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软饭口中的神作,画面,操作感全面秒杀GT5的超级赛车游戏Forza Motorsport 2!!!!

Forza Motorsport 2 Review
by Hilary Goldstein
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As I said, Forza 2 is about the cars. And along with creating a racing beast with upgrades (and the ability to swap powertrains), you can also create your own, unique skins. In the original Forza, gamers had a few hundred layers to create inspired works of art. In Forza 2, they have several thousand. The improved decal options enable gamers to create any look they want for almost any car they own. Cars can be gifted with a skin so that you can create an impromptu racing clan, all with an identical look. I just wish Turn 10 had the same level of artistic inspiration shown by the thousands of gamers who visually pimp out their cars.

Forza 2 has some incredible community support tools. Chief among these is the new Auction House. Here you can put any of your cars up for auction. You can even lock down the skins, forcing a buyer to use your chosen look. Deck out a car and put your personal stamp on the hood. Sell the car with a locked skin to ensure that everyone knows who's responsible for its look. The Auction House, along with all of the community elements, is easy to use and adds some much-needed personality to an otherwise charmless package.

Closing Comments
So Forza 2 has brilliant physics, great customization options, and solid online play. So why isn't it earning greater esteem from IGN? As I said early on, a racing game is about more than just the cars. Much like its predecessor, Forza 2 lacks soul. The only personality you'll find in Forza 2 are the custom skins created by fans. While it's certainly an enjoyable and well-made game, it just doesn't have the spark of energy and excitement found in almost every other racer.

Cars are supposed to be sexy, but they aren't sexy in Forza 2. Sure, they are accurately recreated and have spot-on physics, but Forza 2 is the Ed Asner of racers. It's talented, but you wouldn't want to take it to bed.

Another Take
from Erik Brudvig
It doesn’t get much more hardcore than Forza 2. The car physics are fantastic, the amount of customization you can do on a car is unheard of, and the community features are some of the best around. Car lovers finally have something worth diving into on Xbox 360.

But what about the rest of us? You know, the segment of the population that just wants a fun game and doesn’t really care about the fancy telemetry data that you can pull up mid-race to see exactly how your car is handling. Given that I don’t even own a car, I’d probably be the polar opposite of the demographic Microsoft is targeting with Forza 2. Even for me, there’s a certain draw here that keeps bringing me back for more. Perhaps it’s the level of polish on the racing mechanics. Or maybe it’s the great tools for pimping out your ride and then showing it off. Whatever it is, Forza 2 just feels like it is put together well enough that it’s worth playing despite my lack of interest in cars.

There is one major area that Forza 2 falls short, and it falls well short of what would be ideal. To put it bluntly, the game is bland. Racing cars should be exciting but somehow Forza 2 isn't. The environments aren’t flashy (and there aren’t many of them either), the sense of speed isn’t quite there, and once your car is fast there isn’t any AI racer that can keep up with you even if you stink at driving. And I stink at driving.

Forza 2 is a great game and worth a look. It just isn't very exciting.
IGN Ratings for Forza Motorsport 2 (X360)
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7.0         Presentation
The single-player mode could use some polish as could the interface and just about every area outside of the racing elements.
7.0         Graphics
不厚道的翻译一下, 跟另外一帖某些人的锯齿论联动一下

翻译: 锯齿! 锯齿! 好多锯齿!!!!!!!!...
Jaggies, jaggies, and more jaggies . At times, it appears this is LEGO Forza Motorsport 2. The drab colors and weak art design don't help. 60fps is welcome, though.
8.0         Sound
There are some great variants in engine sounds, but it's nothing beyond what we've come to expect from racers. Some of the ambient noise is a little buggy.
9.0         Gameplay
The car physics are just about perfect. The gameplay, however, feels a bit soulless and at times gets a little redundant.
9.5         Lasting Appeal
There's a lot to do here, with an enormous single-player game and some decent multiplayer options. If you love, you'll love it for a long, long time.
Great         OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)         See All Award Recipients

[ 本帖最后由 猫猫猫 于 2007-5-30 15:04 编辑 ]


方向盘??    PS2几年前就有方向盘鸟


