Following its reimaginings of Resident Evil 2 and 3, multiple development sources have told VGC that the Resident Evil 4 remake has now entered full production with an estimated release window in 2022.
Development is being led by Osaka-based M-Two, the new studio founded by former PlatinumGames head Tatsuya Minami, which has been preparing for the project since 2018
They added: “I understand the interest/concerns, but whether it helps or not be aware RE4 does have a larger overall team than RE2 or RE3 Remake had and a lot of time conceptualizing it, development started in 2018 but there were talks before that. Parts of Div 1’s RE2 Remake team and DMC5 teams are helping with this project.”
原帖由 @hydelete 于 2020-4-12 23:54 发表
是拒绝三并达也一起开公司的邀请 不是指游戏
原帖由 viewboy 于 2020-4-13 00:12 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 majian1 于 2020-4-13 14:33 发表
posted by edfc, platform: iPhone 8
原帖由 @malida 于 2020-4-13 20:42 发表
原帖由 @lleoavvee 于 2020-4-13 20:57 发表
原帖由 hydelete 于 2020-4-13 19:46 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
https://www.videogameschronicle. ... larger-team-than-3/
本帖最后由 hydelete 于 2020-4-13 23:24 ...
原帖由 @hydelete 于 2020-4-13 00:10 发表
Mtwo领衔开发 所以最乐观的情况下是只删一座岛?!
原帖由 viewboy 于 2020-4-13 00:12 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 hydelete 于 2020-4-13 14:56 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
应该不会分章节 正常情况下 可以砍一部分城堡 阿什梨全砍 岛全砍 我真觉得这没什么![]()
原帖由 mike11 于 2020-4-14 12:03 发表
经典的地图 boss 都没了。就没意思了。除非你能做出 一样水平的。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。不过 我不信
原帖由 @屠狗者 于 2020-4-14 12:27 发表
原帖由 hydelete 于 2020-4-14 12:11 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
按照Dusk G的说法 三并达也的公司就是为了重制4创立的 重制3是他们用来练手的 所以……
重制4目前也不需要过份关注 离发售至少还有2年时间
值得期待的是明年的8 如果实在 ...
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