Why is the PlayStation 3 more expensive in the UK than it is in the rest of Europe? Well the first thing that is important is that I want the price to be as low as possible, because the lower the price the more we sell – we're a software model. If you take the product at the factory gates there are slight variations to price if you're putting out a single sku product, but it's very, very small. But then the differences start to accumulate. If you've got different shipping costs and import duties that makes variation in price. And that's just getting it into a country. Then you have a look at the economic and financial situation in each and every territory. That's where the differences start to vary massively. If you take what's considered to be the most expensive and the least expensive – consider the US with its massive land and cheap people. Then you look at the UK – a little island where rent and rates are at an absolute premium, and the cost of people is a lot more. The cost of retail is vastly more in the UK than it is in the US and that's before you even stop to consider the US doesn't have VAT at RRP, they put a small amount on afterwards. Whereas, we get stung by 17.5 per cent. And pity the poor Irish and places like Sweden.
原帖由 wpxgod 于 2007-3-26 19:52 发表 简单翻译一下吧 看不懂啊
原帖由 sunykoss 于 2007-3-26 20:02 发表 最贵的好像不是英国吧。。。:D
原帖由 藕是张力 于 2007-3-26 22:58 发表 这个问题应该怎么回答 为什么几乎所有的电子产品在欧洲卖得更贵?应该怎么回答
原帖由 dogsoldier 于 2007-3-26 22:27 发表 大家看看A9来了个装B的 People who translate this is unbelievably retarded and stupid who ingnore the context and doesn't even grab a single word in this interview. Learn some english before you ...