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[模拟相关] 求解惑:SS铁甲飞龙是移植过PS2还是PS2能模拟个别SS的游戏了?

原帖由 gamearts0713tw 于 2014-7-3 20:48 发表
最遗憾的无非是更成熟的二代Zwei 居然因为原代码丢失的狗屁原因至今都未能有移植问世
PS2移植PANZER DRAGOON一代费了九牛二虎之力,导致后来XBOX ORTA里移植的PANZER DRAGOON一代是PC版,移植SS版源代码太劳民伤财了。

AZEL RPG被原监督确认是源代码丢失导致无法移植,二代ZWEI没说。
1UP: OK, thank you for sharing that with us. I'm glad to get clarification on this subject, as I want people to know how hard video game development can be. I wish it were possible for people to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, since so few people got to experience it.

YF: I think it would be difficult for Azel to see a port. There are reasons for it, but the specifics should remain secret. We had to squeeze everything out of the Saturn in order to make Saga, so porting it would be very difficult. You know the Sega Ages port of Panzer Dragoon to PS2? We thought it would be easy to just emulate on PS2, but it took a lot longer than we budgeted and it was a huge effort. And in Panzer Dragoon Orta, the port that was unlockable in the game was the PC version, because it was too much work to port the original code. So, I'm I can't say for sure, but it would be very unlikely that Saga is ever ported to another console.

[Futatsugi then told us the politics behind Saga's disappearance, which we can't reveal, but the gist of it has to do with the original code having been lost, making a port -- in case you're wondering -- all but unlikely.]

