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欢迎跨入未来——Peter Moore就Windows Vista发售致全球玩家的公开信

Peter Moore: Welcome to Windows Vista
欢迎跨入未来——Peter Moore就Windows Vista发售致全球玩家的公开信

translated by: 叉包饭斯DKCK  (Daniel.CK[at]gmail.com)


还有不到一周,我们就将向全球消费者揭开面纱,完成微软在游戏技术领域有史以来的最大跨越:Windows Vista。


不像以前的任何一款操作系统,我们正把Windows Vsita打造成真正的游戏平台。为了实现这一目标,我们掀起了异常声势浩大的宣传,推广 Games for Windows (视窗专用游戏)品牌;同时还推出了一大批来自Microsoft Game Studios(微软游戏工作室)和世界顶尖游戏开发商的震撼大作。我们也投入重金,确保在零售店头Games for Windows游戏包装以更为统一的视觉形象出现,从而创立一个全新的软件分类,方便消费者的选购。

当初我们把游戏技术团队从Windows部门独立出来,组建为全新的“互动娱乐组”(Interactive Entertainment Group)时,我们就已经吹响了PC游戏文艺复兴的号角,埋下了两颗种子:Windows Vista的发布和重新激活平台的承诺。

今天,我无比自豪得目睹这场文艺复兴终于姹紫嫣红开遍!富于乐趣的全新游戏体验已经成为推动用户升级到Windows Vista的主要驱动力。今天晚些时候,我们将在纽约和旧金山向受邀媒体和开发者群体进行深入的演示,说明这一切对玩家——无论是铁杆还是菜鸟——意味着什么。以下就是他们将看到的主要内容:


随着 Windows Vista 的发售一起到来的就是下一代图形技术: DirectX 10。

从底层脱胎换骨构建起来的 DirectX 10 全面革新了其性能、图像品质,和开发易用性。许多出类拔萃的游戏设计师都早就在为DirectX 10而度身定做游戏。自从去年11月以 Nvidia 的 GeForce8800 为代表的全面支持DirectX 10的显卡发布以来,有能力支持DirectX 10游戏的PC主机就已经遍地开花了。


只有 Windows Vista 能提供这番体验——这些众所周知的游戏有《孤岛危机》Crysis(Crytek/EA Partners)、《蛮王柯南时代:西伯利亚大冒险》Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Funcom/Eidos)、《最高指挥官》Supreme Commander (Gas Powered Games/THQ),还有年末我们微软自家的《微软模拟飞行X》Flight Simulator X 的最新版本,这些游戏都将成为消费者尽快步入Windows Vista平台的关键因素。


Windows Vista 还将提供的一大特性就是集中化的游戏体验。

从开始菜单,Windows Vista 就让每个用户更容易找到自己心爱的游戏。再也不用在电脑的图标和文件夹中苦苦寻找——Vista Games Explorer(游戏浏览器)全面呵护你的游戏并集中管理,这里可以集中安装你最喜爱的游戏、完成上线访问。Windows Vista 还默认支持 Xbox 360 (有线)控制器,并通过 Wireless Receiver for Windows(Windows用360无线外设接收器)来支持一切 Xbox 360 的外设。你还能直接决定要怎么进行游戏。*


Windows Vista 还内置了家长内容控制系统。就像Vista中家长可以选择孩子的网络访问权限一样,他们能访问哪些程序、能访问几次都可以由父母说了算,当然也包括哪些游戏孩子们可以玩、可以怎么玩。微软通过全球各个主要游戏内容评级系统的合作,使得家长既有必要的知识也有必要的能力来决定孩子们能玩到何种内容分级的游戏。

本月早些时候在 CES 上我们已经全面展示了你如何控制自己的游戏体验,更展示了如何把 Xbox Live 推广到 Windows 平台。我们称之(Xbox 和 Windows共享的Live网络)为“大写的LIVE”,这网络绝对是名副其实的“大”。现在 Xbox 系主机和 Windows 平台的玩家可以共用同一个帐号、同一个玩家列表,同一种在线(对战)体验,任由玩家在两个平台间往返驰骋。今年我们将启动第一波 LIVE 游戏大潮。首批有Uno、《暗影狂奔》Shadowrun 和 《光晕 2》Halo 2。而这还仅仅是个开始……

