3DS Miiverse官网介绍页面:http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/hardware/features/miiverse.html
2013.11.13 欧美直面会全程影像:http://club.tgfcer.com/thread-6821689-1-1.html
2013.11.14 日本轻直播全程影像:http://club.tgfcer.com/thread-6821859-1-1.html
本次直面会中还公开了Nintendo Zone的一点情报,在11月和12月之间玩家们可以在Nintendo Zone中和最后6位角色擦肩,并且能够获得独占的SpotPass内容。
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A December system update for the Nintendo 3DS portable system will allow users to combine their Nintendo eShop account balance for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Nintendo announced the news during a Nintendo Direct video released earlier today.
After the Nintendo 3DS system update, users can register their Nintendo Network ID for Wii U on their Nintendo 3DS systems and combine Nintendo eShop account balances. This will enable them to purchase Wii U software using the remaining balance on their Nintendo 3DS eShop accounts, and vice versa. Nintendo 3DS owners who do not own a Wii U system can also create their own Nintendo Network ID for the first time.
This system update will also mark the beginning of Miiverse support on Nintendo 3DS. With a Nintendo Network ID and a wireless Internet connection, users will be able to connect with players around the world to share their experiences and game tips through Miiverse on Nintendo 3DS. For more information and notices from Nintendo about the system update, visit
To view the Nintendo Direct in its entirety, visit
http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct. An overview of the news discussed includes:
Nintendo 3DS News
YouTube will be launching this month for Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo 3DS owners with a broadband Internet connection will be able to watch all their favorite YouTube content on the go, browsing on the bottom screen while viewing on the top screen.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Today, Nintendo showed a new trailer for the game, and the first of four 15-second mini-trailers for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds debuted on Nintendo’s Instagram page. Nintendo detailed a number of characters, including Irene and her magic broom; Seres, who is trapped in a painting; and Gramps, who can help facilitate battles with other players encountered via StreetPass. Also: Milk Bar confirmed!
On Nov. 22, a new Nintendo 3DS XL bundle will launch at a suggested retail price of $219.99 that includes Nintendo 3DS XL hardware with gorgeous gold-and-black coloring and the iconic Triforce on the exterior, as well as a download code for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The game launches in stores and in the Nintendo eShop on Nov. 22 at a suggested retail price of $39.99.
Exclusive SpotPass Content at Nintendo Zone Locations: Anyone with a Nintendo 3DS who visits a Nintendo Zone location can receive StreetPass Mii Plaza data from the last six players to visit that location. Exclusive SpotPass content will be available at Nintendo Zone locations in November for Nintendo 3DS owners who also own the following games, including:
An Animal Crossing: New Leaf raccoon wall clock is available until Nov. 14.
An Animal Crossing: New Leaf cat tower available Nov. 15-28.
An Animal Crossing: New Leaf rolling suitcase available Nov. 29-Dec. 12.
A Super Mario 3D Land Mystery Box starting Nov. 22.
Mario Party: Island Tour: The game offers seven new game boards and 80 new mini-games, including some that use the motion controls of Nintendo 3DS, and the ability for four Nintendo 3DS owners to play all multiplayer game content with only one copy of the game via Download Play. The single player Bowser’s Tower has players playing through 30 floors of mini-games, with a boss battle every fifth floor. Additionally, players also can engage with other players who also have the game in StreetPass mini-game competitions. The game launches in stores and in the Nintendo eShop on Nov. 22 at a suggested retail price of $39.99.
The new Kirby game for Nintendo 3DS has a name: Kirby: Triple Deluxe. More information about the game will be announced in the future.
Bravely Default: A Collector’s Edition of the game will be available exclusively at select retailers. The bundle includes the game, an art book, a soundtrack CD and 34 augmented-reality cards. The Collector’s Edition and standard version of the game both launch on Feb. 7.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy: The final game in the second Professor Layton trilogy launches in stores and in the Nintendo eShop on Feb. 28.
Wii U News
Super Mario 3D World: Nintendo announced new information about Super Mario 3D World, including the ability to play as Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy, a Luigi Bros. bonus game that is more easily accessed for players who have New Super Luigi U save data on their systems and Captain Toad levels, which challenge players to collect five stars without jumping.
Pikmin 3 Downloadable Content: On Dec. 2, a third round of new Mission Mode stages is on the way that challenges players to lead their Pikmin efficiently to complete as many tasks as possible within the time limit. The eight new stages that will be available for purchase include four “Collect Treasure” stages and four “Battle Enemies” stages with locations as varied as beaches, the inside of someone’s house during a party, a construction site and a mysterious factory. In one stage players can control Captain Olimar, the main character from Pikmin and Pikmin 2. Louie even makes an appearance. The third round of Pikmin 3 Mission Mode downloadable stages will be available in the Nintendo eShop for $4.99. A software update is required to play the new stages. People who update their software will receive one “Collect Treasures” stage and one “Battle Enemies” stage for free.
