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GDC 2007 Keynotes

GDC has secured an unprecedented lineup of industry luminaries. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the coming weeks!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

10:30 - 11:30 AM
Shigeru Miyamoto
Senior Managing Director, Nintendo
General Manager, Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development
"A Creative Vision"

Shigeru Miyamoto is perhaps the world’s most recognized video game developer, creator of industry icons like Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Nintendogs.  In addition, he is the behind-the-scenes engine of innovation for many other notable Nintendo breakthroughs.

In his keynote address at the 2007 Game Developers Conference, Shigeru Miyamoto will reveal how a singular creative vision drives his work, not only in terms of his world-renown software, but also in generating key technologies, including the current global phenomena, Nintendo DS and Wii.  And he will challenge the audience to apply his approach in their own distinctive styles.


Shigeru Miyamoto  is a Japanese electronic game designer. He is the creator of the Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Wave Race, and Pikmin video game series for Nintendo game systems.

He is one of the world's most celebrated game designers, and is often called one of the fathers of modern video gaming. His titles are characterized by refined control-mechanics and imaginative worlds in which the players are encouraged to discover things for themselves, as well as basic storylines, which had been almost unheard of before he introduced one of the first, featuring Mario.

Employed by Nintendo (then a Hanafuda manufacturer) as an artist, in 1980 he was given the task of designing one of their first coin-op arcade games. The resulting title Donkey Kong was a huge success and the game's lead character, Jump Man — later renamed Mario — has become Nintendo's mascot. Miyamoto quickly became Nintendo's star producer designing many franchises for the company, most of which are still active and very well-regarded.
In 1998, Miyamoto became the first person to be inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame.

