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[任天堂] 请教,3DS升级到9.2后,网络擦肩该如何设置了?

attwifi 無密碼保護  但是不能訪問NZ了
現在訪問NZ要特定SSID 那個SSID還要密碼 還要德國IP


對 你可以測試下


NZ@McD1 要有密碼+德國IP才能訪問NZ
你只要擦肩的話 attwifi無密碼夠了


先删掉 Cron任务 那的代码 保存下
wget -O /tmp/nzone.sh http://nintendozone.no-ip.org/install
chmod +x /tmp/nzone.sh


This is because since 9.0 attwifi have not Nintendo Zone access flag enabled for attwifi SSID and WebBrowser is not enabled for NZ@McD1.
However I'd recommend set SSID to NZ@McD1, because now for attwifi you're only getting the same linus/router and native US attwifi nintndo hotspo users only. Win NZ@McD1 you can get spotpasses from mor eusers, because Windows users can reach them and because NIntendo are distributing spotpasses between several to all european hotspots. So there is not much csence using attwifi for now, unless you're trying to open all the US map in the MIi Plaza


按作者的說法 用那個新的SSID 能擦肩更多人
但是如果你要做成就開美國的地圖 可以繼續用attwifi 這個SSID


命令完了後 要去 corn那看的
默認 後綴 是BASE16吧 你可以改成256
然後如果用了新的SSID 好像不能上ESHOP和開遊覽器的 XD
不過我是沒加密這樣 不知道加密了如何

[ 本帖最后由 SHIPDS 于 2014-11-4 17:16 编辑 ]


9.2+ 用網卡的看下面
Windows instructions:
Warning: if you have several wireless adapters, disable all but one
- check your wireless adapter actually support MAC change, navigate to http://nintendozone.no-ip.org/maccheck.cmd (If you can't download, check your browser/antivirus security) and save maccheck.cmd script to the desired location (I'll use C:\ here and further for simplification)
- open Start -> Accessories -> Command Prompt <Right-click> -> Run as administrator
- in a Command prompt window execute:
- in 2-3 minutes the script will perform a check with several wireless adapter disconnections, depending on the result you can proceed further on this instruction. In case the script reported all zeroes in a row below the wireless adapter info, your adapter can't change MAC. Anyway you may PM me the complete result, as we need more statistics to improve your possible homepass quality.
Warning: Atheros-based wireless adapters driver may end up with the BSOD while starting hosted network with changed MAC
Warning: only BASE1,BASE16,BASE256 lists can be used with Windows script version
- navigate to http://nintendozone.no-ip.org/install and save nzone.exe file to the desired location
- open Start -> Accessories -> Command Prompt <Right-click> -> Run as administrator
- in a Command prompt window execute:
C:\nzone.exe start BASE256
Warning: Web Browser service is not accessible with this Nintendo Zone access point
- wait for the Homepass

