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[新闻] 【90% CONFIRMED!!】Bungie和微软分家

We finished the fight. We're outta here.


http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.c ... archives/122799.asp

A friend of mine who has someone close that works at Bungie has just been dying to tell me a secret about their future. Since the NDA officially expire today the sent me and email with the details. I have full faith in this contact.

The email is as follows :

"So heres my big secret. You should google Bungie + Microsoft + separation this week.
You know that big ol BILLION dollar franchise Bungie has created for Microsoft, to show their appreciate Microsoft is letting Bungie leave. Of course Microsoft gets to keep all rights to the Halo franchise, but as today Bungie no longer part of Microsoft. Ask anyone who works there to search the global address book, they're no longer in there. Microsoft was supposed to release the press release today but if they wait till the 10/6 the impact wont effect the quarterly results. However today is the actual official date and the day the NDAs expire, however you still didn't hear this from me."

"Apparently MS just wants Bungie to make Halo for the rest of their natural days, and Bungie doesn't like how MS is constantly trying to "handle" everything they do; the way they market their games, the way they interact with their fans (basically the fact that they do appreciate their fans), and how stingie they are with the profits (comparable to the rest of the industry). So as of today they are their own independent entity. They'll probably make Halo 4 for Microsoft, however hey are also free to create new intellectual properties for whatever system they want. (Even though they prefer the xbox platform)"

"What a way to say thank you."
原帖由 LukeSmith  发表
yes, it's true !
原帖由 Shamrock  于 2007-10-2 11:46 发表
So to sum up this thread?

Bungie and MS splitting Rumor
Stinkles has posted in other threads after this thread was huge, but not this one
Stinkles usually posts in all Bungie threads
So that confirms this rumor is true right? No comment by Stinkles means he can't comment, and the only reason you can't comment is because its true. If it were fake he could say this is bullshit.
原帖由 Gamespot.com 发表

The official story: Bungie referred all inquiries to Microsoft, which had its reps issue the following statement: "There's been no such announcement. We continue to celebrate the tremendous success of the global phenomenon that is Halo 3." As of press time, Metcalf had not responded to e-mail inquiries about his article.

Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus that Bungie's entire operation is uprooting itself from the Microsoft campus of its own volition and taking the Bungie brand with them. Not bogus that, now that the Halo trilogy is done, many of the developer's staffers are likely pondering following in the footsteps of Bungie founder Alex Seropian, who left to create indie shop Wideload Games (Stubbs the Zombie) in 2004.
原帖由 Teamxbox.com 发表

By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Joystick.com. Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go.

There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th...
原帖由 www.gameinformer.com 发表

Our source stated that Bungie is “tired of Making Halo, and didn’t want to do future Halo games.” For an unstated, but significant amount of money, Bungie shareholders bought the studio name back from Microsoft. Our source also revealed that even though Microsoft will retain the rights to Halo, Microsoft also has “the right of first refusal on future games.” This means that Microsoft has the first shot at publishing Bungie’s future titles. How this will come into play if Bungie decides they want future game X to appear on the PlayStation 3 and Wii alongside an Xbox 360 release will make things quite interesting.

[ 本帖最后由 sectionboy 于 2007-10-3 12:23 编辑 ]


[ 本帖最后由 sectionboy 于 2007-10-2 05:54 编辑 ]


原帖由 s7912 于 2007-10-2 11:26 发表

微軟的 PR 已經證實是假的了,應該純粹是 GK 想拿接續前鎮子微軟關閉 FASA Studio 的新聞繼續炒作


原帖由 Shamrock  于 2007-10-2 11:46 发表
So to sum up this thread?

Bungie and MS splitting Rumor
Stinkles has posted in other threads after this thread was huge, but not this one
Stinkles usually posts in all Bungie threads

So that confirms this rumor is true right? No comment by Stinkles means he can't comment, and the only reason you can't comment is because its true. If it were fake he could say this is bullshit.
To be continued...

[ 本帖最后由 sectionboy 于 2007-10-2 12:04 编辑 ]


原帖由 Gamespot.com 发表

The official story: Bungie referred all inquiries to Microsoft, which had its reps issue the following statement: "There's been no such announcement. We continue to celebrate the tremendous success of the global phenomenon that is Halo 3." As of press time, Metcalf had not responded to e-mail inquiries about his article.

Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus that Bungie's entire operation is uprooting itself from the Microsoft campus of its own volition and taking the Bungie brand with them. Not bogus that, now that the Halo trilogy is done, many of the developer's staffers are likely pondering following in the footsteps of Bungie founder Alex Seropian, who left to create indie shop Wideload Games (Stubbs the Zombie) in 2004.
To be continued...


原帖由 Teamxbox.com 发表

By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Joystick.com. Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go.

There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th...
The war is going on...


原帖由 www.gameinformer.com 发表

Our source stated that Bungie is “tired of Making Halo, and didn’t want to do future Halo games.” For an unstated, but significant amount of money, Bungie shareholders bought the studio name back from Microsoft. Our source also revealed that even though Microsoft will retain the rights to Halo, Microsoft also has “the right of first refusal on future games.” This means that Microsoft has the first shot at publishing Bungie’s future titles. How this will come into play if Bungie decides they want future game X to appear on the PlayStation 3 and Wii alongside an Xbox 360 release will make things quite interesting.
Almost confirmed...

