The game is a sidescrolling beat-em-up in which up to 4 players can play, online or locally. Playing as one of the available knights or an unlockable character, players must defeat enemies to progress using attacks and magic. As enemies are defeated, the characters level up, giving access to new combos and abilities. There are also weapons that can be found and used, as well as animal orbs that assist the players in various ways, such as scouting for items. At the end of a boss battle, players then fight each other in a battle to earn a kiss from the rescued princess. Other modes include Arena, where players fight each other, and a mini-game called All You Can Quaff.
8.0 Presentation A simple story told with style. 9.0 Graphics A fantastic art style mixes with some nifty effects. It runs well offline and online. 8.0 Sound The music is whimsical and the sound effects are solid. 9.0 Gameplay Simple, addictive gameplay. This is a brilliant modernization of the classic side-scrolling beat-em-up. 8.5 Lasting Appeal It only takes a few hours to beat, but there's plenty of reason to come back and play through multiple times. 9.0 Outstanding OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)
重大BUG !!!!!! 游戏中如果你断了网,请马上连接LIVE,否则后面的游戏全部不能保存下来!!! 游戏中如果出现无法打开暂停菜单,或者无法退回主题,千万不要关机或者用导航键退回dash board!!! 这个游戏上来是先读取leader board上的记录,如果和本地记录不一致会把本地的冲掉!! 妈的我就这样丢了好几次近20级的人物和进程!!
全26只宠物作用+拿法 1. Chicken :: Increase to defense, strength and agility :: Flooded Temple :: First dry land section, there's an X right in front of two giant fish statues in the background. Dig there. 2. Cardinal :: Helps you find secret items :: Industrial Castle :: Top floor of castle, kill the brute and get the Cardinal. 3. Owlet :: Retrieves hidden fruit from trees :: Forest Entrance :: Right before you exit the deadlands go behind the overgrown area and swing your weapon. 4. Mr Buddy :: Helps you dig faster :: Home Castle :: Go back into the first room where all the tutorial people are. At the back far wall, near the veterinary lady, there's an X on a pile of straw. Dig it up. 5. Giraffey :: Helps you level up faster :: Desert :: Look for the X shapes on the sand (or have Pazzo as your animal :: he'll show you where to dig), the giraffe is one of the last ones before the end of the level. 6. Snoot :: Increases your strength :: Cyclops' Fortress :: Bomb the cracked wall in the very first room. 7. Piggy :: Makes food give you more health :: Swamp Village Store :: Purchased for 585 gold. 8. Zebra :: Helps you find food in grass :: Desert Chase :: Taken from the guy on the camel, when you see him run off, follow as fast as you can (on the back of another camel, obviously). You'll need to dodge the quicksand, and then use an arrow to knock him off his camel before he reaches safety. 9. Rammy :: Knocks down enemies :: Tall Grass Field :: Taken from the large bear with the banner. 10. Spinny :: Increases your defense :: Volcano Store :: Purchased for 680 gold. 11. Bitey Bat :: Chomps enemy's heads :: Pipistrello's Cave :: Found after the boss bat. 12. Troll :: Slowly regenerates your health :: Thieves Forest :: Behind a wall, use 3 bombs to set him free. 13. Frogglet :: Can pick up items with his tongue :: Marsh :: Halfway through the first graveyard, the X is directly in front of an open crypt, just before the wall goes back and the area widens. 14. Seahorse :: Allows you to move quickly through water :: Thieves Forest :: Right after the dear leaves a poo streak and before the stream in the forest. 15. Snailburt :: Increases your defense but decreases your agility :: Marsh :: Towards the end, he is right out in the open so you cant miss him. 16. Scratchpaw :: Increases your strength and agility :: Sandcastle Interior :: There are two barred windows at the back of the room, the tiger is behind the second one. Use bombs on the cracked wall to get to him. 17. Yeti :: Protects you from being frozen :: Snow World :: As you go down the ramp and check behind the huts. 18. Monkeyface :: Increases your luck finding items :: Church Store :: Purchased for 750 gold. 19. Pazzo :: Helps you find buried treasures :: Snow Store :: Purchased for 750 gold. 20. Sherbert :: Helps you jump higher :: Animal Art :: Hiding near the ceiling at the back of the animal ark. Stand underneath him, hold RT and press A. You'll do a magic-boosted jump and reach him straight away. 21. Meowburt :: Increases your agility :: Parade :: This can be found by backtracking from cyclops fortress to the area at the end of parade, when you get hit by the tunnel you'll land on the ground and if you see a bush in the middle go behind the bush and Meowburt should appear. 22. Hawkster :: Attacks fallen enemies :: Tall Grass Field :: Blow the horn outside the huts just before you get Rammy. 