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tgs以后game pro对Phil Harrison 的访谈,其中有一个问题:
GP: What does Sony have, as a company, that Microsoft doesn’t?

PH: You know, we have had….I’m going to answer your question! But we’ve had a couple of accusations of sounding arrogant. So I’ve been very careful about answering that question.

One of the things that we do have, and we would never rely upon it, but we do have 200 million plus PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 sales worldwide. And that gives us a very loyal fan base, who we could never upset and never take advantage of, but it gives us some fans who love what we do, and push us really hard to do the best that we can do. And they have been pushing us. I read the forums, and the newsgroups — possibly some of the same ones that you read. And we’ve had some justifiable criticisms, and I won’t try to defend that.
由于ps/ps2的连续胜利,谁都不知道psx的核心用户群有多少?10% or 20%,相信年末商战可以给出一个很好的答案。。。

