell, but chest control takes longer for less skilled players.

8 - Has running changed? Noticeable difference from walking to running in terms of response depending on player ability. As a result, a lot of your best work is done at walking pace using quick passes and subtle feints - it took us hours to adjust.

9 - Tactics sliders? Make a clear, visible difference to team attitude, off-the-ball support and AI pressing. Impressive, all told.

10 - Commentary? Sounded same as PES 2009 to us, since it’s not been updated yet. No need to worry yet.

11 - …passes were pressure-dependent, and player dependent.

12 - Can you change tactics sliders on the fly? Not in the code we played, but this may still be work in progress.

13 - …definitely harder to score, and much harder to find space w/o being closed down.

14 - 3D crowd? Yes. But there’s a a lot of identical looking men, sat in oddly symmetrical patterns - but it’s definitely better

15 - (asked about 2 vs 2 online) PES 2010 uses ‘an enhanced version’ of the PES6 system, claim Konami Japan. Our hope? Yes

16 - A tiny bit, but new mo-cap animations are being implemented as we speak. Judgement: withheld.

17 - PES 2010 not 360 dribbling, but twisting/feinting at walking pace very responsive.

18 - Online lobby hosting? It’s not confirmed, but we were told Sony will host, i.e. like most other PS3 games

19 - Konami must be confident about online, since they were talking about a ‘closed’ pre-release code trial. They can’t mess it up again.

20 - Top line stats ‘wrong’? See our recent blog for more. It could be that condition affects the ‘top line’ stat, too - Konami to confirm.

21 - Why turn player cards off? Since it may clash with your tactics sliders – but we need to play more to test their finer impact.

22 - New penalty system? Like the old one, but less digital, so shot directions need to be ‘held’ more precisely.

23 - Don’t know officially - in terms of initial mo-cap tests - but there was the Barca/Messi event on the official PES 2010 blog.

24 - Should you worry about PES 2010? No. 50% code suggests more refinement/consolidation than revolution, but there’s LOADS left to show.

25 - Long-range ’screamer’ shots back for PES 2010

26 - Chants being reworked, with bespoke importing options said to be improved.

27 - We played in rain on super early code, and it made the screen very dark and grey - it must be placeholder.

28 - (asked if Old Trafford is in) Man U should be licenced, and Anfield is in PES 2010, so we hope: yes.

29 - Post free-kick freezing has gone. Good.

Thats all they had time for, but promised to answer more questions in the future!
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-15 11:58

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-15 12:06


作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-15 12:11

25 - Long-range ’screamer’ shots back for PES 2010


作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-15 13:10

作者: 实况浪子    时间: 2009-7-15 13:48

作者: 饽饽菜    时间: 2009-7-15 13:50

原帖由 se7en 于 2009-7-5 20:19 发表
[posted by wap, platform: Android (T-Mobile G1)]

是啊  哎,这问题太
作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-15 14:11



作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-15 14:34


[ 本帖最后由 syu 于 2009-7-15 16:43 编辑 ]
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-15 17:32

The PES 2010 playtest was a very nervous experience, and something I couldn’t begin to describe or attempt to put into words. A series that’s given so much pleasure over a decade has done the opposite in recent years, and more than ever this year is the year it can simply not fail to deliver.

The instant we arrived at the offices our eyes were fixated on the number of screens around the playtest venue, already in full use by the PESGaming and PESFan crew. At first, in all honesty, my heart sank a little. I saw similar animations and a similar look to last year, coated in a very pretty exterior. I turned back to Suff, who was still meeting and greeting, and gazed over worryingly at him. My whole persona must have alerted a few of the Konami employees, as they ushered us quickly onto a test unit to sample the game.
The moment we started playing my frown became a smile, from a mixture of realisation about the gameplay, and (to my amazement) Suff’s sheer enjoyment at how the game was unfolding. Slowly the disappointment of seeing a similar looking game started to fade away, as the gameplay of PES 2010 took over.
Looks like PES 2009 at a glance, but well and truly isn't

