NVIDIA GPUs are supported after following this procedure: Only 9xx+ GPUs are supported. Driver 515 beta required + Compiled gamescope from master branch Older GPUs won't be supported until drivers are opensourced OR Until they support atomic KMS, accelerated Xwayland, and Vulkan DMA-BUF extensions, they simply cannot function properly with HoloISO.
原帖由 杜斯坦 于 2022-5-25 12:54 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 我还想装epic怎么办?
原帖由 qazqaz 于 2022-5-25 14:52 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 不是很多游戏不兼容吗?
原帖由 oliga666 于 2022-5-25 18:37 发表 posted by 论坛助手, platform: iPhone 不支持n卡,steam deck为了降低成本用amd的破烂显卡糊弄人挺溜啊