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标题: ign最新Nintendo Voice Chat [打印本页]

作者: 阿西达卡    时间: 2009-9-24 13:12     标题: ign最新Nintendo Voice Chat

Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary
September 24th, 2009 Posted in DS, News, Wii, Written by Valay

Note: This summary is complete for the most part, but there may be some missing bits here and there. Also, I started the summary before the Wii price drop was announced, so keep that in mind when reading the summary!

Wii price drop

- Still hasn’t happened
- All signs pointing to it though
- A bunch of leaked ads from retailers
- Nintendo will be making an announcement soon
- Matt will be surprised if by this time tomorrow it isn’t official
- Nintendo has been saying they wouldn’t do a price drop
- Wii has seen dramatic decrease in sales
- Sony dropped the price of the PS3
- Nintendo probably feels it is time for the drop
- Need something exciting going into the holiday season, not just a game
- Not doing different system colors in US
- Even at $199 Nintendo will still be making a lot of money

Rumors about a new SKU

- MotionPlus and Wii Sports Resort
- Would be $250 still
- Craig hopes they do a throwback to the NES days and put both games on one disc
- It’s a drag to exchange Wii Sports/Resort discs

New Wii in 2011?

- Square Enix CEO convinced Wii 2 coming out in 2011
- Would fall more in line with PS3/360 tech
- Would also be going HD
- Nintendo missing out on a lot of SKUs because of the HD issue
- Nintendo technically a generation behind on horsepower currently
- In 2011 they’d again be a generation behind with the PS3/360 tech
- Craig thinks they’ll do a step up (like DS, DS Lite, then DSi)


- Like a Zelda game
- Making the game to attract the Japanese market
- Peer can see the game translating fine for NA/Europe
- Visuals rooted in Japanese culture
- Looks like Phantom Hourglass
- One of the puzzles involved pushing a crate
- Peer likes the look of it – looks polished
- Creators say Zelda is a masterpiece, are inspired by it

TMNT: Smash-Up

- Gave it a 7.0
- Fighting game
- Game Arts worked on Brawl
- Nothing really original about it
- 4 turtles are very similar – control similarly, subtle differences in jump
- Shredder very similar to Ganandorf
- Wall jumping/attacks
- Tag team – can switch between two characters
- Matt doesn’t think it does anything better than Smash
- Overall strategy is to widdle down the the power of an opponent
- Doesn’t celebrate the turtles like Smash Bros. celebrates Smash Bros.
- Slim character roster
- Solid game but doesn’t do anything unique
- Probably the best fighter for the turtles but again, doesn’t do anything new
- Cut-scenes aren’t so good


- Beat-em-up
- Good controls, fun for the most part, well produced
- Polished
- Craig says the name is terrible
- No load times
- Achievements, unlockables
- Jump in and out with two players
- Problem is that it’s a straightforward beat-em-up
- Feels kind of dated
- Matt was looking for some kind of hook to distinguish the game
- You’ll probably still like it if you’re a beat-em-up fan
- Gave it a score in the mid 7s
- Really nice visuals although Matt isn’t a huge fan of the art
- One of the hardest games Matt has played in the last 10 months
- Waggle isn’t a huge problem

Wii Fit Plus

- Matt has a copy
- It’s the Wii Fit replacement
- Game looks for previous data from the original and imports it
- 6 new exercise problems
- 15 new minigames
- Can start a workout program
- Tells you how many calories you burned
- Can weigh dogs and babies
- On the back of the box, it says “weigh your baby or family pet”
- Golf mode where you can swing a golf club

DSi region restriction

- Also is restricted for cartridges, not just DSiWare
- Not the developers choice
- It’s because of the different rating systems
- There’s a bullet point on the back of the box about it

And Yet it Moves

- Using Wiimote to tilt the world
- Scribbled man running through stylistic universe
- Levels can twist when you twist the Wiimote
- Resets with every twist
- Matt enjoyed it, he also played the Mac version

Max and the Magic Marker

- Demonstrates what can be done with the Wii
- Platformer
- Draw stuff in the universe
- Stuff you draw becomes physics based
- A lot of freedom
- Fun and intuitive

Reader questions

- Won’t be getting a Beetle Adventure Racing sequel anytime soon
- Probably more to New Super Mario Bros. Wii than we know so far, Peer would pick it up, Craig looking forward to it
- Send your DS back to Nintendo if your mic isn’t working
- Matt will continue to review some of the bigger games such as A Boy and His Blob
作者: AZOE    时间: 2009-9-24 14:10

作者: 影法师    时间: 2009-9-24 14:51

作者: 爱姿病    时间: 2009-9-24 14:57

nothing worth reading

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