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标题: 【TGS 09】《战国BASARA3》主题曲演唱者决定,PS3版有网络合作模式(09-24) [打印本页]

作者: 黑龙    时间: 2009-9-24 12:20     标题: 【TGS 09】《战国BASARA3》主题曲演唱者决定,PS3版有网络合作模式(09-24)


TGS 2009: Capcom Announces Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes
Capcom kicks off the big show with brand new games.

by David Clayman

September 23, 2009 - Today at the Tokyo Game Show Capcom announced a couple of brand new titles that will be coming to North America next year. One of these titles is called Sengoku BASAR Samurai Heroes and is described as an action game that resembles the Devil May Cry Series. This makes sense considering it is being produced by Hiroyuki Kobayashi, who has worked on Devil May Cry for many years.

The game takes place in 16th century Japan when Samurai still waged war against huge armies. Capcom tells us that there will be unlockable characters and a strategic element that involves unlocking generals to control massive armies.

Sengoku BASARA will be available on PlayStation 3 and Wii with online co-op available only on Sony's console. This game will be on display at the show so we'll likely have more information on it coming to you in the near future.

作者: 黑龙    时间: 2009-9-24 12:21

作者: 相良宗介    时间: 2009-9-24 12:22

作者: LionHeart    时间: 2009-9-24 16:46

作者: camui    时间: 2009-9-24 17:52

[posted by wap, platform: Android (T-Mobile G1)]


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