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GDC'07|索尼全球工作室总裁Phil Harrison主旨演讲Game 3.0直播贴![完|补图、视频]



At 18.30 GMT (10.30 PST), Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison will be taking the stage at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco to deliver his long-awaited keynote - the first time that Sony has set out its stall in public since the US and Japanese launches of the PS3 late last year.

Harrison's speech, entitled Game 3.0: Developing and Creating for the 3rd Age of Video Games, will purportedly define the term Game 3.0 and show how Sony Worldwide Studio will "demonstrate some exclusive insights into its development of products and services that will help define future growth in the video game market."

We're expecting to hear plenty from Phil about the company's online plans, and we've been promised some brand new games to look at as well as a demonstration of the future of the PS3's network service. Will it be enough to silence Sony's vocal critics? Only time will tell - but for now, roll up, ladies and gents, the keynote circus is back in town and tonight's performance should be a good 'un.

今年GDC上Phil Harrison的主旨演讲名为《游戏3.0:开发与创造点子游戏的第三纪元》,用“Game 3.0”这个全新术语来展现Sony全球工作室的全新成果,“展示一些索尼开发、产品与服务的独到之处,以有助于奠定电玩业界未来的增长”。


■ 直播开始

02:32.52 -
Hello readers! We're just waiting for the GDC team to come online. They shouldn't be long!

02:37.19 -
Hello everyone. It's all getting ready to go. Sit back, grab some popcorn, and don't touch F5.

02:47.20 -
Here's big Phil!

02:48.10 -
Title of the speech today is Game 3.0, he says.
今天我们讲《Game 3.0》,他说。

02:50.25 -
He's talking about Web 2.0. Do you know how many times we've heard that this week?

他开始讲Web 2.0了……你可知我们这个礼拜听到这个词几次了?

02:51.53 -
He's slowly moving onto Game 3.0...

他慢慢爬到 Game 3.0身上了~~

02:53.01 -
PS3 Home announced. An avatar-based network for PlayStation 3.

PS3 Home公布。一个虚拟形象的PS3网络服务。

02:55.58 -
Whoopsie. There's some presentation glitches, but big Phil's made a sterling recovery.


02:59.20 -
"Home is a 3D community". He's showing character customisation. Talking to another user he typed "ho" instead of "hi".


02:59.30 -
He's showing off the World Map. "We've talked about the public spaces, let's talk about the private spaces"


02:59.44 -
Everyone has their own apartment - you can customise it to your heart's content.


02:59.55 -
The first thing you can do is change the wallpaper. It's all about "tricking out" your apartment. Harrison's using the example of Resistance wallpaper.


03:00.13 -
There's all sorts of furniture you can have, like a chair. You can put it wherever you like and it's physics based, so you can pile all your furniture in the corner if you like.


03:00.54 -
You can take any content that's yours on your PS3 hard disk drive and use it in your apartment. For example, Harrison's putting a big picture frame on his wall showing a photo from his hard drive.


03:01.58 -
He's going to "customise the experience" with some user generated content.


03:02.01 -
Harrison's taking a photo of the audience!


03:03.39 -
There's a nice patio where some of Phil's chums are having a party. His avatar is dancing. Embarassingly.


03:04.38 -
He's throwing a bravia TV down the stairs. It hasn't broken. "Just like in the real world, in the virtual world Sony technology is still reliable."


03:04.47 -
We're in a movie theatre now.


03:05.11 -
You can get the content you want to watch when you want to watch it. We're seeing a Spider-Man 3 trailer.


03:06.09 -
You can have specific TV shows and movies that you can access by walking through virtual doors. You can chat with your friends about the trailers you've seen - "It's a great way of building community."


03:06.24 -
It's not just about Sony brands or games, though. We're looking at a map now, with icons like SEGA, THQ, Ubisoft.


03:06.33 -
In the future, you might see the logo of a shop, a coffee company, a magazine.


03:07.30 -
Now we're in some kind of virtual room - it's all neon and shiny. There's a series of doors which you can walk through to see different games.


03:08.02 -
There are sub rooms where you can check out mini-games - there's a driving range and a three-point basketball room.

房间里还有房间,能看到小游戏——有个driving range?和三对三篮球房间。

03:08.06 -
You navigate between the World Map with a virtual PSP.


03:08.52 -
Now it's time for the Hall of Fame, "A place where you can customise your physical environment to represent the trophies you've won in PS3 games."


03:09.16 -
You can invite friends into your Hall of Fame so they can see your trophies and admire your MAD SKILLZ.


03:09.22 -
(He didn't actually say MAD SKILLZ.)


03:09.30 -
They're not boring old silver cups - they're 3D things like statues of game characters.


03:09.57 -
You can also bring up old trophies that perhaps you don't want to display in your Hall of Fame.


