两小时前苹果CEO Steve jobs在自己的twitter上发布了一条消息,确认iPad 2。消息如下: "ceoSteveJobs: This tweet sent from an iPad 2. Does it look cool?"没错,乔帮主说本条消息从iPad 2上发出。对于刚刚入手一代的用户,这应该是条噩耗啊。
Android or iPhone OS? With Boot Camp for iPad™ coming this fall, run your favorite applications natively.
6:35 PM May 30th via Twitter for iPhone 作者: 动感超人 时间: 2010-7-2 12:34
原帖由 Lucifer6E 于 2010-7-2 10:57 发表
Android or iPhone OS? With Boot Camp for iPad™ coming this fall, run your favorite applications natively.
6:35 PM May 30th via Twitter for iPhone