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posted by wap, platform: 小米
更新了地址(用的是另一个vpn 233),但都失效


2022/01/05 19:45:13 [Warning] [3876764795] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/trojan: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: no such host dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2022/01/05 19:45:13 [Warning] [585192276] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/trojan: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: no such host dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2022/01/05 19:45:13 [Warning] [3804546141] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/trojan: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2022/01/05 19:45:13 accepted //mtalk.google.com:5228 [http -> proxy]
2022/01/05 19:45:13 accepted //www.youtube.com:443 [http -> proxy]
2022/01/05 19:45:14 [Warning] [4028855073] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/trojan: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2022/01/05 19:45:14 [Warning] [696326089] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/trojan: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp: lookup spsea13.jinss2.cf: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed

