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[新闻] GameSpot编辑基情大叛逃继续中,Ryan Davis也走了……

Gamespot exodus continues: Ryan Davis to leave
by Kyle Orland Feb 4th 2008 3:55PM

Joystiq has confirmed with new Gamespot editor-in-chief Ricardo Torres that longtime staffer Ryan Davis has given notice that he intends to leave the site. While we haven't been able to get in touch with Davis directly, a source close to Davis inside Gamespot told us, on condition of anonymity, that the controversial firing of editorial director Jeff Gerstmann was the catalyst behind the decision. The planned departure follows similar decisions by freelancer Frank Provo and staffer Alex Navarro in the wake of the scandal.

In a Dec. 1 blog post, Davis spoke of his close relationship with Gerstmann since before he started writing for Gamespot in 2000. "Jeff Gerstmann has been a significant figure in both my personal and professional life for a long, long time," he wrote. "By my recollection, we were fairly fast friends, though I was also kind of pushy about it." The pair played together as part of alternative rap group Suburban All-Stars.

Gamespot新任主编Ricardo Torres向JoyStiq确认,又一位GS资深编辑 Ryan Davis 即将离职。目前无法联系到Davis本人,但这一消息显然是之前 “姐夫”出走事件之后一连串编辑离任事件的延续。在Jeff Gerstmann离开Gamespot之后,自由撰稿人 Frank Provo 和GS编辑 Alex Navarro相继做出了不再与GS合作和续约的决定。

常看On the Spot的观众对Davis应该有印象,这个胖子是比Jeff还胖的胖子……在一篇去年12月1日(即Jeff闹出“评分门”事件的时候)的博客文章里,Davis透露了他和姐夫非同一般的亲密关系,他本人在2000年开始为Gamespot供稿之前就已经结识了姐夫。他写到:“很久以来,Jeff Gerstmann对我个人生活和职业生涯来说都是非常重要的人物。”


Ryan Davis 在其个人博客上发表文章确认了此事。
In a move that, I have to imagine, surprises no one, it has come out officially that I’ll be resigning from GameSpot (Joystiq gets the link for using my favorite picture.) While I’m confident in the Internet’s ability to distill this into screaming hyperbole about “moneyhats”, I assure you that my departure is a little more complicated than that. I will say that Jeff’s termination was certainly a catalyst. It shook my faith in the people running GameSpot, something I haven’t recovered from.
I’m 28 years old, and GameSpot has been an important part of my personal and professional life for nearly eight years–this isn’t just where I go to work, it’s where my friends are, it’s where I funnel much of my humor and creativity. It’s time for me to go, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss it. Unless something dramatic happens (which, at this point, wouldn’t surprise me) my last day at GameSpot will be February 14th. Happy Valentimes!
[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2008-2-5 07:17 编辑 ]


顺便一说,Jeff 的 Gamertag 依然是 Gamespotting


原帖由 jump 于 2008-2-5 06:36 发表
“很久以来,Jeff Gerstmann对我个人生活和职业生涯来说都是非常重要的人物。”

这对老相好……在姐夫的Blog上 Ryan 的Blog链接排第一个,链接注释是: The world's worst blog/T-shirt shop :D