03:10.17 -
"But it's not just about the games you own" - it's about the entire network, and being able to see the trophies other people have won.


03:11.45 -
It's a giant room with billions of trophies in! It's just like the Star Wars senate!


03:11.50 -
That's the Home bit over, then. What's next?


03:11.54 -
Oh, he's summarising...


03:12.01 -
"It's a unique real-time 3D community". Avatar based, free to download, free to use and launched directly through the XMB. There are public and private spaces for every user.


03:12.08 -
In The Future, you'll be able to have more sophisticated clothing and Pets!


03:12.36 -
It's an easy platform to create, for both game and non-game brands.


03:12.46 -
The beta starts in April, and it's all launching in autumn 2007. Now it really is the end of the Home bit.


03:13.00 -
Time for Singstar. It's sold 7 million units on PS2 and delivered over 200 million songs, don't you know. They're expanding it for PS3, obviously. Harrison won't be singing.


03:13.23 -
Time for a trip to the SingStore. Avril Lavigne. Ugh.

然后是下载歌曲的SingStore。嗯,那个唱“he was a boy,she was a girl”的摇滚小魔女 Avril

03:13.49 -
Belinda Carlisle! A-Ha! It's 1992!

呃,1992年老菜皮女人 Belinda Carlisle

03:14.17 -
In the My Media Gallery, you can share your performances with others. You film them with an EyeToy or web camera.


03:18.29 -
[Internet problems abound, we'll be right back.]

03:22.23 -
[Perhaps Harrison has taken Ellie hostage...]

03:23.21 -
Media Molecule are now on stage. Ex-Lionhead man Chris Healy is showing off LittleBigPlanet.

嗯,Media Molecule在台上。前狮子头工作室成员 Chris Healy正在演示“小小大星球”。

03:26.37 -
He's dropping objects into the backyard environment. Dossing about with things like giant oranges and wooden blocks. He's creating.


03:27.12 -
LittleBigPlanet looks great. There are four characters pulling each other around the world. It's co-operative but also competitive.


03:30.48 -
[Whirr, click. Internet cranks back into gear]

03:31.16 -
We're in a darker area now, but lights shaped like stars are hanging down from the ceiling. The characters are hanging on to them and using them to ride around the screen.


03:31.52 -
One of the characters is wearing a Red Indian headdress, another some kind of space suit... It's all very cute.


03:33.16 -
They've make their own physics-based platform game in LittleBigPlanet, and users will be able to do the same.


03:33.42 -
Harrison's having a go now, and now Mark's going to show us what you can do with one of the game's giant oranges.


03:33.59 -
The crowd are going absolutely bananas.


03:34.35 -
They've just done the grand finale - the four characters zooming down a hill on a giant skateboard. Huge round of applause. Crowd still going absolutely bonkers.


03:35.10 -
It doesn't end there. Users can share their content with other PS3 Home users.

还没完,玩家可以把这些内容和其他PS3 Home用户分享。

03:35.52 -
There's a short film now, hinting at all the things you can do online with LittleBigPlanet - like see the highest rated games, post comments, send messages.


03:36.49 -
The LBP demo is over and the Media Molecule guys are leaving the stage. The game is out later this year on the Network and on Blu-Ray early next year.

《小小大星球》演示结束。Media Molecule等人离开舞台。游戏将会在07年末网络上发售,明年早些时候发售蓝光版。

03:37.14 -
Time for Phil's serious bit - "it's going to be a very exciting journey" for PS3. And that's it!


Little Big Planet《小小大世界》截图〔点击放大!〕


LBP 演示视频    http://gamevideos.com/video/id/9841

PS Home 演示视频    http://gamevideos.com/video/id/9849


PlayStation Home 中文名: PS宅

[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-3-8 12:33 编辑 ]



先转个搞笑的Readers' comments~~

This just in! My Cousins best friends sister who is a lesbian that had it with some bar tenders girlfriend who said she thought she heard some guy that goes to her dental surgery say that his brothers brother ie: himself, knows a man who knows a few men, none of which know the man he is talking about but thought he' mention it anyway but this other guy who works in the Sony Tuck shop said he heard phil harrison saying whilst getting shafted by Mr Kuturagi behind the bike shed that the PS3 would roll in at £299 for the 60Gb model with 100% backward compatability and ability to play all previous consoles before it software and allow players to play against X360 users even though they werent playing the same games. It must be true because this person is like a real reliable person like, er yeahr.


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原帖由 naughtyben 于 2007-3-8 03:30 发表

算是MATRIX 前身嗎?
分明是对 The Sims 的彻底摹仿……



原帖由 xiaoyang 于 2007-3-8 03:15 发表




[quote]原帖由 RacingPHT 于 2007-3-8 09:37 发表


没错,我最大的误译是把“PlayStation Home”翻译成“PS之家”


PlayStation Home 中文名: PS宅


