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GTA4制作公司说:ps3好过xbox360 五倍

The Xbox 360's lack of a guaranteed harddrive is creating limitations for the Rockstar team developing Grand Theft Auto IV for the Xbox 360, Rockstar Veep Dan Houser said in a recent interview with Official Playstation Magazine.

In the interview Houser was asked:

"On PS3 you've got a guarantee that every machine is going to have a hard-drive and, with Blu-ray, you've got plenty of storage, whereas on Xbox 360 there's no guarantee of a hard-drive and you're working with the DVD format. Does that create limitations?" To which he replied, "Yep."
He continued, "To be honest with you we haven't solved all those riddles yet." The difficulties aren't limited to working on Microsoft's box, as Houser explains that "both have enormous challenges" and that "both have their own particular pleasures and pains".

I sure hope this doesn't mean that Rockstar would handicap the 360 version of the game. Personally, I'd rather they just say the harddrive is required. Brian Crecente

Xbox 360 is limiting GTA IV, says Rockstar [CVG]
还有这句关键啊...The difficulties aren't limited to working on Microsoft's box, as Houser explains that "both have enormous challenges" and that "both have their own particular pleasures and pains".:D

