GC: What also frustrates me is that the only number I do care about is the only that you and Sony don’t obsess over. Which is 60fps, which I understand is easier to do on the Xbox One X than any other console.
PS: That’s correct. But… [laughs] Why do you care about 60fps?
GC: It’s the only number that affects gameplay and yet it’s the only one you two never go on about! No-one can tell the difference between 4K and 1080p and all that nonsense…
PS: You just broke your whole argument now!
GC: How?
PS: You just said these games could run on a Commodore 64, they would not run at 60 frames per second on a Commodore 64.
GC: Uridium did.
PS: [laughs] I’m not disagreeing with you. But it’s a subjective opinion that that’s the only one that matters.
All: [laughs]
GC: It’s the only one that affects gameplay.
PS: …visuals do affect gameplay.
GC: Not the resolution though. Not in any manner close to the difference a good frame rate makes.
PS: Don’t get me wrong. I love frame rate. I love Ori, it’s one of the reasons I love playing Forza Motorsport. But you have to go back to what you said before: most people. What frame rate does Minecraft run at?
GC: I know, but if the frame rate is below what it needs to be – and it does vary for different games – they do notice. They might not identify the problem, but they know something’s wrong.
PS: Some people do. Some people just want to have fun playing Lego Batman.
GC: You could teach them! Show them: this is the difference it makes! Xbox One X alone is bringing this to you!
PS: [laughs] You have a cause, I love it! I was not expecting you to go from, ‘I don’t care about HDR10 vs. Dolby Vision but I care about 60fps! [laughs]
GC: …
PS: But you’re right, this console will make it more possible for developers to drive the resolution and frame rate consistency than any other console on the market.
GC: I would love to see 60fps mandated as a standard…
PS: I will tell you, as someone that’s run a platform now for a while, mandating gameplay decisions is a bad place for a platform holder to go in. Developers are completely incentivised to give you the best experience they can. We can both agree on that. So if they think it’s 60fps and that’s gonna help them, in terms of selling more copies of the game, they’re gonna be all in. Not everybody understands what 60fps vs. 30fps means. They’re not all as technical as you are.
原帖由 @223622 于 2017-6-15 03:31 发表
PS3 COD才20祯上下
一定要60帧 那PS3早死透了
PS3 3A游戏 720P以下分辨率 30祯不到的游戏一堆!!!!!
原帖由 @正义的化身 于 2017-6-15 07:44 发表
原帖由 lightling 于 2017-6-15 09:27 发表
posted by wap, platform: VIVO
原帖由 lightling 于 2017-6-15 09:27 发表
posted by wap, platform: VIVO
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2017-6-15 10:33 发表
都说了他一直没实权就是个大号PR,跟末期的Ed Fries差不多
原帖由 @lightling 于 2017-6-15 09:27 发表
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2017-6-15 13:20 发表
http://club.tgfcer.com/viewthrea ... amp;authorid=239921 >>wap
Ed Fries辞职就是因为后期他坚持Halo 2延期,被部长级决策会议机构架空,失去实权,导致辞职
原帖由 turnlive 于 2017-6-15 13:50 发表
posted by wap, platform: Chrome
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2017-6-15 13:54 发表
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