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标题: 岩田聪加官了, 成为美国任天堂的 CEO, 希望他加油啊 ~ [打印本页]

作者: netnight    时间: 2013-4-25 08:38     标题: 岩田聪加官了, 成为美国任天堂的 CEO, 希望他加油啊 ~

岩田聪现在是任天堂的全球总裁, 日本任天堂的 CEO (首席执行官, 又常称为行政总裁) , 新加上了美国任天堂的 CEO
Reggie (大猩猩) 保持原位 : 美国任天堂总裁 + COO (首席营运官, 又常称为营运长、营运总监)
老大一直是岩田聪吧, COO 要向CEO 汇报的

Amongst the sales numbers and fancy infographics, Nintendo’s recent board of directors meeting also resulted in a number of planned changes to the company’s management. Most notably, the current chairman and CEO of Nintendo of America, Tatsumi Kimishima will be promoted to General Manager of Corporate Analysis and Administration Division and General Manager of the General Affairs Division. With none of the other board members set to assume his former position, President Satoru Iwata will be taking over his roles and responsibilities.
This is all pending shareholder approval and we won’t know for sure until the company’s Annual General Meeting in June.


[ 本帖最后由 netnight 于 2013-4-25 11:24 编辑 ]
作者: 狮子歌歌    时间: 2013-4-25 10:45

一直头把交椅啊 1升1还是1
作者: shigeru    时间: 2013-4-25 11:16

posted by wap, platform: Android

作者: vice2015    时间: 2013-4-25 13:35

作者: krojb    时间: 2013-4-25 13:52


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