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标题: miiverse又有更新,网页版可发贴 [打印本页]

作者: 阿西达卡    时间: 2013-5-30 19:30     标题: miiverse又有更新,网页版可发贴

There has been an update to Miiverse today.
■ General changes
1) The wait time between posts has been reduced from 5 mins to 3 mins.
2) We've added a special symbol to mark announcement communities, such as the New SUPER MARIO BROS. U Developers' Room community.

■ Features added to the web version You can now:
1) Post (text only) and delete posts in communities.
2) Follow and unfollow other users via their profile.
3) Display the list of your friends, followers and users you are following in your profile.
4) Select User Menu -> Profile -> Profile Settings to adjust your profile settings.
5) Select User Menu -> Miiverse Settings to configure the following: - Who can comment on your posts - Display of automatic game posts in your activity feed
6) View any Miiverse post, even if you don't have a Nintendo Network ID or are not signed in. As long as you have the URL for a post, you can open it.

作者: ジム    时间: 2013-5-30 22:21

posted by wap, platform: XiaoMi (MI-ONE Plus)

作者: maidofhonor    时间: 2013-5-30 22:34

来个iOS APP给iPad吧,总觉得浏览器不太来福。

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