posted by wap, platform: VIVO
50-70 people worked on this
made to tackle criticisms of previous demos (small area, lack of interactivity, ROCKS)
uses hardware accelerated Lumen
Lumen is ray traced and screen space
nanite for skinned geo is still work in progress
car deformation switches cars from nanite to more regular geometry
chain link fences are actually geometry!
the most important aspect of Nanite is probably the reduction of pop-in
the open world demo will be available on pc as a UE5 project
world partition used to stream in the open world
zones of the city is streamed it via world partition and it's how they populate the world
the city is generated as a point cloud in Houdini
the point cloud is then imported into UE5 and the point cloud data to build the world
devs were regenerating the world up to twice a week, right up to the finishing of the project
virtual shadow maps and area light shadows
Keanu and Carrie Ann Moss were scanned
and player pedestrians made using metahuman
the scene with Laurence Fishbourne and two Keanus is a mix of stock footage and digital
the army of Carrie Anns was video because of performance, but was rendered in Unreal
John appreciates the integration of video and render
made them a new AI system, cars and pedestrians represented as points
AI updates based on the distance from the camera
pedestrians and AI are persistent
the shooting segment's destruction was driven by the Chaos Physics system in real time
cares are 3 nanite zones, when collision happens, one of the zones is replaced with a deformable mesh, does have a performance cost
Chaos also used for cloth
the recreation of the famous bullet time scene used the original character model from the movie
the bridge destruction scene was video for performance reasons
lumen gets ride of the "ue4 look"
in general, the "ue4 look" is gone due to reduction of bloom
temporal super resolution works on every system
demo is dynamic resolution, but always scales up to 2160p
not DLSS level due to the lack of hardware
TSR works very well
native 4K ain't a panacea, just look at Forza Horizon 5
shimmering effect around the main character due to reconstruction
24fps when they blend with cinematics
gameplay is 30fps targeted
frame pacing isn't great in 24fps segments, will be improved
PS5 runs about 1fps better on average
driving around cause slowdown when driving across zones
faster the driving, the more the frame rate dips
asset initialization is causing slowdown
SSD is not affecting performance
asset streaming isn't as much as you think
Series S targets 1080p
resolution based artifacts
nanite might have some resolution scaling issues
stutter between camera cuts, difficulty to count pixels due to a number of factors
with TSR off, 1620p on both high end systems when not stressed
Series S is 720p-ish
internal res counting is for academics
Series S to high end duo is like DVD to BluRay
camera cut pause is due to the scene being in a different area and loading new data
this isn't really done in other games
shout out to all the "HT ray tracing is dead" journalists! yall wrong
HW acceleration allows for deformable objects to contribute to ray bouncing
higher fidelity asset tracing than sign distance field
you can see indirect shadows in RT reflections
HW RT in consoles increased performance of Lumen
this demo is impossible on last gen machines due to memory, storage, gpu, etc
VRR is recommended
Alex thinks UE5 has to prove itself at 60fps with some of this tech
it's not just a "turn off lumen to get 60fps"
due to the lack of new rendering tech, there's a lot 60fps games; could change in the future as new rendering tech gets used in games
40fps on 120hz screens? viable
DF has a precomiled Valley of the Ancients if you're a supporter, *wink wink*
the demo shows that manpower is probably the limiting factor nowadays