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标题: 软匪大百科:2009夏季更新小贴士及FAQ [打印本页]

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-12 12:30     标题: 软匪大百科:2009夏季更新小贴士及FAQ

1. Netflix对大家无意义,掠过
2. 西瓜键也没啥变得,不过浏览速度变快了,尤其是Quick Launch这个快速启动最近玩过游戏的选项终于能称之为quick了……
3. 成就界面变得越发合理了
4. 西瓜键往左成就那一列多了Award,不过屁都没有,不知道会不会有老游戏更新之后支持的
5. 每个游戏都加了用户评分,刺客信条这种大雷能得4颗半星,可见这个系统也是orz,不过对Indie Game倒是不错的指导,比如那个Miner Dug就是非常不错的游戏
6. 断线自动加回party
7. 根据官网消息,8月13日之后,xbox.com上会加入想以前一样直接在网页上像买DLC或者XBLA一样买Games on Demand,和人偶的收费道具

Q:黑卡可以买Games on Demand的完整游戏吗?

特别注意:进入记忆体管理界面,删除游戏的时候,不要看到一个游戏的目录有几个G大就直接按Y点删除了,这样会连你游戏的记录一起删除,而要进入那个目录,看到下方浅色字样为“installed xbox360 game”的文件,再删除那个

[ 本帖最后由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-8-12 13:15 编辑 ]
作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-12 12:31

2009 年 8 月 5 日更新
Xbox LIVE提供給玩家最讚的體驗之一就是越來越好的更新服務。2009 年 8 月 11 日即將進行的更新絕對讓人耳目一新,像是新功能將提供更棒的娛樂體驗,讓你以全新的方式展現自我,和朋友緊密保持聯繫。更新後,你將可以下載完整的Xbox 360®遊戲,而且不需要光碟即可玩遊戲!你可以購買付費道具和名牌配件來裝扮虛擬人偶。此更新可以讓玩家評比賣場中的遊戲內容,你可以為內容評分,並且看看大家覺得什麼最酷。我們要給你的當然還不只這些,以下是這次 Xbox LIVE 更新的全部內容介紹。

在家就可以舒舒服服的尋找和購買新遊戲,只要瀏覽 Xbox LIVE 就可以下載所有 Xbox 360 系列遊戲。

你已經是 Xbox LIVE 會員了嗎?來看看我們提供的新功能。
我們做了許多改良,讓你在使用 HDMI 連線時,可以用最好的解析度進行遊戲。

一如以往,我們總是要給你新的體驗。今年秋天,Xbox LIVE 也將推出以下新功能:
歡迎常常上 Xbox LIVE,獲得最好的遊戲體驗。Xbox LIVE是你尋找遊戲,看電影,以及呼朋引伴的好平台。除了以上提到的好處以外,還提供你遊戲試玩,讓你在購買前先體驗,另外還有預告片等。這些還不夠,我們還要提供你新歌曲、新冒險等遊戲新增內容,讓你最喜愛的遊戲變得更好玩。馬上上 Xbox LIVE 來看看。別猶豫,這些都是免費的。
作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-12 12:32

Updated August 11, 2009
One of the amazing thingsabout the Xbox LIVE experience is that it’s always getting better. Thelatest Xbox LIVE Update truly cranks it up a notch – with features thatimprove your entertainment experience and give you new ways to expressyour individuality and connect with friends. With this update, you candownload full Xbox 360® games and play them without a disc, and you andyour friends will be able to party watch movies online through Netflix!Dress up your avatar to impress with premium props and branded apparelfrom fashion labels. And this update allows every piece of game contenton Marketplace to be rated, so add your personal ratings and see whatothers think is cool. But that’s just the beginning. Check out all ofthe new features of the Xbox LIVE Update below.
Games on Demand
Enjoythe convenience of finding and buying new games right from the comfortof your own living room.  Download a wide selection of full Xbox 360games over Xbox LIVE. Games on Demand is now available for purchase onXbox LIVE as part of the latest Xbox LIVE Update. You will be able tobrowse and purchase games through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Webstarting August 13.

Avatarshave seen lots of love!  Check out the new Marketplace and AvatarProps. The Avatar Marketplace is now available on Xbox LIVE as part ofthe latest Xbox LIVE Update. You will be able to browse and purchaseAvatar apparel through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web starting August 13.

Now you can watch movies with your friends and find new movies to add to your Instant Queue without leaving your seat.

Everyone loves to Party!  Check out the new and improved party reconnections and streamlined party invites.
Account Management
Been an Xbox LIVE member for a while?  Check out some of the new features we've added just for you.
Account Recovery
Many changes have gone into the account recovery process to speed it up and to increase reliability.
Video Display Options
Variousimprovements have been made to make it easier for you to see your gamein the highest resolution possible when using an HDMI connection.
User Ratings
User ratings help you find content that other people think is awesome!

UI Improvements
Some parts of the dashboard have been slightly re-organized to make it easier to find the things you’re looking for.
Console Settings
We’ve reorganized the Console Settings menu with fewer, more intuitive categories.
New Experiences Coming
Andwe have new experiences coming all the time.  This fall, Xbox LIVE willsee the addition of the following new features as well:
Stayconnected to Xbox LIVE to ensure you are getting the best gaming andentertainment experience.  Xbox LIVE is where games, movies and friendsconnect.  Aside from all of the great additions mentioned above, you’llfind free game demos so you can try before you buy, and tons of freevideos, trailers and more.  Plus you’ll have access to Game Add-onslike new songs and adventures to extend the life of your favoritegames.  What’s more, thousands of downloadable HD movies and TVepisodes are available with the press of a button.  Connect to XboxLIVE today. It's free.
作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-12 12:33

以上是官方新闻稿,美版多出来的怕只有netflix相关内容了,貌似将来港版也没有last fm
作者: Aries类    时间: 2009-8-12 13:06

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-12 13:09

原帖由 Aries类 于 2009-8-12 13:06 发表
作者: Aries类    时间: 2009-8-12 14:09

作者: pigudada    时间: 2009-8-12 14:52

作者: panderman    时间: 2009-8-13 12:30

希望Games on Demand以后能应用到gamefly这些租碟的地方就省事了
作者: 天师教教徒乙    时间: 2009-8-13 13:42

原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-8-12 12:30 发表
特别注意:进入记忆体管理界面,删除游戏的时候,不要看到一个游戏的目录有几个G大就直接按Y点删除了,这样会连你游戏的记录一起删除,而要进入那个目录,看到下方浅色字样为“installed xbox360 game”的文件,再删除那个
作者: 爱你一棒陲    时间: 2009-8-13 14:47

作者: jolin999    时间: 2009-8-13 14:52

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2009-8-13 18:48

原帖由 jolin999 于 2009-8-13 14:52 发表

作者: pigudada    时间: 2009-8-13 18:52

到底人偶发黑了 怎么办? 对于没有LIVE的人来说
作者: 天师教教徒乙    时间: 2009-8-14 05:43

原帖由 jolin999 于 2009-8-13 14:52 发表

作者: sniperm82    时间: 2009-8-14 08:47


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