Animal Crossing Plaza: The Wii U gathering place for Animal Crossing fans is being upgraded with two new features:
After users perform a software update, they can customize their Miiverse posts using 50 different Animal Crossing stamps. Users can combine multiple stamps or add hand-drawn messages to decorate posts they have already stamped. They can even partially erase a stamp and redraw it any way they like.
Nintendo is also adding a ranking feature to display the results of monthly polls. November’s question is “Who would make the best secretary?” and December’s theme will be “Who is the neighbor of the year?”
Additional features, including the ability to register and interact with your town residents, are also being added.
YouTube Application Update: After users perform a software update, they will be able to use the YouTube application to watch videos on the GamePad controller or search for YouTube content while another video is playing on the TV.
Wii Fit U: A free trial of the game is available in the Nintendo eShop now through Jan. 31. Wii U owners with a Wii Balance Board accessory and a broadband Internet connection can download the trial and play it for free for 31 days. Users can make the trial permanent by buying and syncing a Fit Meter to the software. Fit Meter accessories are available at a suggested retail price of $19.99. The full Wii Fit U game launches in stores on Jan. 10, just in time to help people fulfill their fitness-related New Year’s resolutions.
Remember that Wii U and Nintendo 3DS feature parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit
http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu or
3DS《The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 》相关资讯:
- 15-sec mini-trailers for A Link Between Worlds on Nintendo's Instagram account
- Irene the witch is a brand-new character. She's told that aiding someone in green will bring good fortune. Tap a bell on the lower screen to have Irene take you to various weather vanes that you've found on the map. She has a major broom that can travel between two worlds.
- Seres is the daughter of the sanctuary's priest. She gets trapped in a painting.
- Milk Bar owner will tell you that there's a man trapped on a mountain that is looking for premium milk.
- Use StreetPass to create your own Shadow Link to battle other real players. Their data is sent to you as well, with their Shadow Link appearing in your game world. Battle to earn rupees.
Mario Party: Island Tour requires just one game card for multiplayer in all 7 game boards and all 80 mini-games. Also gives access to freeplay mode and Hot Air Hijinx. Mini-game tower ends with Bowser's Tower. This features 30 floors. Every 5 floors has a boss battle. StreetPass mini-games allows you to tag up to 10 other players to compete against their data.
Bravely Default's Brave and Default system for battle. Default option lets a character defend for a whole turn to store up points and use later. Store points to land multiple hits later for big damage. Increase the pace of battled with the control pad. Bravely Second feature allows you to freeze time. Attacks used during this time use Sleep points. Leave your 3DS in sleep to build up more sleep points. Customize your characters with jobs, abilities, weapons and spells. StreetPass to summon friends in battle or have them help rebuild your hometown. Collectors Edition gets the game, artbook, 34 AR Cards and a CD. Due out Feb. 7th 2014.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy due out Feb. 28th 2014.
3DS system update due next month. Allows you to combine current Wii U/3DS eShop balances. Register your NNID on your 3DS which lets you share balance information. Purchase software on either device using a combined balance. Create an NNID to download game demos and other free software. Download paid content without logging in with NNID. Miiverse will hit 3DS alongside this update as well.
- YouTube hitting 3DS later this month.
- YouTube app on Wii U being updated. Search for/view content on GamePad. Available later this month.
- Pikmin 3 getting third round mission mode DLC with completely new stages. Get to play as Olimar. Louie is hiding in these levels as well. 8 stages, 4 collect treasure and 4 battle enemies. Comes with software update. Due out Dec. 2nd. Get the update to get two stages for free. Take place in the Fortress of Festivity.
- Jett Rocket 2 coming to 3DS eShop in Europe shortly after the presentation.
- Animal Crossing Plaza getting stamp update for posting on Miiverse. Over 50 stamps. Ranking feature coming as well, based on various polls. Nov. question is who would make the best secretary. Dec. question is who would make the neighbor of the year. Plaza closes at the end of 2014. More features to come like resident registration. Update will also impact your albums, allowing you to move/delete pics at teh same time and save Miiverse posts to your albums. Update coming later this evening.
- new stamps coming for various titles in the future. These stamps cannot be used freely to post anywhere in Miiverse.
- nintendo.com/eshop/offers to check out deals
Super Mario 3D World uses microphone and touch screen for some portions of the game. Golden Express stage lets you catch a ride on a golden train to collect coins. Captain Toad levels have 5 stars to collect. Speed run levels give you 100 second clock to beat. Mystery houses have green stars to collect as well. Motley Boss Blob is a giant army of clones to defeat. Also includes a top-down shooter level. Another level is based off of Super Mario Kart. New Super Luigi U is an unlockable bonus game.
Rosalina confirmed as an unlockable character.
-unlocks Super Luigi Bros.
本帖最后由 Geo 于 2013-11-20 23:51 编辑 ]