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2009年GDC - PS相關謠言: 汪達與巨像Online, 龍魂騎士新作

今天在Playstation Insider網站上有個國外的網友PO上了以下的PS相關未證消息(據了解該網友是某大遊戲網站的工作人員, 之前也有過透露過不少內部消息):

1. 在3月底會有新的PS3 80GB主機包, 將同捆兩款遊戲, 售價$399美金(不降價). 5月將會有新的40GB PS3 SKU, 售價$299美金.

2. PSP滑動式螢幕版將在今年E3首次登場, 並於明年開始販賣

3. 目前的PSP機種會將降價至$119美金

4. 上田文人(Team ICO製作人)將會在這個禮拜的GDC公佈兩款新遊戲, 其中一款為汪達與巨像Online.

5. PS3的新虹吸戰士 (Syphon Filter) 已進入開發, 並使用殺戮地帶2 (Killzone 2) 引擎

6. Insomniac (全面對抗, 拉捷特工作室) 正在開發全新的動作RPG. 看起來很像塞爾達傳說.

7. 舊世界的遺產4 (Jak 4) 將會登陸PS3.

8. 龍魂騎士 (Legend of Dragoon) 新作正在開發中, 在今年會在日本上市.

以上皆為未證消息.. 不過當然希望都是真的啦


New 80gb PS3 bundled with 2 games will be launched at the end of March.it will cost 399$ (already confirmed).- New 40gb ps3 sku will be launched this May. The cost will be 299$.

- PSP slide will be shown for the first time in this year's E3. The launch is next year.

- The currently available PSP model will get a price cut too. The cost will be 119$.

- Fumito Ueda will be there at GDC '09. He will announce 2 projects. One of them is Shadow of the Colossus Online.

- Syphon Filter is underway to PS3. Apparently the developers are using the same engine behind Killzone2.

- Insomniac is developing a new action platformer RPG. It looks like a Zelda clone.

- Jak 4 is on the way too.

- Daxter 2 will be on ready at the time of PSP slide launch.

- Legend of Dragoon is under development and is to be launched in japan this year.




