【美国JRs之声】美国球迷热议马克希尔全场追打CBA悍将!狂赞比斯利成熟好孩子 由 OPSP1203 发表在虎扑篮球·湿乎乎的话题 http://bbs.hupu.com/vote Jason Maxiell chases player who fouled him hard the length of the court; Michael Beasley has to step in to calm him down (youtube.com) 【马克希尔遭背后偷袭,全场追打冲他犯规的人,比斯利挺身而出平息野兽怒火】 [–]Pistonsbigdogblast 123 指標 10小時前 Maxiell is one intimidating guy, which is why you shouldn't take a cheap-shot at him. That dude was a straight up clown to hit Maxiell and then run. 马克希尔是那种特别瘆人的家伙,这就是为什么你不该冲他下黑手。那个家伙打了马克希尔就跑简直就是个小丑 [–]jasoncyke 127 指標 10小時前 Wow, elbow to the back of the head, this shit is illegal in Boxing and MMA, let alone basketball! 哇哦,冲着脑后肘击,这尼玛在MMA里也是非法的啊,更别提篮球里了。 [–]Bullsgaiyeam 243 指標 10小時前 If your going to act hard and elbow a guy in the back of the head dont run like a litte girl lol. 如果你要装得很强硬从背后肘击人家的头,那就别像个娘们儿一样逃跑啊,哈哈 [–]Pistonsjakecoates 31 指標 8小時前 Reminds me of the GOAT Rod Allen. 让我想起了史上第一人Rod Allen(棒球运动员,先后在美国和日本打球) [–][ORL]Elfrid PaytonhouseQM 73 指標 10小時前 Happened in the NFL this season. Kickers are funny. 这个赛季NFL也干了,踢球手太搞笑了 ------------------------------------------------ [–]Knicksstopfoulingjeff 59 指標 10小時前 he was close to connecting on that punch! glad Beasley was there to whisper sweet nothings and make him laugh 马克希尔差点就打中那拳了!很开心看到比斯利在那儿冲他细语说好话逗乐了马克希尔 [–]NBAgots2geo 23 指標 10小時前 [–]MagicDEANDRE_JORDAN_2_ORL 879 指標 9小時前 Maybe Beasley's entire life and career went the way it did for the sole reason of him being there to keep Jason Maxiell from killing that man. Maybe now that he's fulfilled his destiny, he's free to come back to America and destroy the NBA. Please come back Beasley. 也许比斯利的整个生命和生涯为的都是在那儿阻止马克希尔杀了那人,也许现在比斯利完成了他的使命,他随时可以回归美帝摧毁NBA,回来吧,比斯利! [–]Wizardsnwatkins2 134 指標 9小時前 I miss that man too. Shame he never fully panned out 我也想念比斯利了,遗憾的是他从来没有打出来 [–]Heathelptheunderdog 50 指標 9小時前 Riley look how much your boy has matured, bring him back home! 莱利,看看你的孩子现在变得多么成熟了,把他带回来吧! [–]HeatHeat3113 21 指標 8小時前 Pls Pat, I miss Beasley 热蜜:拜托了莱利,我想念比斯利 ------------------------------------------------ [–]Raptorsnemki 328 指標 11小時前 That was a cheap shot on Maxiell's head. I can see why he was frustrated. I am guessing that player didn't like the rebound battles with Maxiell. 这冲马克希尔头部的一击太卑劣了,我理解为什么他那么不爽。我猜那个中国球员只是不喜欢去和马克希尔争抢篮板吧 [–]RaptorsPostHipsterCool 15 指標 8小時前 Both Maxiell and Beasely could probably land NBA minimum contracts, right? They're just in China for a bigger payday, ya? 马克希尔和比斯利都可能在NBA混到一份底薪的吧,对吗?他们在天朝打球只是为了更高的薪水吧? [–][CHA]Michael Kidd-GilchristBizGilwalker 47 指標 8小時前 In terms of how they can contribute to an NBA team, Maxiell is D.O.N.E. His athleticism is mostly gone, he's only about 6'5-6'6, and he never built up the skills to compensate. He's really bad. 就他们对NBA球队能做的贡献来说,马克希尔已经彻底玩完了。他的运动能力基本都没了,也只有6尺5-6尺6的身高,也从来没练出来技术用来弥补不足。他真的很烂 ------------------------------------------------ [–]Supersonicskoticgood 66 指標 10小時前 Okay, I wasn't ready for the teammate at the end of the clip during the replay, he looks so disheartened and blase about trying to "stop" Maxiell. Burst out laughing when I saw it. 好吧,回放最后那个马克希尔的队友真是让我措手不及,他看着像是很丧气也根本也不想“阻拦”马克希尔,看得我都笑了。 [–]LakersILoveLamp9 18 指標 6小時前 Yeah, I noticed that too. He was like... "ohhh noooo pleeasee.. don't doooo it, please... ahhh fuck I really don't care at all" 我也注意到了,他的表情就像是。。