Before the event me and Suff sat down and spoke of realistic expectations of what we were about to see. Using his wisdom thanks to his experience with FIFA 10, he expected it to be more of a proof of concept rather than something we could judge off the bat. After playing EA’s title in April, then a month later in Vancouver, he explained how the difference in development time was so substantial that initial impressions in the first playtest counted for very little – with improvements and inclusions significantly improving ones experience. What was important then, was to assess the platform Konami had created for PES 2010, and to evaluate if the vision going forward was going to be a significant step in taking the series back to the glory days.
When talking about what we wanted to see, the pace of the game came up almost instantly. Some might say that PES 2009 itself wasn’t itself set at an arcade pace, but many aspects around it were. Dribbling and the ease of getting into goal scoring opportunities were big stumbling blocks for most, and conflicted with what many thought the series was built around. Secondly, as a lot of you might have guessed, was teamvision. A word that sends a shiver down Suff’s spine when he hears it, and something he was hoping to see very little of at the event. The AI was abysmal last year, and (something that was synonymous with PES 2009) became excruciatingly annoying after prolonged playing time.
Finally, our thoughts shifted to the general movement of the game, and how it played out a match. Was the rigidness gone? Has the passing been sorted? Are the tricks still on the d-pad/analogue stick? Animations certainly came into our thoughts, although Suff assured me that he would be shocked if they were there in their full glory at this early stage.
I’m more than happy to say then, that all the things we were intrigued about were just as we hoped; massively improved over last year with plenty of time to improve further.
Up close, PES 2010 looks absolutely incredible - even at this early stage

Before we explain just how it has, lets get some information on the code we were playing. Let there be no doubt, this was an extremely early version of PES 2010; the earliest Konami had ever shown the game publicly. We were told the game was around 50% complete, with the option to only play with either Liverpool and Barcelona. There was no other game mode apart from exhibition, with Anfield being the stadium of choice. So as you would expect, Suff was over the moon! The menu’s were nothing more than place holders to serve a purpose, as it was a few screens before you got straight into a match. Just to emphasize how early this game was, we were sampling it through the source code! That’s actual PC’s running the game, with PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers attached to it.
The beauty of PES 2010 came almost instantly, after the initial disappointment. As soon as you start to play it felt more assured, more complete. PES 2009 had these awkward animations that interlinked the passing and shooting. These affected the game significantly, making the game feel stagnated and robotic. And while the animations weren’t complete in the build of PES 2010 we played, the way the basic and important ones were implemented and improved were significant. The extra frames also lent itself to how the pace of the game played out, in a similar vein to EA’s franchise. Like their game, the animations fed into how you played.
And I thought the faces in PES 2009 were good...

And like EA’s latest effort, FIFA 10, the action on the pitch is considerably slower, with a realistic feel I’ve not felt in a PES game for a while. The players seemed to build up to a sprint, rather than running full pelt from go. Controlling of the ball was also key, with players like Iniesta and Xavi having a lovely first touch when receiving a pass, while Yaya Toure struggled to kill the ball instantly when under pressure.
Player individuality has always been key in PES, and is the sole reason why, even in this slow considered pace, the player will be forced into playing to the strengths of the team rather than the strengths of the game. This single aspect separates the PES series from FIFA, and is more of a noticeable difference with both going for the same style of play this year.
I mentioned animations earlier, and while the majority of them weren’t in the build we played, the ones that were impressed a great deal. The previously mentioned first touch of skillful players was also visually appeasing, with players at all times trying to use their favoured foot when passing, controlling and shooting. If timed right you could control a ball perfectly to one side, evading oncoming players in very crowded areas.
Its not only when receiving the ball do you see something new, as the players distribute it just as variedly. Passing for instance has had something of a facelift from last year, with fresh new animations for when releasing the ball under pressure – similar to the urgency system in FIFA. Players will stretch and strain to release a pass before being tackled, adding a great deal of realism. The same can be said for shooting, which was as satisfying as ever. Like the passing, it really has been given a facelift, with there being many more ways of striking the ball. This helped the game distance itself further from last years robotic and rigid feel. There was a situation when, playing as Barca, Henry received the ball wide left and cut in towards goal. Pressing shoot, I was greeted with him shifting his body to the side to try and strike it with his right foot. As he opened up his body he convincingly stroked the ball into the far the far corner with the inside of his right foot – leaving both me and Suff stunned in amazement. Then there was Messi, who looked complete in his movements, right down to mannerisms off the ball. A lot of that player representation was down to the drop dead gorgeous visuals, which has raised the bar when it comes to graphics in a football game.
The new chest control animation was in, and looked lovely

