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PlayStation 3’s Record UK 165,000 Sales
Astonishing sales figures for PS3
26 Mar 2007
Link to this: http://news.spong.com/article/12152

Official figures for the UK launch of the PlayStation 3 are, frankly, astonishing with the PS3 selling 165,000 units since launch on Friday 23rd adding up to £70,125,000 worth in cash. And there are still 35,000 PS3s in the shops.

The figures, confirmed to us by Chart-Track (and also reported in industry bible, MCV) indicate a launch that apparently hits other console launches out of the park - and will astonish the entire industry - and here’s why:

Nintendo Wii = 105,000.
Xbox 360 = 70,000 in December 2005.

In fact, the only gaming platform that comes close is Sony’s own PSP which sold 185,000 in its first weekend.

A quick piece of back-of-a-fag packet maths tells us that with the addition of software and accessories (this is not official!) the following figure (with rounded-up unit prices) becomes reasonable:
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PS3 + 2 x first-party titles (£40.00) + 2 x third-party titles (£50) x 165K (£425) = £99,825,000 (an average of £605 per unit sold). Please bear in mind that this is indeed only one possible scenario. We await the official software figures with genuine excitement.

This is just under Sony UK managing director, Ray Maguire’s, prediction of a £100-million weekend. To get to that £100-million Sony would require games and accessories to an average of £181.06p to be attached to each PS3 sold.

That said, the figure of 165,000 PS3s sold is far above the expectations of the gaming media.

You can almost hear the sighs of relief from Sony!

It has to be said that this figure does strike us as being huge, massive, enormous and somewhat unfathomable given the general low-key launch. The figures for software are now of primary importance in providing context.