“噢别别别,拜托,别这么干。。啊艹管我p事儿” [–]SupersonicsVoodoo-Man 53 指標 8小時前 I spent 3 years in China coaching and playing basketball (non professionally). The mentality on the basketball court over there is really different in a lot of ways, but one of the biggest ways (and the one that I had the most issue with) is that there's no stigma for throwing a cheap shot or playing dirty. 我在中国过了3年,从事执教和打篮球(非职业的)。天朝那儿篮球场上的心态和美帝在很多方面是非常不同的,但最大的不同(也是我最有意见的地方)就是他们对下黑手和打得脏没有耻辱感 2 examples: I was involved in a couple blow out games (where I was playing, not coaching) where fights broke out on the court with less than a couple minutes left. In one, we were up by 15-20 points and a blatant flop by an opposing player resulted in a pretty much all out brawl on the court where the Chinese players all just started swinging at anyone on my team (it's important to note that I was on an all foreigner team playing against an all Chinese team). In another game one of our players got undercut while driving for a layup and got laid out horizontally in mid air. He bounced up and sort of pushed the Chinese player that caused it (in the Chinese players defense I think he didn't know what he was doing. He was a big fat guy, a sub who was only playing because they were down by so much near the end of the game). Well after the shove that was quickly resolved by just pulling them apart and which clearly wasn't going to escalate, the COACH from the other team sprints out onto the court and tries to punch our player that got knocked down. His own players had to subdue him and coax him back to their bench. 举2个例子:我之前经历了一些打花了的比赛中都在比赛还剩几分钟结束时爆发了冲突(我当时是在打球,不是执教)。其中一次里,我们领先15-20分,对方球员有个明显的假摔导致了全场参与的冲突,中国球员就朝着我们队里见人就打(需要注意的是我所在的球队是外国球员vs中国球员) 在另外一场比赛里,我们队一个球员在突破上篮时被切球时在半空中被水平放倒,他起身后推搡了那个对他下手的中国球员(那个中国球员看起来根本没意识到自己干了啥,他是个一身肥膘的家伙,因为他们队被打花了落后太多才换上来的饮水机球员)。在那一推之后,本来把双方很快拉开就没事了,冲突也不会激化。但对方的教练全速冲了进来,冲着我们队那个被放倒的球员就开始挥拳。他们队的球员费好大劲才把那教练劝住拦回了替补席。 Anyway, my point with all of this is that attitude and approach to the game on the court is different over there. One of the contrasts I found most stark was that in certain situations there's no sort of moral code or idea of right and wrong on the court, i.e. what happens on the court can be directly correlated to what is called 'losing face' Everything that happens while playing basketball is personal. In the U.S., I feel like if you sucker elbowed someone in the back of the head, you'd be ready to throw down yourself because that's a move that you KNOW will start a fight because it's so blatantly WRONG. In China not so much. I'd bet money that there was something between Maxiell and the Chinese guy earlier in the game that was trivial but the Chinese player took as a slight against him that sparked the elbow. That he threw the elbow because he felt insulted somehow. 总之,我对这种事的观点就是,在天朝篮球场上他们的态度和对比赛的方式是完全不同的。我发现大多数情形下都是因为没有道德准则或者对场上行为没有是非观导致的。比如,场上发生的事直接就跟“丢脸”联系在一起。在打球时发生的一切都变得太私人化了。 在美国,如果你敢用肘击打别人的后脑,那你就准备好因为自己的行为而挑起的斗殴吧,因为这是明目张胆的错误行为。在中国他们觉得这种行为并没这么严重。我愿意赌钱,马克希尔和那个中国球员在之前的比赛过程里肯定有发生过什么琐事,但那个中国球员认为马克希尔蔑视了他,所以后面下了黑肘,他下肘也是因为他感觉被羞辱了 |
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