Konami talked long and hard about how certain aspects of the game were early and far from finished, but at the same time proudly conversed with us regarding the visual fidelity. At this early stage, the game is looking incredibly good, with things like faces, player models, stadiums, grass etc better than I’ve ever seen it. The test always comes when in wide cam, and its difficult to judge it right now without the animations implemented fully. FIFA 09/10’s charm comes when the impact of playing the match stays the same when in wide cam, and this is predominantly down to how it moves. With promises coming from the guys at the event regarding major inclusions on animations and individual traits, I guess its too early to judge or comment on them conclusively. Luckily we will only have to have to wait a few weeks from now to see if it indeed has been improved as promised.
What’s left then to discuss is the game as a whole, and the dreaded teamvision. Thankfully the AI has been improved so much that we never found ourself fighting with it. The helping elements, like tackling, passing, shooting for you have been totally removed, or at least weren’t there when we played. This perhaps was one of the key reasons why Suff was won over, himself saying he’s not enjoyed PES this much since the PS2 days.
Anfield looked lovely, Suff was ecstatic to see it in the game

The AI also helped teams play as their real life counterparts, with no misunderstanding about how a team plays in real life converting into the game. When going through the new team formation options, you have a slider bar that lets you affect the mentality of the team like how much they attack or defend. For example, Barca’s attacking mentality is 80/100, while Liverpool’s is 20. Defensive figures flip other way, as you would expect. Convert this into the game and it plays out how you would expect. Liverpool’s game is all about constraining the opposing teams attacking elements, with the quality of Gerrard and Torres ever present going forward.
The first match me and Suff played was goalless, and was a cagey affair, with myself having the possession but never really threatening. It was only until Suff changed his attacking mentality to 80 did I manage to create more space and punish a team that wasn’t used to playing an attacking way. Again, this is another realistic situation, as the players Liverpool have aren’t as technically gifted as the Barca player’s to play a certain way.
Great improvement, Alonso more so

To finish up, lets talk about little improvements around the game that will please many people. Konami have managed to fix a lot of small details even at this early stage that used to infuriate the more demanding fans. Things like goalkeeper gloves being officially licensed, no more sand bags behind the goals, and the look and feel of the stadium was key - adding another layer of atmosphere that PES 2009 never had. Then there’s the welcome news for many that tricks are no longer mapped onto the d-pad/left analogue stick, going back to the combination of holding R2 and a direction. We then have a new penalty system, which was always going to be the case after the Wii version had a new way of taking/saving them. At first glance it seems very close to FIFA, where you can literally aim anywhere in the goal, with the amount you hold down the power and direction affecting your success. Goalkeepers can also be moved too before a kick has been taken. The ability to untuck shirts in edit mode will again bring a smile to the faces of people who have missed this option since the PS2 versions. All in a way trivial to the game as whole, but the little things count for a lot when trying to create the complete package.
All in all then, the playtest event was more of a statement of intent than anything, with the build being quite literally barebones and the base for all upcoming improvements. With that in mind the upcoming playtest in a few weeks will be vital. Suff played FIFA 10 at the Emirates in April, then played the game again in May in Vancouver – the difference obvious and substantial. We’re hoping for the same with PES. The good news is, even at this early stage, its miles ahead of PES 2009, with FIFA in its sights.
The battle of the cover stars continues
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-15 21:57


