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[心得] Apple为什么允许在Mac上使用flash,却不允许它在iPhone和iPad上出现

To make this work, the iMac needed to have great video editing software. So Jobs went to his old friends at Adobe, the digital graphics company, and asked them to make a new Mac version of adobe premiere, which was popular on Windows computers. Adobe's executives stunned Jobs by flatly turning him down. The Macintosh, they said, had too few users to make it worthwhile. Jobs was furious and felt betrayed. "I put Adobe on the map, and they screwed me," he later claimed. Adobe made matters even worse when it also didn't write its other popular programs, such as Photoshop, for the Mac OSX, even through the Macintosh was popular among designers and other creative people who used tose applications.

Jobs never forgave Adobe, and a decade later he got into a public war with the company by not permitting Adobe Flash to run on the iPad.

  • 道克斯 激骚 +1 感谢分享 2014-10-28 13:28

