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1. 他没有比较hddvd版本
For those of you considering an upgrade from the HD DVD version, I am of no help as I never saw the film on that format (or even owned an HD DVD player, for that matter), but I can assure you this is one fabulous looking MPEG-4 Blu-ray, and as nice as the DVD looked upconverted, this edition far surpasses it in every regard.

2. 也没提24帧问题,不知道是不是24的,我手头ts版的hddvd都是30的

3. 音频码率真低,只比hddvd版多一点点
The TrueHD track hovers between 3.5-4 MBps on the bit rate meter on my Playstation 3.

4. 另一张碟竟然不能在松下的播放机播放???ps3却可以?
Before beginning the supplements, I must say that this Paramount disc failed to load in my Panasonic BD-30, but it worked just fine in my Playstation 3.