23. Burly Bear :: :: Tall Grass Field :: With a sandwich and a couple of bombs. Go to where you climb up the grass section of the cliff but don't go up, instead head to the left side of the cliff, eat the sandwich and you'll find you can move the rock on the side. Inside there are two chests and a crack in the wall, the bear is in the crack. 24. BiPolar :: Mauls Enemies (and Friends) who are near death :: Snow World :: As you walk up the ramp, use the horn by the sign post signaling it. He pops out of the tunnel. 25. Beholder :: Gives you a magical boost :: Full Moon :: Play through the level with Cardinal as your animal. At the second hut up the mountain path, it'll bring you a golden key "weapon". This unlocks the padlocked door in the ark, and inside is the Beholder. 26. Install Ball :: Shoots enemies with his photons :: Alien Ship :: Play through until the countdown begins. Shoot the mechanism that destroys the first green laser gate (after the toilet) and head straight up. There's a door there (hard to see what with it being dark etc). Go left slightly. It's still possible to exit the ship before the countdown ends - not that it actually matters. 全隐藏角色解锁方法(更新中) Main Cast Unlockers. Orange Knight - Fire Demon Knight (Unlocked when finishing the game) Blue Knight - Industrial Iron Knight (Unlocked when finishing the game) Green Knight - Chain Mail face Knight (Unlocked when finishing the game) Red Knight - Skeleton Knight (Unlocked when finishing the game) Grey/Gray Knight - Stove Face (Black Knight) (Unlocked when finishing the game) Barbarian - Killer Beekeeper (Unlocked when finishing the game) Skeleton - White Bear (Unlocked when finishing the game) Fire Demon - Ninjer (Unlocked when finishing the game) Royal Guard (Chainmail Face) - Saracen (Unlocked when finishing the game) Industrial Iron Knight - Fencing Knight (Unlocked when finishing the game) Thief - Forest Knight (Green knight with the glowing mace) (Unlocked when finishing the game) Characters unlocked through game. Alien Hominid - Purchase Alien Hominid HD and obtained one or more achievement Grey/Gray Knight - Defeat Barbarian Leader Barbarian - Finish Kings Arena (10 rounds) Thief - Finish Thieves Arena (10 rounds) Periwinkle knight - Finish Lava Arena (10 rounds) Peasant knight - Finish Peasant Arena (10 rounds) Eskimo - Complete Ice Arena (10 rounds) Characters that DONT unlock anything if you finish the game with them (Correct me if I am wrong on these ones) Alien Hominid Periwinkle Knight Ninjer Beekeeper 全武器列表+入手方法(更新中) Lightsaber - dropped by periwinkle knight Fencing Sword - dropped by chainmail knight (fencing knight?) Flaming Sword - dropped by Final Boss Pitch Fork - in a haystack in Home Castle (1st level) Steak- in the Ice Castle (level name?) hanging on the wall on the second screen. Ice Sword - Dig up in the Ice Castle in the screen where the boss makes an appearance Lobster - in Tall Grass Fields, dig up on the beach Umbrella - in Tall Grass Fields, dig up in front of the rain dancing miniboss' hut Skeleton Leg - Dig up in the Snow Shop (final shop in game) Sai - dropped by the ninja pirates on the ship Wrench - Tall Grass Fields in the beginning, a guy is working on a catapult, behind him. Spiky Club - Flower Fields, right after the first batch of bees, dig it up with a shovel. Fish - Tall Grass Fields, right before you climb the ladder up the mountain, use a sandwich and lift the boulder out of the cave to the left of the ladder. Leaf - Thieves forest, in a chest when you meet the little pygmy guys... Hook Sword - Industrial Castle, towards the beginning after first big machine, dig it up. Bone Weapon - Wedding Crash, just after the tables the with turkey leg and cookie, dig Curved Sword - Sandcastle Wall, midway through the level, there is an x towards top of the wall, dig it up. Spear - Medusa's Lair, break all the fish statues, one of them has the weapon in it Shiny Buster Sword - Medusa's Lair right after spear, between the two sets of stairs, dig Medusa's Weapon - Beat Medusa, she drops it Black Razor - Industrial Castle, behind the bushes before you enter Frozen Chicken - Snow World, when you start seeing huts there should be a dig spot Black Hammer - The Marsh, after you get past the hut, there is a series of gravestones, your goal is to get to the top left most gravestone after the hut and break it Goldbrand - The Marsh, half way through the level you come to a small set of houses. A green knight peeks out of the right door before coming out. You can walk behind the whole set of houses there, Dig in the center near the wall. Unicorn Horn - Kill the unicorn from the painter and hope it drops. Fishing Pole- Take the cardinal into the marshes. You'll get it in the section after where the flying knight is.
