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Jules: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same ****in' thing.
Vincent: It's not. It's the same ballpark.
Jules: Ain't no ****in' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same ****in' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same ****in' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.
Vincent: Have you ever given a foot massage?
Jules: [scoffs] Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot ****in' master.
Vincent: Given a lot of 'em?
Jules: Shit yeah. I got my technique down and everything, I don't be ticklin' or nothin'.
Vincent: Would you give a guy a foot massage?
[Jules gives Vincent a long look, realizing he's been set up]
Jules: **** you.
Vincent: You give them a lot?
Jules: **** you.
Vincent: You know, I'm getting kinda tired. I could use a foot massage myself.
Jules: Man, you best back off, I'm gittin' a little pissed here.


原帖由 网上的final 于 2007-4-16 20:13 发表
感觉就是对话 比较多 ,老是谈话 ,比较 闷
当然发展到 后面 剧情有些意外的 精彩,不过那是很久后的事情
剧情我 没看懂,那个黑人没死,那个白的被拳击手无意中打死了对吧
那个白拳击手 发生了什么事情, ...
居然如此形容Vincent Vega...