作者: terrylet7    时间: 2009-7-15 22:56

up~  为we2010 网战入ps3的顶下~  :D
作者: Poison    时间: 2009-7-16 01:28

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-16 09:59



2010引入了一种名为“TOP LINE”的数值(怎么翻译还没想好,谁给出个好主意?),这个数值不同于SHOOT、JUMP那些数值,而是作为一个衡量该名球员在球队阵容中所起到的重要性而存在的,单从这个数值玩家就能够看出该名球员是否适合他目前的位置(或球队),比如精神领袖杰拉德之于利物浦,他的TOP LINE值达到了96,托雷斯的值为80,梅西之于巴萨的TOP LINE值为82,而中场发动机哈维达到了92,亨利则只有66……首先我们可以肯定一点,这个值是可以变化的,例如利物浦的贝纳永,让他司职前腰、中前卫和后腰就会有3个不同的数值。然后,决定这个值的绝不仅仅只是球员能力值的平均数,至少你还应当把他所持有的“特技卡牌”算上,至少在Konami官方出来解释这个值的意义之前,我们只能这么来理解。
那么,有个问题:TOP LINE的数值变化是如何反映到游戏中去的?暂时我们还没有准确的答案,但我们相信这个值是一种类似于“加权百分比”的存在,就好像球员的状态好坏会影响他几个主要数值的波动一样,TOP LINE数值的变化应该也同样起到了这个作用,至少,你不能再拿一个数值看上去很不错的球员当万金油使了。

转自lv guoki博客
作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-16 12:32



作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-16 13:02

作者: mapledot    时间: 2009-7-16 15:18

作者: se7en    时间: 2009-7-16 15:23

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-16 16:27

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-16 17:15

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-16 17:33

作者: 实况浪子    时间: 2009-7-16 19:31

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-16 21:25


作者: tanakarena    时间: 2009-7-17 14:06

作者: takuyaqcc    时间: 2009-7-17 15:14

作者: 大鹏    时间: 2009-7-18 11:50

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-22 22:52

PES 2010 Master League Details Emerge!
The first details on PES 2010 Master League have been announced by Konami!
The press release details new features that are ready to be discussed, introducing expanded managerial elements, sponsorship (with real currency), and youth team elements. Hit the jump for all the info and new screens, NOW!

PES 2010: Master League Evolves

Konami reveals expanded managerial elements, including new fiscal, sponsorship, and youth team elements

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has outlined significant advances to the Master League section of its forthcoming PES 2010 title.
Master League has proven one of the key attributes to the PES series’ longevity, and PES 2010 will introduce a number of new elements that will contribute to the overall realism and lasting appeal of the new game.

On selecting the Master League option, players are now presented with a menu split into three areas: ‘Club House’, ‘Stadium Walk’, and ‘Office’. Each of these is an umbrella for different parts of a manager’s role, with ‘Club House’ used for tactical and match day options, ‘Stadium Walk’ for main game settings, and ‘Office’ for scouting and player acquisition dealings.

The in-game menus are now much simpler to navigate, and players can jump between the three areas with ease. The Club House element has also seen the creation of an all-new Youth Team section, which works alongside the first team squad. As the game progresses, the player can opt to invest in talented members of their youth team to fast-track their development. This burgeoning talent can then be introduced into the first team, as with so many real-life ‘academies.’

The Office area is where all transfer and financial dealings take place. Real currency is now used in PES 2010, and additional monetary routes are also available. Sponsorships can now be negotiated, with player securing big money deals with companies that can be used to invest in the team and youth set-up. Results on field affect the direct value of the club tio interested parties, and fan clubs are also used as a barometer of the club’s success.

