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标题: 今天去看第2遍环太平洋,这一幕太燃了! [打印本页]

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2013-8-5 20:22     标题: 今天去看第2遍环太平洋,这一幕太燃了!



作者: 忠肝义胆卡普空    时间: 2013-8-5 20:25

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2013-8-5 20:26

原帖由 忠肝义胆卡普空 于 2013-8-5 20:25 发表
作者: sigouqishi    时间: 2013-8-5 20:48

posted by wap, platform: BlackBerry (8900)

作者: ft1959541    时间: 2013-8-5 21:26

posted by wap, platform: SonyEricsson (Xperia NEO)

作者: 孙艺珍    时间: 2013-8-5 21:28

原帖由 sigouqishi 于 2013-8-5 20:48 发表
posted by wap, platform: BlackBerry (8900)

作者: luweiit    时间: 2013-8-5 21:36

posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2013-8-5 21:44

原帖由 孙艺珍 于 2013-8-5 21:28 发表

作者: nopaina    时间: 2013-8-5 21:48

原帖由 狂风007 于 2013-8-5 20:26 发表

英文出戏啊 据说原版是日语的 想想就嗲。。。
作者: Data-Lore    时间: 2013-8-5 21:56

posted by wap, platform: Firefox

“Yep, surprising. Kaiju are full of surprises,” Raleigh said. “Now how are we going to kill it? Both plasma cannons are shot. We’ve got no—”

“There’s still something left,” Mako said. “One of my upgrades.”

“One you didn’t tell me about?” Raleigh asked.

“You would have seen it if you’d looked,” she answered. She hit a switch on the motion rig’s command console and a glowing sword appeared.

“This is irony, right? Because Otachi is a kind of sword, isn’t it?” he said.

Mako ignored his joke. “Like I said, my father was a swordmaker.”

“Altitude coming up on fifty-thousand feet,” Tendo Choi said.

Mako flicked her wrist. Raleigh felt the motion and duplicated it.

From Gipsy Danger’s right gauntlet, a long whip made of serrated metal segments woven together with a high-tension cable spilled out into the stratosphere. Mako clenched her fist. Again, feeling and anticipating the motion, Raleigh did the same, even though he didn’t know what she was up to.

The whip stiffened and its links knit together and drew taught with a rattling clank that vibrated throughout the Jaeger. Otachi kept hacking away, and with her wounded arm Gipsy Danger kept parrying.

“What the hell is that?” Tendo Choi asked.

“Ask Mako,” Raleigh replied.

“Are you really going to—”

Tendo never got to finish his question. Mako pivoted on the command platform, and their perfect Drift drew Raleigh into the motion as well. He could feel the weight of the sword in his hand, balanced and deadly.

“Kamei no tame ni!” Mako cried out. For my family’s honor!

They let go of the kaiju, shoving away for a few meters of critical space.

The sword was so thin and moved so fast that all Raleigh saw was a line of reflected sunlight passing diagonally down through Otachi’s body. The kaiju’s wings curled, one of them coming loose and fluttering away. A long moment later, Otachi’s upper torso divided cleanly in two, the halves peeling apart and beginning their long tumble back to Earth.

Seven, Raleigh thought.

Two, Mako answered.

“What do you call that thing?” Raleigh asked. She shrugged. The words “Chain Sword” floated into Raleigh’s head. Plain but descriptive. Okay, he thought. Chain Sword.
作者: 井喷    时间: 2013-8-5 21:57

原帖由 nopaina 于 2013-8-5 21:48 发表

英文出戏啊 据说原版是日语的 想想就嗲。。。
作者: Data-Lore    时间: 2013-8-5 22:00

原帖由 井喷 于 2013-8-5 21:57 发表

it took him a second to realize that Mako was talking to Pentecost... and another second after that to register that she was speaking in Japanese.

“I imagined him differently,” she said.

They waited at the door of a cargo elevator. Distant pings and groans from its shaft mingled with the sounds of machinery and the shouted conversations of the work crews back out on the helipads.

Gotcha, Raleigh thought.

“Chigau no? Yoi ka warui ka?” he asked with a little wink. Different how? Better or worse?

Nobody did embarrassment like the Japanese. Mako blushed right to her hairline and bowed several times.

