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原帖由 Ashley 于 2006-10-23 17:29 发表

原帖由 内酷反川 于 2006-10-23 17:52 发表
(实际上,微软Xbox 360的GUI设计师,也是用户体验设计师在其个人blog上贴过他对PS3 GUI界面的一些“困惑”……有想读的我也可以贴出来……)


Wild Chicken
User Experience lead within Microsoft's Entertainment Experience Group

http://wildchicken.spaces.live.c ... =blogpart#permalink

August 21
PS3 User Interface
There's a video going around showing the PS3 user interface. I think it's a mixed bag. Of course these are simply my opinions and observations based on a short video that's circulating the internets.


    * Feels clean, snappy, and responsive.
    * Icon style makes it feel friendly and approachable.
    * Familiar UI to users of other Sony products that use the same UI model.


    * Looks dated, especially if you consider the XMB GUI was introduced with the PSX that Sony introduced back in 2003.
    * Doesn't look very scalable, especially as you think about filling up that 20GB or 60GB hard drive. Odd considering the XMB was designed for scalability, so maybe I'm just missing something.
    * Text size feels a little small, especially for the majority of users out there without 1080p HDTVs. Potentially unreadable for some folks. However if they expect the vast majority of their users to be HDTV owners, then maybe it's on purpose.
    * Where's the meaty stuff, like friends lists, messages, entitlements, etc.?
    * Doesn't feel like a destination. Very different philosophy compared to the Xbox 360 UI which was designed to be, and has become, a destination. The addition of the Dashboard startup option has proven very popular for our user base.
    * Bland looking, but they did say that it's lacking the personalization/wallpaper that it's supposed to support. Does everyone want themselves to show up on their system as a smiley face?
    * System update button - doesn't this just automatically update itself when connected to the network?
    * Not sure why Sony is deciding to continue using the XMB across products that have different contexts of use, different users, and different functionality and scalability. I can find some rationale behind the choice, but it seems like a lost opportunity.
    * Looks like they went ahead and decided that the Xbox 360 Guide Button was a good idea to bring up in-game system UI. Questionable implementation though - might be difficult to read depending on the what's happening in-game.
    * The commentators on the video are definitely putting as positive a spin on it as they can; seems like they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them since Sony let them release this preview.
    * The information architecture doesn't seem optimized.
    * Doesn't feel as innovative as I would have hoped.

I have a PSP so I'm familiar with the XMB UI model; I'm not in love with that experience either.







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