I wanted to examine Lightroom performance in two different environments – when using an Apple MacBook Pro (Late 2016 Model with Core i7 CPU, 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB Storage) and when using a Desktop PC (i7-6700K Skylake, 64 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD Storage). The idea was to put three versions of Lightroom to test – Lightroom 6.14 (Last), CC 7.1 and CC 7.2 to see what differences there are when performing three measurable tasks: Import Speed, 1:1 Preview Generation, HDR Stitching, Panorama Stitching and Image Export. Unfortunately, although I really wanted to test Lightroom’s develop performance, there was no way to perform measurable results with consistent data.
To perform the tests, I loaded 500 RAW files from Fuji GFX 50S and Fuji X-T1. For 1:1 Previews and Exports, I only worked with a total of 50 RAW images from the GFX 50S (since it would have taken forever to extract all images). For export, I used JPEG 85% Quality, 2048 pixel long resolution and Output Sharpening set to “High”. For each test I created a brand new Lightroom catalog to make sure that I was starting out clean.
原帖由 sw2sw2 于 2018-3-28 21:28 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 adds 于 2018-3-29 09:06 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
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原帖由 arex 于 2018-3-29 12:36 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
系统什么的,也就使用中几个小时就上手了,苹果系统各种设置操作啥的比windows简单多了,可以说任何智商正常的人用3天绝对可以玩得很转。说用不来不习惯的多半是懒惰,要么极度排斥 ...
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