Orange Knight: Starting Weapon: Battle Axe (no stats, lvl 1) Magic Aura: Orange RT+Y: Burst of flame. Fire damage. 1 hit, each upgrade adds 1 hit (on enemies that aren't knocked over) and adds to range (7 hits at max). 19 damage per hit + DoT (13 damage x 1). RT+B, air RT+Y: Fireball. Fire damage. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). RT+A: Flames rise up as he jumps. Fire damage. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). XXXY: Includes fire effect and does fire damage. 62 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). Special Notes: Shoots orange colored arrows instead of the normal ones. The Orange Knight's RT+Y attack is unique in that, unlike most others, it can completely cross over the line in between the 2 teams for the volleyball match at the end of the sand castle rooftop. This means he can knock over the opposing team's characters and keep them from hitting the ball back. Blue Knight: Starting Weapon: Black Rod (no stats, lvl 1) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Ice shard falls from the sky and lands in front of him. Ice damage. Freezes enemies. 1 hit per ice shard. Each upgrade level adds 1 ice shard that falls in front of the others (7 at max). 19 damage per hit. Takes 4x the mana of normal spells to cast! RT+B: Icicle projectile. Ice damage. Freezes enemies. 39 damage. RT+Y (air): Same as RT+Y on the ground, but performed in mid-air. RT+A: Leaps up with an ice fist boosting him. Ice damage. Freezes enemies. 39 damage. XXXY: Includes ice effect and does ice damage. Freezes enemies. 62 damage. Special Notes: Shoots blue colored arrows instead of the normal ones. Unique in that he is one of the only characters to have his mid-air RT+Y move not be the same projectile as RT+B (just angled down) - he instead use the same spell as the ground-based RT+Y. Blue Knight also has an infinite combo on enemies that can be frozen - use XXXY which freezes them on the 4th hit, then repeat forever until they are dead. Blue Knight also has the only known RT+Y spell to take more mana than normal spells, costing roughly 4x as much mana to cast (Iceskimo is the other character with this same spell and spell cost). Green Knight: Starting Weapon: Straight sword (no stats, lvl 1) Magic Aura: Green RT+Y: Poison cloud fires forth. Poison damage. 1 hit, each upgrade adds +1 to hits and adds to range (7 hits at max). 19 damage per hit + DoT (13 damage x 3). RT+B, air RT+Y: Poison projectile. Poison damage. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 3). RT+A: Leaps up with a poison cloud. Poison damage. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 3). XXXY: Includes poison effect and does poison damage. 62 damage + DoT (13 damage x 3). Special Notes: Shoots green colored arrows instead of the normal ones. Green Knight is the only character that has a different melee combo. His second heavy attack is a flip instead of spinning his weapon. The timing of the hits is a bit different but it still does the same total number of hits and damage as anyone else. He also can shoot over the line in the volleyball game like Orange Knight, Industrialist, and Fencer. Red Knight: Starting Weapon: Round Mace (no stats, lvl 1) Magic Aura: Red RT+Y (hold down Y to continue to keep the effect active until mana runs out): Lightning bolt out in front of him. Each upgrade adds to the range but not to the number of hits, which is affected by how long it can be held until mana runs out. Lightning damage. Each hit is 13 damage. At 25 magic can do about 20 hits before it runs out. This locks normal enemies in place while it is active and can affect as many enemies get in range, meaning massive amounts of damage can be done if multiple enemies are caught it in for the full duration. RT+B, air RT+Y: Lightning projectile. Lightning damage. 39 damage. RT+A: Leaps up with electricity. Lightning damage. 39 damage. XXXY: Includes electric effect and does lightning damage. 