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高斯步枪!T-51B ! 《辐射3》DLC:Operation Anchorage相关信息及新图放出



  预定于明年推出的三个《辐射3》下载包,其中的第一个追加任务“安克雷奇行动(Operation: Anchorage)”的详细情报和实际画面今天终于浮出水面。





December 10, 2008 - It's hard to imagine anybody already doing everything in Fallout 3already, but I guess that's why they call some gamers hardcore. Whetheryou've finished Fallout 3 or not, you're probably already lookingforward to the downloadable add-ons coming to Xbox 360 and PC earlynext year. IGN recently had the chance to learn more about the threepieces of downloadable content (DLC) that have already been announcedby way of Jeff Gardiner, lead producer for Fallout 3 DLC. The focus ofthe interview was January's DLC, titled Operation Anchorage, but we also learned a bit about the next two downloads as well.

IGN: The liberation of Alaska was hinted at a lot during Fallout 3. What can we expect out of that simulated battle?

Jeff Gardiner
: In Operation: Anchorage the player will findthemselves able to re-live the famous liberation of Anchorage fromFallout lore -- inside a simulation similar to one found along the mainquest of Fallout 3. Once the player finds their way into thesimulation, they'll be stripped of their resources and have to survivewithin the rules set up by the simulation's creators.

The Chinese red army is everywhere, and the player will first haveto secure the surrounding mountain side and then fight their way intothe Chinese base. The player will have to use a lot of their standardcombat skills, along with several new tools that will only be availablein the downloadable content. These include interactive Strike Teamsunder the player's command and unique armor, weapons, and other exoticgadgets.

IGN: A lot of quests in Fallout 3 were slightly different dependingupon your character (mostly through dialogue options). Can we expectthe same for Operation Anchorage?

: Operation: Anchorage focuses mainly on acombat/stealth path. It's important to our team to use DLC as a way forus to flex our creativity, to try new things and answer the "wouldn'thave been cool if we did this?" question that always comes up towards agames completion; when it's too late to try them! Don't worry, we'retrying something a little different with all of our upcoming content sothere will be plenty of the morally gray, multiple path quest lineseveryone loves the franchise for.

IGN: Do you expect title updates to fix a few outstanding bugs to come along with Operation Anchorage?

: We are releasing an update for all versions ofFallout 3 prior to the release of this DLC. We take pride in fixingissues that are found by our fans and posted in our forums.

IGN: How will the simulation of the battle work? Will we beteleported to a new area or will it all take place within a computer?

: Since this is a simulation of a battle that tookplace in the past, it is taking place within a computer. It's a "whatif" scenario, created by the Government in order to test differentcounter-offensives against the red menace.

IGN: How exactly will players access Operation Anchorage afterpurchasing the download? Will there be a specific place they'll have togo to in order to start the quest?

: There will be a new quest objective and map markerfor the player to travel to. You can play through this content at anylevel, once you've exited the Vault.

[ 本帖最后由 vault-tec 于 2008-12-11 16:48 编辑 ]




原帖由 eva3d 于 2008-12-11 15:08 发表


第一個大型MOD名為Operation: Anchorage(安克雷奇行動)。玩家進入軍事模擬器中,參與幅射世界中重要的一仗,解放被侵佔的阿拉斯加首府安克雷奇。一月發佈。

第二个下载包名叫“The Pitt”,将让玩家置身于宾西法尼亚的匹兹堡城市废墟。据悉,玩家扮演的角色在这个任务中将被卷入一场发生在两个当地小集团之间的冲突,而且必须在游戏中选择一个阵营加入,详细情报将在不久后公开。
    最后一个下载包名为“断钢”,玩家扮演的角色将在任务中加入“钢铁兄弟会”旗下的部队,奉命追击逃亡的英克雷军。这个章节与游戏的主线剧情将发生直接联系,实际上也可以看作是游戏最终任务“Take It Back”的延续

[ 本帖最后由 vault-tec 于 2008-12-11 16:54 编辑 ]



