很令人惊讶吗?这些数据都出自一位科学家的研究。他就是康奈尔大学食物与品牌实验室(Cornell University Food and Brand Lab)的主任布莱恩·万辛克(Brian Wansink)。他一直在探究各种环境因素究竟如何左右我们的进餐:比如看悲伤的电影会让你多吃28%-55%的东西[4],餐厅中柔和的灯光和萦绕在耳边的爵士乐却会让你吃得更少[5]。他深刻地理解到,“吃多少”这件事并不完全由吃的人说了算——进食的环境有着非凡的影响力,虽然我们之前很可能并没有意识到。
得益于对美食和工作的热爱,万辛克精力充沛,既是工作狂,又是大胃王。万辛克的第一本关于食物心理学的畅销书《瞎吃》(mindless eating)成了不少人关注饮食习惯的启蒙,而在他的新书《苗条源于设计》(Slim by design)出版之际,果壳网科学人特约万辛克曾经的研究助理龚雪(Summer Gong)对他进行了专访。
Wansink, Brian, and Jeffery Sobal. "Mindless eating the 200 daily food decisions we overlook." Environment and Behavior 39.1 (2007): 106-123.
Wansink, Brian, and Katherine Abowd Johnson. "The clean plate club: about 92% of self-served food is eaten." International Journal of Obesity (2014).
Wansink, Brian, and Pierre Chandon. "Can “low-fat” nutrition labels lead to obesity?" Journal of marketing research 43.4 (2006): 605-617.
Wansink, Brian, and Aner Tal. “Television Watching and Effects on Food Intake: Distress vs Eustress.” Forthcoming (2015)
Wansink, Brian, and Koert Van Ittersum. "Fast food restaurant lighting and music can reduce calorie intake and increase satisfaction 1, 2." Psychological reports 111.1 (2012): 228-232.
Wansink, Brian, and Collin R. Payne. "Counting bones: environmental cues that decrease food intake." Perceptual and motor skills 104.1 (2007): 273-276.
Wansink, Brian, James E. Painter, and Jill North. "Bottomless Bowls: Why Visual Cues of Portion Size May Influence Intake." Obesity research 13.1 (2005): 93-100.
Chandon, Pierre, and Brian Wansink. "The biasing health halos of fast‐food restaurant health claims: lower calorie estimates and higher side‐dish consumption intentions." Journal of Consumer Research 34.3 (2007): 301-314.