引用: lz怎么找到这个的,说出来大家一起研究
// Action script... // [onClipEvent of sprite 182 in frame 1] onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } // [onClipEvent of sprite 183 in frame 1] onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent.level); } // [Action in Frame 1] function isEmail(s) { trace(" check mailing...: " + s); if (s.indexOf("@" == -1) { return(false); } // end if var _l3 = new Array(); var _l2 = new Array(); _l3 = s.split("@" if (s.split("@".length == 2) { domain = _l3[1]; _l2 = domain.split("." if (_l2.length < 2) { return(false); } else { var _l1 = 0; while (_l1 < _l2.length) { if (_l2[_l1].length <= 0) { return(false); } // end if _l1++; } // end while } // end if } else { return(false); } // end if return(true); } // End of the function success = false; is_ok = 1; user_email = ""; ss = 0; level = _root.level - 1; ss.gotoAndStop(level); stop(); // [Action in Frame 2] EOF = 0; loadVariables("http://www.sonystyle.com.cn/promotions/soccer/getcode.asp", this, "POST" // [Action in Frame 4] if (EOF == 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(3); } // end if // [Action in Frame 5] info._visible = true; info.gotoAndStop(2); useremail = user_email; level = _root.level - 1; getURL("http://www.sonystyle.com.cn/promotions/soccer/save.asp", "_blank", "POST" success = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(1); stop();