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标题: YouTube&Twitch 各厂商E3发布会观看数据统计 [打印本页]

作者: king8910213    时间: 2017-6-17 10:44     标题: YouTube&Twitch 各厂商E3发布会观看数据统计

posted by wap, platform: Android
Microsoft/Xbox — 1.1 million viewers (818k in 2016)
Ubisoft — 986k viewers (759k in 2016)
Sony/PlayStation — 962k viewers (757k in 2016)
EA — 676k viewers (910k in 2016)
PC Gaming Show — 552k viewers (488k in 2016)
Nintendo — 292k viewers (422k in 2016)
Bethesda — 233k viewers (610k in 2016)

Gamers’ interest on YouTube was similar when comparing view counts to Twitch’s viewers. Microsoft’s Briefing on the official Xbox YouTube channel as of right now also holds the #1 spot with 2.3 million views. PlayStation’s Briefing video only pulled in half of that with 1.3 million views, but surprisingly doubled Ubisoft’s 624k views. The main difference was Nintendo, whose Spotlight did much better on YouTube than Twitch and currently places it third with 728k views.


本帖最后由 king8910213 于 2017-6-17 10:46 通过手机版编辑

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