原帖由 @愤怒的双翼 于 2018-7-23 23:10 发表 The emptiness I feel after playing God of War is still a hard pill to swallow http://www.godisageek.com/2018/0 ... rdpilltoswallow/ I know it won’t last forever. Games are a part of me and I’m not upset that I can’t pick up a controller and feel that same passion at this point in time – I just feel lost. We’ve been in a drought in terms of great games, and as soon as Madden drops I know I’ll be back on the wagon. God of War has affected some of my friends in a similar way, and despite the after affects I’ll never regret playing it. Over the years I’ve played many wonderful games and had plenty of joyful experiences I’ll cherish forever, but God of War sits firmly at the top.
原帖由 @国家重点型号 于 2018-7-24 03:19 发表 别提了,我吹牛逼选的战神,光主线就玩了两个月
原帖由 @neddonkey 于 2018-7-24 14:06 发表 没记错的话,无伤那个,最后有个石头人吧,暴气扔石头搞死。 前面一直防,儿子射就行。
原帖由 @neddonkey 于 2018-7-24 14:14 发表 那可能是装等不够,建议楼主出去刷主线去。 我战神难度通的,刚到火之国度,也很郁闷。后来回过头,收拾的火国女武神,和女武神王。
原帖由 @国家重点型号 于 2018-7-25 01:12 发表 我总觉得战神难度其实不难,掌握攻击规律之后别贪别犯错就行,我就总是贪那几刀,卡关一卡几小时