2G EDGE vs 3G UMTS vs 4G LTE radiation
1. You will be wise using 2G only for phone calls and use your speaker as much as you can to keep yourself away from long lasting brain damage.
2. You will be wise to use NOT MORE than the EXACT data connection you need for your applications. (i.e. if EDGE is fast enough for you, DON'T use 3G)
3. Actually, you will be wise NEVER to use 3G... but that's a bit hard for people who download porn on their devices and want 1.8-14.2MBPS
4. Cancer isn't a joke. BELIEVE me..
5. Cancer isn't a joke.
In ConclusionAdvancing technology is always both a boon and bane - the case is no different with mobile networking. While 4G bestows many more conveniences on us than 3G ever could, it comes with potentially very dangerous health issues as well. In any case, with no conclusive medical evidence to prove anything at all, we continue to wait and watch as the battle rages on.
In Conclusion
Advancing technology is always both a boon and bane - the case is no different with mobile networking. While 4G bestows many more conveniences on us than 3G ever could, it comes with potentially very dangerous health issues as well. In any case, with no conclusive medical evidence to prove anything at all, we continue to wait and watch as the battle rages on. 作者: yuyuan01 时间: 2018-1-16 20:29
原帖由 dboy99 于 2018-1-16 19:22 发表
posted by wap, platform: VIVO
电磁辐射 电离辐射
posted by wap, platform: Android
In most cases, when you're connected to the 2G network, your device will consume less battery power than when it's connected to the 3G network.
We can refer to 2G,2.5G,2.75G,3G,3.5G.. and so forth. the main issue is not the EXACT difference between these network types but how much does each of them effect your brain.