According to director Tetsuya Nomura, Final Fantasy VII Remake is not a replacement of the original game, but an entirely new series built on the nostalgic framework of the original.
despite the fact that this new re-imagining of the Midgar portion of the original has more than enough content to absolutely qualify as a full game on its own; this isn't an episodic title, it's a brand new franchise.
Final Fantasy VII has stood as a hallmark entry in one of the most venerated franchises of all time. No matter what happens with the future of the expansive Final Fantasy VII Remake project, nothing is ever going to change that fact, and Tetsuya Nomura knows it.
原帖由 hydelete 于 2020-4-20 00:58 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
之前说SE做不完 打算做几部不行就烂尾 我那只是调侃
现在看这意思 那就算真不做完也没什么意外了
甚至我感觉结局已经改 ...
原帖由 @混乱状态 于 2020-4-20 11:46 发表
原帖由 hydelete 于 2020-4-20 13:59 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
他大概率会把原本CC里那些旧设定和伏线复活 插到之后续篇里去
对认为王国之心不说人话的人来说 这就是坏消息 因为CC里那堆 ...
原帖由 Flatfish 于 2020-4-20 21:22 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPad
原帖由 @hydelete 于 2020-4-21 02:54 发表
再强调一下 我认为SE是肯定会做大地图的 如果不做大地图 这系列的水准会彻底下降到异度之刃的水平
注意 在此之前同期的FF地图本来也不如同期的异度之刃
如果不做大地图 FF的地图水准甚至会降低到不如搁搁搁浅的水平 你们好好想清楚这意味着神码
原帖由 328928249 于 2020-4-21 03:34 发表
posted by wap, platform: VIVO
噗。。ff这系列现在是啥水准自己没点数吗?。。还下降到异度之刃的水平。。你说的是异度之刃x吗。。ff从12开始13/13-2/13-3/14初版/15初版是什么水平自己没点数。。ff7也就是靠着前 ...
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