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卡普空CEOKenzo Tsujimoto 近日接受采访对06年的年终报告的次时代战略进行说明:

Capcom 计划使用一个统一的开放系统,CAPCOM自主开发的新引擎藉以所有游戏的版本建立在同样框架之下,为了削减开发费用, 我们意欲实施多平台战略,便于XB360/PS3游戏的互相移植更方便,一个规范化的引擎可以减少版本之间的差别。

Capcom Will Try to Avoid Exclusives
by Nelson Rodriguez

Capcom president and CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto told investors that the game company wants to trim the corporate fat by staying away from console exclusives.  In an annual report released this week, Tsujimoto pointed to multi-console support as one of the key ways to control constantly rising development costs.

Though profits were up for 92% over the previous year, Tsujimoto explained the next-gen strategy by stating, "In order to curtail development costs, we intend to implement a multi-platform strategy, marketing a single title for a number of different types of game consoles, thereby expanding sales and optimizing our profits."

Capcom also plans to use a unified development system, whereby all versions of a game are built on the same framework.  As Tsujimoto expressed, " by creating a new development engine that can be commonly used by all next-generation consoles, we are confident we can further improve the efficiency of our development."  A standardized engine for all consoles might suggest minimal differences between PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of a game.

This announcement does not prevent either Sony or Microsoft from cutting a side deal that softens the costs of a console exclusive, but it is clear that at least one major developer is wary of the costs of developing exclusive titles.  A publisher's first goal is profit, and they achieve it by getting product into as many homes as possible.

[ 本帖最后由 cangying 于 2006-11-6 19:19 编辑 ]

