- First off you need to explore the 'Statesman Hotel' - On one of the floors there is 'audio tape' sitting on top of a 'bed' next to a 'corpse' - The 'Audio Tape' is someone leaving a message to his 'daughter' nicknamed 'Moonbeam' - Grab the 'Tape' leave the 'Hotel' (assuming there is nothing left to do there) - Head to the 'National Archivces' - There the User will meet 'Sydney' - 'Protect Sydney' against the 'Super Mutants' - After all the 'Super Mutants' have been killed 'talk' to 'Sydney' about her 'SMG' and 'Father' - 'Sydney' will 'refuse to talk' about her 'father' - Head downstairs to 'steal' the 'Declaration of Indenpence' while keeping 'Sydney' Alive - After stealing the 'Declaration of Indenpence' head to 'Abraham Washington' at 'Rivet City' to get the 'reward' - After getting the reward 'talk' to 'Syndey' about her 'Father' - She will tell the User that her 'father' called her 'Moonbeam' but one day he left without warning - Tell her about the 'Audio Tape' - 'Sydney' will give the User her 'Ultra SMG' - Select 'Now that we're done tell me about yourself' speech option - Ask 'Sydney' about her 'Gun' and then select 'Lets talk about something else' - Ask Her about her 'father' again - 'Sydney' will give the User her 'Ultra SMG' again So if you just repeat the last 3 speech a options above you can grab an infinite amount of Ultra SMGs from Sydney. Each Ultra SMG is around 430 Caps so I guess you know where that is going with Caps
原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-11-24 10:14 发表 我和楼上一样的问题……没有和她一起做独立宣言……结果出来……sydney找不到了……