62 damage. Special Notes: Shoots red colored arrows instead of the normal ones. Red Knight is the only character whose RT+Y behaves differently by holding the button down (in fact if you tap the button very lightly, it won't do any damage at all). Its functionality makes it often considered the most devestating magic in the game, able to lock in and completely kill several enemies at once, with the only downside being that you have to hold still while zapping them and must wait for mana to refill after. However, his other spells are lackluster compared to the other 3 main characters. In particular, his XXXY combo has no secondary effect and yet still only does 62 damage, compared to the majority of other characters that do 138 damage for the same attack. Unlocked Characters: Gray Knight: Unlocked: Beat Barbarian Boss. Appearance: Guys that help you in the first couple levels, like the starting knights but gray. Starting Weapon: Thin Sword (-1 str, +1 agi) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Arrow Rain - 3 arrows rain down from the sky to in front of him. Each upgrade adds 3 additonal arrows and spreads them out to further range. 21 arrows max, meaning 21 hits possible. 19 damage per hit. RT+B, air RT+Y: Throw bomb. This is different than normal projectiles in that it doesn't just fly straight forever, it bounces on the ground then explodes. It can't be blocked like other projectiles, but still only hits one enemy. Fire damage. Can blast open cracked walls just as store-purchased bombs do. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). RT+A: Leaps up with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 62 damage. Special Notes: Oddly, the Gray Knight does not use elemental damage but still has a gimped XXXY combo at only 62 damage, compared to all the other unlockables which do 138 untyped damage. This means the Gray Knight is tied with the Red Knight as having the worst XXXY combo attack in the game. Barbarian: Unlocked: Beat King's Arena in single-player. Appearance: First bad guys you fight in the game. Starting Weapon: Barbarian AXe (-1 magic, -1 defense, critical hits, lvl 1) Magic Aura: Brownish orange clouds RT+Y: Weapon Rain. Same as the Gray Knight's Arrow Rain except instead of 3 arrows, it drops an arrow, an axe, and a wood spear, and they come from both directions instead of all coming from behind him. Each upgrade adds another set of arrow+axe+spear, meaning at max upgrade level there are 21 weapons that drop and thus 21 hits at 19 damage per hit. RT+B, air RT+Y: Throwing axe. 39 damage. RT+A: Leaps up with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Thief: Unlocked: Beat Thief's Arena in single-player. Appearance: The guys with faces shrouded in a hood fought early on in the game. Starting Weapon: Thief Sword (-1 str, +2 agi, lvl 5) Magic Aura: Brownish orange clouds RT+Y: Arrow Rain - see Gray Knight. RT+B, air RT+Y: Curved throwing dagger. 39 damage. RT+A: Leaps up with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Conehead: Unlocked: Beat Lava Arena in single-player. Appearance: Cone head knights with light sabers, seen in the wedding crash section of the game. Starting Weapon: Light Saber (+1 agi, lightning damage chance, lvl 10) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Arrow Rain - see Gray Knight. RT+B, air RT+Y: Bombs - see Gray Knight. RT+A: Leaps up with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Peasant: Unlocked: Beat Peasant Arena in single-player. Appearance: Peasant with a hood, helps out in the area leading up to the corn boss. Starting Weapon: Spoon (-1 mag, +2 agi, lvl 1) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Arrow Rain - see Gray Knight. RT+B, air RT+Y: Throwing knife. 39 damage. RT+A: Leaps up with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Iceskimo: Unlocked: Beat Ice Arena in single-player. Appearance: Like a blue version of the thief, seen in the ice levels. Starting Weapon: Harpoon (+4 str, +2 def, -2 agi, lvl 20) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Same as Blue Knight, including freezing effect, ice damage, and super-high mana cost. 19 damage per hit, 1-7 hits. RT+B, air RT+Y: Snowball projectile. Ice damage but does NOT freeze enemies. 39 damage. RT+A: Leaps up with a cloud of cold mist. Ice damage but does NOT freeze enemies. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage (not ice-based!) Special Notes: Like the Blue Knight, Iceskimo's RT+Y spell costs much more mana than all other spells. Unlike the Blue Knight, his mid-air RT+Y is a normal projectile, and only the grounded RT+Y spell actually freezes enemies. Fire Demon: Unlocked: Beat game with Orange Knight. Appearance: Large teeth and big yellow eyes and has wings, fought in the lava level. Starting Weapon: Black Morning Star (-3 str, +6 mag, +1 def, critical hits, lvl 20) Magic Aura: Orange RT+Y: Flame comes up from the ground in front of him, doing 1 hit. Each upgrade adds another burst of frame in front of the previous ones, up to 7 total (and thus up to 7 hits max). Fire damage. 19 damage per hit + DoT (13 damage x 1). RT+B, air RT+Y: Fireball just like Orange Knight but slightly different graphic. Fire damage, 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). RT+A: Same as Orange Knight's fire jump. 39 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). XXXY: 138 damage (not fire-based!) Ninjer: Unlocked: Beat game with Fire Demon. Appearance: Ninja pirates that attack you on the ship ride. Starting Weapon: Sai (-2 def, +6 ag, critical hits, lvl 20) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: A puff of purple smoke appears in front of him, knocking enemies over. Each upgrade adds another puff in front of the previous ones, up to 7 total. 7 hits max. Not as much range per puff compared to similar style RT+Y moves. 19 damage. RT+B, air RT+Y: Throwing star. 39 damage. RT+A: Jump with purple cloud effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Special Notes: Unlike the NPC version, the Ninjer does not do flips whenever he jumps nor does he get the teleporting trick with leaving a log behind. He also uses a cup for a shield, and his arrows look like kunai (but are still shot by a bow). Industrialist: Unlocked: Beat game with Blue Knight. Appearance: Blue guys with glowing eyes from the industrial castle. Starting Weapon: Blue Mace (-2 mag, +6 def, critical hits, lvl 20) Magic Aura: Thick dark purple clouds RT+Y: A buzzsaw blade moves across the ground. Each upgrade adds an extra saw blade, up to 7 total. Unlike other RT+Y spells, the first version has full range, each upgrade adds an extra blade but not extra distance. Each blade can do 4 hits on enemies that aren't knocked over, meaning that at full power with 7 blades it can do 28 hits total. Perhaps to offset this, it does only 15 damage per hit instead of the typical 19. RT+B, air RT+Y: Saw blade projectile. 39 damage. RT+A: Jump with purple steam cloud and steam sound effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Special Notes: The RT+Y spell of this character is bar-none the fastest way to kill something that doesn't get knocked down, making the Industrialist and the Fencer the fastest boss-killing characters. Also, the RT+Y spell can go across the line in the volleyball game like Orange and Green Knights'. Fencer: Unlocked: Beat game with Industrialist. Appearance: Guys with fencer masks from the industrial castle. Starting Weapon: Blue Rapier (+1 str, +1 mag, +1 agi) Magic Aura: Thick dark purple clouds Magic: Exactly the same as Industrialist. Royal Guard: Unlocked: Beat game with Green Knight. Appearance: Chain mail faced guys from the desert. Starting Weapon: Falchion (+1 str, +3def, lvl 10) Magic Aura: Sandy clouds Magic: Exactly the same as Conehead. Saracen: Unlocked: Beat game with Royal Guard. Appearance: Middle eastern guys from the desert levels. Starting Weapon: Falchion (+1 str, +3def, lvl 10) Magic Aura: Sandy clouds RT+Y: Turns into a tornado that can be steered around and damages enemies you bump into. Upgrades make the tornado last longer. 19 damage per hit. RT+B: Sand blast projectile. 39 damage. air RT+Y: Either a downward sand blast projectile or starting the tornado in mid-air (if he is weird like the Bear). RT+A: Jump with sand effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Skeleton: Unlocked: Beat game with Red Knight. Appearance: Skeletons as seen in the swamp areas and elsewhere. Starting Weapon: Black Mace (-2 str, +3 def, +6 agi) Magic Aura: Dark purple wisps of evil RT+Y: Puff of dark magic comes from the ground in front of the skeleton, doing 1 hit. Each upgrade adds an extra puff in front of the previous ones (up to 7 max, and thus 7 max hits). 