The information released is extremely promising, and signifies Konami’s intentions of creating a more deeper and involved ML in PES 2010. It’s the first bit of info we have regarding the much loved mode, but certainly not the last. Expect more details and new features to be announced in the coming months!
We’ll be dissecting the pics and press release later today, so stay tuned for more insight!
作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-7-23 08:34

作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-23 14:11


Konami reveals expanded managerial elements, including new fiscal, sponsorship, and youth team elements

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has outlined significant advances to the Master League section of its forthcoming PES 2010 title.

Master League has proven one of the key attributes to the PES series' longevity, and PES 2010 will introduce a number of new elements that will contribute to the overall realism and lasting appeal of the new game.

On selecting the Master League option, players are now presented with a menu split into three areas: 'Club House', 'Stadium Walk', and 'Office'. Each of these is an umbrella for different parts of a manager's role, with 'Club House' used for tactical and match day options, 'Stadium Walk' for main game settings, and 'Office' for scouting and player acquisition dealings.

The in-game menus are now much simpler to navigate, and players can jump between the three areas with ease. The Club House element has also seen the creation of an all-new Youth Team section, which works alongside the first team squad. As the game progresses, the player can opt to invest in talented members of their youth team to fast-track their development. This burgeoning talent can then be introduced into the first team, as with so many real-life 'academies.'

The Office area is where all transfer and financial dealings take place. Real currency is now used in PES 2010, and additional monetary routes are also available. Sponsorships can now be negotiated, with player securing big money deals with companies that can be used to invest in the team and youth set-up. Results on field affect the direct value of the club to interested parties, and fan clubs are also used as a barometer of the club's success.

A big change of interface it looks like. Out goes the side panel navigation from the last few games for this 'dial' like system. At first glance it looks more organized but I guess how it functions will be the most important bit. Nice to see actual months and currency being used, they're only small things but welcome nonetheless.

The youth team is a great addition in my opinion. Hopefully it will help develop the younger players who aren't quite good enough to play for the first team when they join the squad. Having a quick look down the squad list from the screenshot you can see plenty of familiar names with ML legends Castolo and Minanda still in the game.

The strategy gauges bring new tactical elements to the game, and with these additional managerial elements, as well as more to come, Master League is shaping up to be a much deeper game mode.

Is this news what you were hoping for? Let us know.  感谢游侠WEYX小组提供和翻译。。。
作者: syu    时间: 2009-7-24 10:08

作者: 黑龙    时间: 2009-7-24 14:18

作者: 逆寒冰冷雨    时间: 2009-7-29 09:56

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-4 11:19

Hello PES fans,

I am Tatsuya Tanaka, a director in charge of all match-based gameplay and mode designs. I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss and expand on the newly-implemented team style slider and playstyle card.

In PES 2010, you can see the fusion of the individuals and teams. The slider to change team style is a useful tool to tailor your team as you like, and a wide number of strategies can be expanded by changing the value of eight sliders. You can use this feature to completely reproduce your favourite team or to create a brand-new team style you have not ever played before (such as tailor the team to make the best use of players you obtained in Master League).

For individual players, the Playstyle Cards are the key. Cards are used to reproduce characteristic player movement (playstyle): not to simply adjust parameters, but also to give the player an insight for the things which would happen next.

This is an aspect I am very confident in for PES 2010. Player characteristics cannot be perfectly reproduced just by parameter adjustments. Preparations are important to make a good finish. I am sure that you will be surprised when you see CPU player who has Cards! You will feel as if you are playing in a real-life match and will notice how dangerous the player is.

There is also big news about other Modes.

Master League has been totally renewed and UEFA's two big competitions are implemented in. I hope you all like this. Also, the ultimate goal of Master League is no longer to simply win the competition but also to make a glorious history of the team. In the past, there were many vague factors and fake elements, but we have changed such vague and fake elements to real ones. Consequently, Master League has attained more reality and greater longevity. Of course, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League make a great deal of difference, but there are also more elements contributing to the game.

Another 'secret' information... There are some surprises which we have implemented following your extremely helpful comments and opinions. With these, the new game will more than meet your expectations. The only downside is that our hours have got very long and I often use a taxi to go home at midnight!

Stay tuned for further updates!

Tatsuya Tanaka
作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-12 20:48
作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-8-12 21:03


作者: edwang    时间: 2009-8-12 21:34

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-17 20:37

作者: 实况浪子    时间: 2009-8-17 20:40

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-18 17:24

Konami have today released some very interesting new PES 2010 screenshots. These screenshots show off the new master league and online modes. The online stuff looks rather impressive but first lets look at the master league mode.

For years now PES fans around the world have been crying out for a restructuring of the master league mode and it looks like Konami have finally listened. Going by the screenshots it  looks like Konami have followed in the footsteps of the FIFA manager mode and then a step further too. First of all, the menus now have a more user friendly look which was something that was needed as the previous menus were a bit overwhelming and “daunting”. A couple of the shots also show that you will have scouts at your disposable who will help you find players that you need and give you information on potential targets, something which I believe is not possible in FIFA.

Online wise it looks like Konami have once again listened to what fans have been saying for a good few years now. Finally a PES game will have online tournaments/competitions, the most exciting being the inclusion of an online Champions League. The screenshots suggest that players will be able to create tournaments of their own too, one of the many possibilities being the creation of an online co-op tournament. Speaking of co-op we also noticed the words “add guest user” in a couple of the shots which would suggest that (like Gears of War) you will be able to take a friend online with you from the comfort of the same living room. All these online options sound great but one eternal question remains unanswered, will PES still be a laggy mess online? We have been told that a totally seperate development team is working on the online aspect of the game and judging by the new options unveiled today we actually think that is true, we just hope that shows in the online play too.

As well as releasing some new screenshots Konami have also announced that PES 2010 will feature a 360-degree control system as well as a host of other new features which include:

Manual Goalkeepers: PES 2010 will be the only football title to offer users complete control of the keeper. Players can switch to their goalkeeper at any time, and will enjoy total control of his actions.

New Goalkeeper Moves: Players can now perform quick under-arm throws to their nearest defender to get attacks rolling more quickly.

All-New Animation: Key animation related to dribbling, running, turning, etc, has been reworked and enhanced, creating a more natural and organic feel to the way players chase down balls, change direction and move around the pitch. The result is a more fluid and natural look to the game.

Fine-tuned Close Control: The PES Productions team has worked to improve trapping of the ball and basic close control elements, giving the user more ways to spread and move the ball around effortlessly.

Manual Ball Request: The ability to demand the ball when running into space is now available to the player, and will be accessible in all game modes.

Simpler Skills: Moves such as feints, drag backs and upper body feints can be applied more naturally when taking on or trying to beat an opponent. The PES series has long been associated with clever flicks and tricks, and PES 2010 will boast the most to date.
作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-18 17:25

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-18 17:29

作者: Viewtifuldai    时间: 2009-8-18 18:32

作者: koif    时间: 2009-8-18 19:02

作者: 非典型双子    时间: 2009-8-19 09:16

作者: 德德97    时间: 2009-8-19 21:07

PS3/Xbox 360/PC versions of the game will be released on October 22rd
PS3/Xbox 360/PC版本发布时间:2009年10月22日

PS2/PSP versions will get a November 5th release.

Wii instalment is set for a November 19th release.
作者: hhhiro    时间: 2009-8-20 20:04

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-8-20 20:59






Adidas Predator Swerve X-TRX SG White(阿迪的白猎鹰9代)
Adidas Predator Swerve X-TRX SG Black(阿迪的黑猎鹰9代)
F50 Tunit Blue(F50i,也就是梅西欧冠决赛穿的那双)
Adidas Adipure Black(Pure 2代黑色,卡卡脚上的)
Nike CTR360 Maestri FG Black/Red(Nike今年的新鞋)