Windows Vista 打开了许多扇门,让越来越多的人们一起来游戏,尤其是休闲游戏玩家。目前微软的休闲游戏娱乐每月都达到1亿2千万人次,到2008年休闲游戏的年收入预计达到15亿美元。为了满足这一极速增长的需要,Microsoft Casual Games(微软休闲游戏组)将在2007年内在 MSN Games 网站上推出 Windows Vista 专用的八款游戏新作,包括 Luxor 2, Bliss Island, Crystal Quest, Spinword, Jewel Quest 2, 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, Darwinia, 还有 Xbox Live Arcade 上最为火爆的《几何战争》Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved。


历史上第一次,我们从品牌概念的确立之初,就决定把 Games for Windows 品牌打造成市场上真正的游戏平台。

Games for Windows 品牌代表了高品质的游戏体验,更方便、更安全、更好玩。我们竖立了PC游戏的新标准,积极与世界最顶尖的发行商合作,共同把最火爆的新游戏以 Games for Windows 的名牌引介到Windows平台。这些业界大发行商包括:Atari, LucasArts, Midway, Turbine Inc., 2K Games, THQ, Vivendi Universal,当然还有,Microsoft Game Studios。

在零售环节,我们决定一扫 PC 游戏灰头土脸的过去,为他们打开应得的闪光灯*。[*叉包注:美国主流的软件零售店里,电视游戏有统一的包装、各主机专门单列的货架、试玩台,整齐划一,气势汹汹;而PC游戏在店头展示上则各自为阵、散兵游勇] 所有的 Games for Windows 作品都会有统一的包装和广告,并有顶级大作的试玩台,我们的这一市场营销和品牌推广战略将首先在美国本土展开,已经与微软合作的零售巨头有 Circuit City, CompUSA, GameStop 和 Walmart。未来数年,我们还将不断增加合作门店,尤其是在全球范围内的推广。实际上我们已经在欧洲与 PC World 和 Virgin 展开合作了。


这一切激动人心的新特性都将伴随 Windows Vista 的发售到来,更重要的是记住2007年只是 Games for Windows 的开局之年。

由 Games for Windows 和 Windows Vista 共同开启的 PC 游戏的文艺复兴还刚开始,随着更多专为 Windows Vista 设计的笔记本电脑、台式机和其他配件产品的热销,我们坚信会看到更多大作、更多创新,更有趣的前所未有的游戏体验。


任何一位在把 Games for Windows 和 Windows Vista 推向消费者过程中帮忙的人,哪怕是贡献了最小帮助的人,我都致以本人最诚挚的感谢和钦佩之情。在这个伟大的事业中,我和你一起创造了最普及、最具历史意义的游戏平台,并赋予了它生命,让伟大的游戏创新能在未来继续在Windows平台上生生不息。




Mark your calendars: January 30th 2007 will be the most significant day in gaming for the next several years.

In just one week, we’ll release to consumers the largest and most significant advance in gaming technology Microsoft has ever made: Windows Vista.

For the first time in Microsoft’s history, we’re releasing an operating system built from the ground up with gaming as a core scenario.  With a worldwide presence of over 200 million gamers of all stripes, we’re taking the world’s most popular gaming platform and making it easier, safer, and more fun for everyone, while delivering new technologies that will deliver the most powerful, most immersive, most innovative gaming experiences to the Windows platform.

Unlike any OS before, we’re driving Windows Vista as a true gaming platform, complete with a broad  marketing campaign that introduces the Games for Windows brand, complemented by ground-breaking branded titles from Microsoft Game Studios as well as from many of the world’s leading game developers. We are also investing in a more consistent brand presence at retail that will create a true category that will easy for the consumer to discover and navigate.

When we merged the gaming team from Windows into the Interactive Entertainment Group, we did so to kick off a renaissance in PC gaming, fueled by two factors: the release of Windows Vista and a revitalized commitment to the platform.

Now, I couldn’t be more proud to see this renaissance come to life, with fun, new experiences that are establishing gaming as a top driver for Windows Vista adoption. Later today in New York and San Francisco we’ll give select press and community members the most in-depth look to date at what this means for all gamers, casual and hardcore alike.  Here’s what they’ll see:

Under the Hood

Included with Windows Vista at launch is the availability of the next generation of graphics technology: DirectX 10.

Rebuilt from the ground up, DirectX 10 vastly improves performance, graphic fidelity, and ease of development.  Many of the top game designers are already optimizing games for DirectX 10, and with the launch last November of the first DirectX 10 capable cards with Nvidia’s GeForce8800, PCs are shipping today capable of DirectX 10 gaming right out of the box.