19 damage per hit. RT+B, air RT+Y: Shoots a dark projectile. 39 damage. RT+A: Jumps with dark magic boost. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Special Notes: Skeletons shoot bones as arrows. Bear: Unlocked: Beat game with Skeleton. Appearance: The white bears from the tall grass field level. Starting Weapon: Wooden Club (+5 str, +5 def, -5 agi, critical hits, lvl 20) Magic Aura: White bubbles RT+Y: Tornado spell like the Saracen. 19 damage per hit. RT+B: Ball of wind projectile. 39 damage. air RT+Y: Tornado spell but starts in mid-air (kinda useless). Different than NPC version which can shoot projectiles down from mid-air. Maybe a bug? RT+A: Jump with white wind blowing up. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Special Notes: Bears shoot fish as arrows. Stove Face: Unlocked: Beat game with Gray Knight Appearance: Black knights from Full Moon level. Starting Weapon: Silver Sword (+1 str, -1 mag, +3 def, critical hits, lvl 15) Magic Aura: White RT+Y: Arrow Rain - see Gray Knight. RT+B, air RT+Y: Curved throwing dagger. 39 damage. RT+A: Typical magic jump with dust effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Killer Beekeeper: Unlocked: Beat game with Barbarian. Appearance: The guys from the end of the flower field level just before using the catapults. Starting Weapon: Baseball Bat (+2 str, +1 def, lvl 10) Magic Aura: Thick dark purple clouds RT+Y: A Bee drops straight down from the sky in front of you, hits the ground, and dies. 1 hit per bee, each upgrade adds an additional bee (7 max). 19 damage per bee. RT+B, air RT+Y: Shoots a bee projectile that hits once then dies. 39 damage. RT+A: Jump with purple steam cloud and steam sound effect. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Snakey: Unlocked: Beat game with Thief. Appearance: The green guys with glowing clubs from the Peasant Arena and the swamp levels. Starting Weapon: Green Mace (+5 mag, -2 def, +3 agi, critical hits, lvl 20) Magic Aura: Green RT+Y: A thorny vine pops out of the ground in front of you, doing 1 hit. Each upgrade adds an extra vine segment, up to 7 segments and thus 7 hits max. 19 damage per hit. RT+B, air RT+Y: Throwing knife projectile. 39 damage. RT+A: Jump using a plant vine that whips out of the ground. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Civilian: Unlocked: Beat game with Peasant. Appearance: The non-hooded villager guys you see in the swamp levels with the Peasants. Starting Weapon: Pitchfork (+1 str, -1 agi, lvl 1) Magic: Exactly the same as Peasant Brute: Unlocked: Beat game with Iceskimo. Appearance: Not seen in normal form in the game, but the beefy version is fought once in the industrial castle just before the Cardinal, and once in the fight with the necromancer at the end of the game. Looks like an armored guy with a samurai-ish head piece. Can see it here: http://devblog.thebehemoth.com/?p=190 Starting Weapon: Two Pronged Sword (+3 mag, +3 def, lvl 20) Magic Aura: Orange RT+Y: Same as Snakey, vines from the ground. 19 damage per hit, up to 7 segments/hits at max upgrade level. RT+B, air RT+Y: Acorn projectile. 39 damage. RT+A: Jump using a plant vine that whips out of the ground. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Alien: Unlocked: Have at least 1 achievement in Alien Hominid HD. Appearance: Aliens from alien ship level Starting Weapon: Beam Gun (no stats) Magic Aura: Bright green RT+Y: Fires an extra-large shot that travels until it hits something. Can be fired much more rapidly than other characters' RT+Y spells. When the shot hits something it causes fire damage to anything near impact. 19 damage + DoT (13 damage x 1). Upgrade level seems to have no special effect. RT+B, air RT+Y: Fires a small ray gun shot. Slightly faster firing rate than other characters. 39 damage (no fire or AE damage). RT+A: Bright cylindrical light beam comes down and pulls him up, as if his ship is transporting him up. 39 damage. XXXY: 138 damage. Special Notes: Alien can't change weapons, except to the pitchfork by picking it up from they first level (which is a glitch, but currently only known way to add his weapon to the blacksmith).
原帖由 gokeeper 于 2008-8-29 09:55 发表 我也用红毛,昨天晚上打了会lv15了,喷粪前进的鹿绝赞