“My apologies, Mr. Becket,” she said in English, before switching back to Japanese. “Takusan no koto wo kikimashita,” she said. I’ve heard so much about you.
作者: 全娱乐制霸    时间: 2013-8-5 22:11     标题: 回复 6# 的帖子

作者: nopaina    时间: 2013-8-5 22:13

原帖由 井喷 于 2013-8-5 21:57 发表

+1 猜的挺准啊
原帖由 Data-Lore 于 2013-8-5 22:00 发表

it took him a second to realize that Mako was talking to Pentecost... and another second after that to register that she was speaking in Japanese.

“I imagined him differently,” she said.

T ...
1. Raleigh第一次与Mako见面,Mako以为他不会说日语,所以用日语跟Marshal吐槽,说这小子跟我想象中的不一样。(イメージと違う)。结果Raleigh用日语问他,hey!哪里不一样了?(違うって?)这里可以看出mako明显吃惊了,然后用日语回了Raleigh说对不起,因为听说过很多关于你的传闻,(所以有了先入为主的印象)。 (失礼しました、あなたの話をよく聞いたんものですから)
2. Mako想要作为Raleigh的co-pilot出战但是Marshal不准许,mako和他的争吵有一段是日语。联系后面的情况,mako应该是在情绪比较外露时或者觉得对话比较私人的时候才会说日语。mako对Raleigh说,她对marshal并不是盲目服从,而是出于尊敬,所以她应该不会在周围所有人都懂英语的情况下用英语和marshal争吵,顶撞他。这里用日语不管是情绪上还是情理上,我觉得都更合适。(因为枪版太卡这里无论如何缓冲不出来所以暂时没法听写台词,就……是日语的!)
3. 决定让mako上战场的时候,marshal用日语很郑重地对mako说请登机战斗。(機体を乗んで),英国翻译为Get ready,感觉火候差了很多,燃点也没了。
4. 在拔剑之前,两人以为已经没有可以使用的武器了,这时候mako用日语喊了一句我们还有武器!(また何がある!),机体才显示出有剑,在出剑的时候mako大喊了一声为了我的家人(私の家族のために),个人觉得这里还是日语比较燃。
5. Stacker和Chuck决定引爆核弹为Gipsy开路的时候,Stacker对mako说你依然可以通过drift感受到我,我一直会在你身边,这里戳爆了泪点,mako则最后一次用日语对他说“先生、愛してます。”所以marshal在引爆核弹之前眼神才会有那样的变化,告白的时间点我觉得卡的非常好。(给Raleigh小朋友妥妥地发了张卡233)这句话据说英语配音改成Sensei goodbye,而英国和北美地区压根就没翻译成英文字幕,把很重要的一条感情线就这么毁了,导致很多人回来说男女主的BG线怎样怎样,其实……是光源氏父嫁了呢。
6. 除此之外mako的对白都是英语,菊地凛子在日本演员里英语算是说的非常好的了吧。虽然还是带有口音,但是不难听懂,她用带着口音的英语非常认真地跟Raleigh说It’s not obey, it’s respect的时候我觉得非常可爱,有一种awkward的萌感。
Stacker Pentecost aka Marshal最早是日本战区的pilot,和他的搭档一起驾驶日本机Mark I Coyote Tango,但是从电影看来好像只有他一个人驾驶,驾驶舱在头部。Mako的家人在怪兽袭击中全部身亡,只有她一人幸存,所以她在拔剑的时候才会喊“为了我的家人”。Marshal救下mako以后并没有立刻收养她,而是在不上战场以后才决定收养她,按照官方设定两人年龄差18岁,其实也不是什么标准父女年龄差啦。这部电影里虽然mako是被美国人养大,但是有日本工作经历的marshal会说日语,比较私人的交流两人还是用日语进行,这点不知道为什么觉得很温馨。其实从日英的对比里能够很明显地看出文化差异以及情绪表达方式的不同,这部片子对我来说远比单纯的打怪兽有看头呀。

作者: Neoxronin    时间: 2013-8-5 22:13


作者: 北社狙击手    时间: 2013-8-5 22:18

作者: tiandi2k3    时间: 2013-8-5 23:59

作者: shinsuke    时间: 2013-8-6 12:49

国语版英语配音了 其余没配 毛子说话连字幕都没 完全不懂

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