The adventure begins with a new Prince of Persia, a wanderer, a vagabond, returning home from an adventure on a donkey laden with treasure, which he earned on his previous venture. He desires to spend his treasure on many luxuries, including women and liquor. But suddenly, he is caught in a fierce sandstorm. When the sandstorm subsides, he finds himself in a mythical garden of beauty, dominated at its center by a massive Tree of Life. The Prince and a girl, Elika, find each other in the same predicament and decide to help each other. Together, they venture to the center of this grand oasis. When they arrive at the center, they witness the destruction of the tree, and the liberation of Ahriman, the ancient god of darkness. After being set free, Ahriman starts corrupting the lands with darkness and evil. The Prince, with the aid of Elika and her new found powers, take up arms against Ahriman's corruption, in an attempt to drive it back and cleanse the world.
原帖由 xindd 于 2008-11-24 09:57 发表 不是2月发售么?
原帖由 tristan_cp 于 2008-11-24 22:50 发表 想知道放出的PV的背景音乐。。。。
原帖由 上海狗狗 于 2008-11-27 15:21 发表 12月前买新机
原帖由 上海狗狗 于 2008-11-27 15:39 发表 双65什么时候出? 要不这台我去修修再挺两天?
原帖由 eva3d 于 2008-12-9 10:38 发表 对白你们玩到猴子和公主猜谜语了吗? 太无厘头了.......