原文 Ubisoft has revealed some of the problems it is facing to make Assassin's Creed as good on the PlayStation 3 as it is on the Xbox 360. Patrice Desilets, the creative director of Assassin's Creed, revealed that with the Xbox 360 version the problem is the storage medium. Desilets told Pro-G in an interview that one of the biggest challenges the team is currently facing with the Xbox 360 version of the game is fitting everything into a DVD-9 disc; something that is not a problem with the Blu-ray Disc format used by the PlayStation 3. However, the PlayStation 3 version of Assassin's Creed is experiencing different issues because of the platform's memory architecture, which-- contrary to the Xbox 360, is not unified but split into 256 MB of main memory and 256 MB of video memory. Desilets added: "Both have their own challenges. Right now we have a big challenge on the 360 to make it fit on a DVD, to put five languages, to put all the data on eight gigs. On the Blu-ray side we're really good, but then the memory is quite different. How we handle memory is really different between the two machines and we're struggling right now on the PS3. But we have people who are really dedicated and we're having help from Microsoft on one side and Sony on the other side to have the same quality on both systems. It really depends on the week basically as to who's best."
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原帖由 马甲007号 于 2007-10-13 18:29 发表 ps3可以通过减少in-game XMB功能来获得更多内存
原帖由 小水 于 2007-10-14 08:16 发表 内存分配灵活的代价是性能低下,微软只能通过超频来提高统一架构的性能,恶性超频的结果就是众所周知的三红,微软妄图超越时代,妄图超越技术发展的客观规律,终于搬起石头砸了自己的脚。
原帖由 zhangjingy 于 2007-10-14 12:49 发表 那肯定,为了牵就XO版本想办法给PS3缩点水啊,要不差距太大,RF都不高兴了。