In a move that, I have to imagine, surprises no one, it has come out officially that I’ll be resigning from GameSpot (Joystiq gets the link for using my favorite picture.) While I’m confident in the Internet’s ability to distill this into screaming hyperbole about “moneyhats”, I assure you that my departure is a little more complicated than that. I will say that Jeff’s termination was certainly a catalyst. It shook my faith in the people running GameSpot, something I haven’t recovered from. …… I’m 28 years old, and GameSpot has been an important part of my personal and professional life for nearly eight years–this isn’t just where I go to work, it’s where my friends are, it’s where I funnel much of my humor and creativity. It’s time for me to go, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss it. Unless something dramatic happens (which, at this point, wouldn’t surprise me) my last day at GameSpot will be February 14th. Happy Valentimes!
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原帖由 jump 于 2008-2-5 06:36 发表 “很久以来,Jeff Gerstmann对我个人生活和职业生涯来说都是非常重要的人物。” 这算是表白了吧