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Mister FPGA克隆版价格出来了

More exciting is the fact that Taki Udon has teased other FPGA-based systems, including a $150 handheld which will challenge the Analogue Pocket and boast an AMOLED display.


MisTer Clone
Taki Udon posted information about some of the consolized MiSTers he’s working on.

The handheld will now have an AMOLED screen that is suited for different aspect ratios.
The flagship console will contain HDMI IN and VGA IN ports, a brightness knob and other connections. It hasn’t been disclosed what their uses are, but many speculate that there might be upscaling capabilities.
For the DE10 Nano clone, 2,000 blank PCB’s have been delivered and 5 boards started SMT over the weekend.


DE10 Nano Clone
The packaging for the DE10 Nano alternative as shown and a name was also given, called “MiSTer Pi”. However, a vote seems to suggest that the name will change. Some other info given

-What will be included is still yet to be decided, but the bottom of the box will list what’s included.
-If RAM is purchased with the unit it will be pre-installed.
-Console versions are still in the design stage
-Pricing will be cheaper than the original $99 esitmate.

One thing to be aware of is the 12v PSU that will be included in the box. Current IO & USB boards do not accept 12v and will get damaged if you send 12v to them. The box will include a 5v cable for those boards, but it’s an extra concern users need to be aware of. Hopefully there is a clear warning for users.

Post : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1800510031097725000
Post 2 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1800917683091001427
Post 4 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1800979820953928084/photo/1
Post 3 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1801578381613613111
Post 5 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1801664702730408178
Post 6 : https://x.com/BirdyBro_MiSTer/status/1801233787231076589
Post 7 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1801184830329393338
Post 8 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1802373480811508031
Post 9 : https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1801264908786667647
Post 10 : https://x.com/lu_source/status/1801243397849842089


勤谋电子 Altera Cyclone V SoC 5CSXFC6C6 Mister FPGA 开发板 750
内存3.0 128m 150 需要联系客服改价
只要买了开发板和内存 自己再配个usbhub连键盘和手柄和hdmi线就能玩了


在国外新闻网 上面这个就是QMTech Alternate DE10 Nano
和之前塔基乌冬说的那个克隆版 是两条新闻
不知道 到底是不是一个东西


QMTech DE10 Nano
The QMTech DE10 Nano Alternative is getting a dedicated MiSTer IO and USB board specifically made for it. The IO and USB board are merged in one single board and the setup was shown off in a custom case. This addon board is currently undergoing verification and will go on sale soon.


另外一个 塔基乌冬说的也要出来了
Alternate DE10 Nano & MiSTer Consoles
Taki Udon said the the mainstream version of the MiSTer Console has finished the industrial design phase and some 3d rendered teaser images were shown. The images show that it will at least have component, composite, USB-C power and 2 USB-A ports.

There was also another post about the DE10 Nano alternative. The board and all of the kit components are now in mass production. This includes the main board, USB hub, 9.2 analog IO board, and SDRAM.

Pricing is as follows:
MiSTer Board = under $99
Board + 128MB RAM kit = under $115
Board + 128MB RAM + USB hub + 9.2 analog IO = $145-$160 (Taki will know for sure soon)


ss ps1






The price for the QMTech IO board alone is $25.90.
And if you want to get the IO board and case it’ll be 29.90.
Those boards also do NOT support 24bit analog video through VGA.


QMTech Case Kit by Antonio Villena
Antonio Villena is selling a case kit for QMTech’s MiSTer compatible FPGA boards. The kit comes in at 99 euros.

-The kit has an IO board that can output 24bit analog video.
-Everything is house in acryllic covers
-USB hub with 6 ports
-DB9 joystick port, that can also be used for SNAC
-SPDIF optical through 3.5mm connector
-RGB Fan cooler
-And more. Get the full details in the product page.


Taki Udon said he’ll be listing the first batch of his DE-10 Nano clone boards for sale today at 8PM NYC time.  The second batch will release Friday September 6th, at 8AM NYC time.  Each batch will have 1000 units available for sale.  The prices are $100 for just the clone board, $115 for clone/RAM/fan and $160 for a full PCB kit, including the latest 24-bit compatible I/O boards (but not a case).  No power supply is included with any package.  More info and an unboxing / installation guide below:

Purchase Here:  https://retroremake.co/
3D Printed Case Files:  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6744156
Offline Installer:  https://github.com/Takiiiiiiii/MiSTER-Pi-Offline-Stock

