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bungie在halo3 flop之前的垂死挣扎||bungie感人至深的肺腑之言

http://www.bungie.net/News/conte ... pnews&cid=12740

本期的weekly update,讲了马上要进行的bungie邀请世界各大媒体的review活动

Last week’s update was miserably slim, because everyone was out of the office. To be honest, little has changed, nor is it likely to in the next few weeks. Lots and lots of travel and antics are distracting us from feeding you morsels of tasty info, so we’re forced to toss you scraps from the table.

This week, at least, I’ll endeavor to tell you what there is to know. First and foremost, the game went gold. The literal definition of this term is that the game is finished and ready to be manufactured. The broader, more lyrical definition is that an incredible team of talented geniuses just put the finishing touches to three years of herculean effort and shipped a concluding chapter to our trilogy, that everyone here is proud of.

Halo 2 was a fantastic game, evidenced by its review scores and the fact that about 300k people still play it every day. But it contained compromises we could never have been happy with. There were compromises that many would never have noticed nor complained about – and there were compromises you did notice and were entitled to complain about. After all, games aren’t free. Hard as we work to make them perfect, we never forget that they cost you money. We understand that we’re not doing you a favor. For your hard-earned lucre, we’re providing goods and services and we owe you the highest quality for both.

With Halo 3 however, there are no glaring compromises, and almost no invisible ones. We’ve not only executed on all the stuff we wanted to for Halo 2, we’ve executed on a bunch of stuff that seemed like pipe dreams three years ago. The shopping list of features is crazy. Campaign, 4 player co-op, Team Scoring, Saved Films, Forge, Multiplayer, File Sharing, the new Bnet. We already encountered a problem with this as we planned out review events.

The fact is that even if you end up not liking Halo 3, you probably won’t argue that it doesn’t contain a lot of stuff. I hope the reviewers like it, because otherwise they’re going to be pretty mad by the time they get done plowing through it.

And speaking of review events, they’re going on over the next week or two. Press in various regions will be invited to various locales to play the finished game – we can’t send ‘em out for logistical, XBL-related and security reasons, but we can provide a safe, well-lighted place where reviewers can play through the Campaign, play through co-op, make saved films, tinker in Forge and try out Multiplayer. Luke is getting back from one of those on Tuesday and here’s his report, redacted for top secrecy.


但在halo3上,却没有明显对于时间的妥协,有也是不明显几乎注意不到的;我们不仅在其中倾注了所有我们想在halo2上做的,而且我们还在其中加入了好多3年之前还仍然是白日做梦的想法;halo3的feature list让人疯狂:Campaign, 4 player co-op, Team Scoring, Saved Films, Forge, Multiplayer, File Sharing, the new Bnet; 准备review活动的时候,我们已经遇到了由feature list太长而引起的问题





忘记帖本周的mister chief了