Mecurial Vapor Superfly Orion Blue(运用了飞线技术的刺客5代)
T90 Laser Silver/Black/Red(T905)
Tiempo Legend FG White/ Blue(LEGEND 3代)
Puma V1.08 White/Blue(居然不是V1.10,看要要等更新了)
Puma V-konstruct III White/Blue(前代就有的鞋)
Umbro Speciali Black(恩宝,本作新增加的授权品牌)

授权球队:克罗地亚 捷克 英格兰 法国 德国 希腊 爱尔兰 意大利 荷兰 北爱尔兰 葡萄牙 苏格兰
西班牙 瑞典 土耳其
未授权球队:奥地利 比利时 波黑 保加利亚 丹麦  芬兰 匈牙利 以色列  黑山 挪威 波兰 罗马尼亚 俄罗斯  塞尔维亚 斯洛伐克 斯洛文尼亚 瑞士 乌克兰 威尔士
授权球队:科特迪瓦 加纳
未授权球队:安哥拉 喀麦隆 埃及 几内亚 马里 摩洛哥 尼日利亚 塞内加尔 南非 多哥 突尼斯
授权球队:阿根廷 巴西
未授权球队:加拿大 哥斯达黎加 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 特立尼达和多巴哥 美国 波利维亚 智利 哥伦比亚 厄瓜多尔 巴拉圭 秘鲁 乌拉圭 委内瑞拉
授权球队:澳大利亚 日本 韩国
未授权球队:巴林 中国 伊朗 伊拉克 科威特 北朝鲜 阿曼 卡塔尔 沙特 叙利亚 泰国 阿联酋 乌兹别克斯坦

授权球队有:安德莱赫特、布鲁日、标准列日、萨格勒布迪纳摩、布拉格斯拉维亚、布拉格斯巴达、布隆德比、哥本哈根、赫尔辛基HJK、雅典AEK、奥林匹亚科斯、帕纳辛纳科斯、萨洛尼卡(希腊)、维斯拉克拉科夫(波兰)、本菲卡、布拉加(葡萄牙)、波尔图、里斯本竞技、布加勒斯特星、克鲁日、莫斯科火车头、莫斯科斯巴达、圣彼德堡泽尼特、阿伯丁(苏格兰)、凯尔特人、哈兹(苏格兰)、格拉斯哥流浪者、贝尔格莱德红星、索尔纳、哥德堡IFK、哈马比(Hammarby Fotboll,瑞典)、卡尔马(Kalmar FF,瑞典)、巴塞尔、贝西克塔斯、费内巴切、加拉塔萨雷、希维斯堡(土耳其)、FK list Kharkiv(乌克兰)、基辅迪纳摩、博卡青年、河床、国际(巴西)。
未授权球队有:Marchidegna、Rosenborg、Huerpojauza C.F、FC Cerchizmajiu、Ugonalce、Alashergokh F.C.、F.C. Kolugavinsk、F.K. Ljemorac、PFC Ryagzhilograd、A.S. Punoichongaux、MFK Trnolevoce、Shakhtar Donetsk、PES United、WE United

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-21 09:44

from 完全实况

作者: 胜利11人    时间: 2009-8-21 10:07

作者: LILIT    时间: 2009-8-21 10:27

作者: 勇哥    时间: 2009-8-21 22:09

作者: Viewtifuldai    时间: 2009-8-21 23:43

看了视频 感觉节奏比2009变得更快了~!
作者: password    时间: 2009-8-22 00:05

这帖子关注了很久 ,基本上看不出来哪些是以前的内容,哪些是更新过的内容
作者: takuyaqcc    时间: 2009-8-22 10:20

作者: pigudada    时间: 2009-8-22 11:59

作者: syu    时间: 2009-8-22 15:08


from 完全实况

作者: syu    时间: 2009-9-17 15:01

作者: tkagon    时间: 2009-9-17 17:18

自从玩了FIFA10  WE出了第一时间入
作者: smilingjudy    时间: 2009-9-17 21:30



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