These technologies will allow the most cutting-edge games to be within the reach of more consumers than ever before.

Only Windows Vista can deliver this experience, and with spectacular games like Crysis by Crytek and EA Partners, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Funcom/Eidos), Supreme Commander (Gas Powered Games/THQ) and an update to our own Flight Simulator X later this year, this experience will be a key reason for consumers to get Windows Vista as soon as possible.

Easier, Safer, More Connected, Fun for Everyone

One of the most remarkable features of Windows Vista is how central gaming is to the entire experience.

Right from the start menu, Windows Vista makes it easier for everyone to find and play games.  No more searching for icons and files scattered around your computer – Vista Games Explorer  takes all your games and puts them in one place, every time you install, complete with access to community and online components for your favorite games.  With Windows Vista’s native support for Xbox 360 controllers and the ability to go wireless with the Wireless Receiver for Windows, you also have the ability to decide how you want to play your games.

Gaming on Windows Vista puts parents in control.  Just like Windows Vista gives parents the choice of what their children can access on the web, what programs they can use and what times they can use the computer, Windows Vista lets parents control what games their children can play, and when they can play them, through a simple set of family controls.  Combined with support for every major game content rating system worldwide, parents will have both the knowledge and the ability to decide for themselves the level of access their children can have.

The ability to control your own gaming experiences was on full display at CES earlier this month, where we showed how we’re bringing the Xbox Live experience to Windows.  We’re calling it LIVE, and it’s as simple as its name.  Now, gamers on both Xbox and Windows will have one identity, one friends list, and one consistent set of experiences that will travel with them across both platforms.  This year will produce a powerful first wave of LIVE-enabled games, starting with Uno, Shadowrun and Halo 2.  And that’s just the beginning…

Windows Vista opens doors for more and more people to get into gaming, especially for casual gamers.  Right now Microsoft casual games reach 120 million people every month, and by 2008 the annual revenue for casual games is expected to reach $1.5 billion.  To meet this rapidly rising demand, Microsoft Casual Games will roll out eight Windows Vista-optimized titles in 2007 on the MSN Games website, including Luxor 2, Bliss Island, Crystal Quest, Spinword, Jewel Quest 2, 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, Darwinia, and the runaway Xbox Live Arcade hit Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved.

Marketing the Platform

For the first time in history, we’re marketing Games for Windows as a true gaming platform, starting with redefining the brand.

The Games for Windows brand stands for a quality gaming experience, that’s easier, safer and more fun to play.  We’re setting a new standard for gaming on the PC, with the best publishers in the world incorporating the Games for Windows brand into the hottest new games on the Windows platform, including Atari, LucasArts, Midway, Turbine Inc., 2K Games, THQ, Vivendi Universal, and of course, Microsoft Game Studios.

At retail, we’re taking PC games out of the shadows and giving them the spotlight they deserve.  All Games for Windows titles will have consistent packaging and advertising, with playable kiosks for the biggest titles, as our new branding and merchandising campaign rolls out across the US at retail outlets including Circuit City, CompUSA, GameStop and Walmart.  In years to come we’ll add more, especially worldwide, where we’ve already started with PC World and Virgin in Europe.

The Future Looks Bright

With all the excitement surrounding the launch of Windows Vista, it’s important to remember that 2007 is just the beginning for Games for Windows.

With a PC gaming renaissance touched off by Games for Windows and Windows Vista, and the release of more Windows Vista-optimized laptops, desktops and accessories, we’ll see more powerful, more innovative, and more fun gaming experiences than ever before.

We’ll see revenues from the PC gaming market grow more than ever before, as more people find it easier to get into casual and cutting-edge games alike.  It’s our mission to meet this growth with a platform that’s as simple and safe as it is filled with potential and new gaming experiences.  

For everyone who’s had even the slightest hand in bringing Games for Windows and Windows Vista to the consumer, you have my deepest appreciation and thanks.  Together you’ve taken the most popular and historic gaming platform ever created and breathed new life into it, allowing great gaming innovations of the future to continue to happen on Windows.

Here’s to a spectacular launch,


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-1-25 06:22 编辑 ]

  • Jonsoncao 发贴积分 +20 广告/SPAM 2007-1-25 11:04






[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-1-25 06:31 编辑 ]
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HALO 2 Vista 5月井喷目指


原帖由 正版万岁 于 2007-4-16 02:08 发表







