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GameSpot vs GamesRadar vs IGN

While i was writing this article, i was thinking that i have to be careful what i write if i don't want a bunch of gamers at my door with some clubs, because i said something bad about their favorite site.

These 3 site are the emblems of gaming, in my opinion of course, they all have +7 Google Page Rank and they are in the first 3000 sites in the world in Alexa.com .
News are daily posted on them and articles,games description, reviews, previews are swarming in their database.

GamesRadar.com is probably the sexiest from these 3 sites. It has some nice flash animations in their menu and big cartoon like text in titles, search bar, login and tops.

Flash is spread everywhere in the site which makes it really beautiful and interactive. In their news section what i really loved was the 2 columns design which is more ergonomic then single news under single news and cuts off the scrolling. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Gamesradar.com has a perfect 10 design and articles arrangement.

What i noticed along the years is that GamesRadar has some periods when it simply throws 2 or 3 news articles in 1 day and then for 3 days they don't post anything. I don't really agree with this method because it cuts the "lets see what's new this morning while i drink my coffee" idea, because you don't have a constant flow of information.

The thing that differentiates GamesRadar from the competition is the article writing skills. The GamesRadar Editors have a spicy/humor-type language and the articles are easy to read and rather small, enough to understand the news's details but not get bored.

GamesRadar.com has Google PageRank 7 and Alexa Rank 2966 with 2,820 links pointing towards it.

IGN on the other hand has a pretty confusing first page. It's anything but clean and organized. Lot's of commercials tons of different colors that "damage" the eye but it's the usual thing, almost all big sites do this, money dictates everything.

But as soon as you concentrate a little you'll see a menu in the left of the site and another one at the top of the site. After a few clicks you reach the news section, with short news, which is great, you get informed fast without getting bored, visible images and videos under the target news, yes a very good info section.

IGN has spread a lot and even though their articles are cold and lack personal opinion, this letting a cold impression, the site has a huge, with an capital H, database. You'll need months to check all their articles.

IGN.com respects itself and has daily news, every single day a news is posted or more. It is a very useful and informative site that made history in gaming that's for sure.

On short IGN.com has Google Page Rank 7, Alexa Rank 182 and 86.200 links pointing towards it.

Gamespot.com, the guru of gaming, the place where everything about games is found or is it not? The first thing i want to underline and this is my opinion, is the news section. Their news are so god damn boring, ok not all of them but 50% of them can put you to sleep in 20 sec.

Some news spread on 2 pages with useless use of words and no quality narration. Many will probably get angry when will read this but like i said it's my personal opinion.
The menu is very well organized just under the top of the page and easy to spot.

News are posted daily so no problem here, news as many as you can read, even 8 news a day. Once you enter the news section, review section or games description section everything is well organized, maybe some color problems in the boxes on the right of the news, which are with a dark grey background and a "dirty" yellow, kind of disturbing for the eye.

Their database i believe is the largest of all gaming websites, you can simply get lost in a vast sea of information.

GameSpot.com has a outstanding Google Page Rank 9/10, Alexa Rank 165 and a staggering 2,810,000 links that point to it, impressive.

The ideal gaming site from my point of view is a combination of these 3 websites. Put the superb narration skills and the great simplicity of GamesRadar.com in the same bowl with the constant flow of information from IGN.com and mix it with the jumbo size database from GameSpot.com and you have a winner.

But because this is not possible and i believe more in quality then in quantity and because i think some sites like GameSpot.com forget to evolve when they get to the top of the food chain i put on the first position GamesRadar.com, he's younger but shows great potential and it has my personal favorite trait: quality.

Silver goes to GameSpot.com because of the tradition he imposed in the gaming world and it's world wide recognition. Though i hope it will evolve at a certain point.

The third spot goes to IGN.com, an all around good site, but with downsides in design optimization which damages the usability of the site and confusing colors. Nonetheless a recognized gaming site that can't be erased from the history of gaming.






Spot, no "sopt", 英文里面没有sopt这个词


